2016 Presidential Race

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Buckle up, Buckaroos!
After almost a year of Trump controversies, some of which were stupid, and some not-so-stupid, it appears as though we've got our first *new* stupid Hillary controversy.

Conservative commentators are now saying that Hillary is suffering from seizures, based on some of the rather oddball videos we've seen of her recently. These commentators, who are obviously doctors specializing in neurology, cite the erratic head movements as indicative of brain damage, or something. Furthermore, they point to a guy following Clinton around, who totally isn't a secret service agent, carrying a small black object that you can totally tell is a diazepam dispenser based on grainy, blown-up photos.

I mean, look at this! Could it be any more obvious?

I suppose that if we're going to have dumb Trump controversies (e.g. the small hands thing, narcissism, etc) there has to be at least one stupid Clinton controversy. Is the email thing passe' already?
After almost a year of Trump controversies, some of which were stupid, and some not-so-stupid, it appears as though we've got our first *new* stupid Hillary controversy.

Conservative commentators are now saying that Hillary is suffering from seizures, based on some of the rather oddball videos we've seen of her recently. These commentators, who are obviously doctors specializing in neurology, cite the erratic head movements as indicative of brain damage, or something. Furthermore, they point to a guy following Clinton around, who totally isn't a secret service agent, carrying a small black object that you can totally tell is a diazepam dispenser based on grainy, blown-up photos.

That's a zip gun incase she's out of control. They can pop her with 11 billion cc's of something (because I'm not a med guy) and take her off to a quiet area for recalibrating. The Illuminati don't play, son!

Hillary Clinton, the Winter Politician. Strap her into the chair and utter 7 or 8 words in Russian.

Electronic Mail

Good morning, Comrade"

"Ready to comply."
Transparency. It is such a comfort to know the people who lead our nation, or are competing for same, are all so honest, open, and we know we can trust all of them all the time:hmm:.

I'm glad to have the Olympics to watch. Everything else is pure theater.
Jim Bishop's book,"FDR" covers in detail, FDR's last year. The results of his pre-election physical, were swept under the rug. It was very clear the FDR was months away from dying. To hide any physical illness, no matter how bad it may be, is not something that has not been done before.
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Jim Bishop's book,"FDR" covers in detail, FDR's last year. The results of his pre-election physical, were swept under the rug. It was very clear the FDR was months away from dying. To hide any physical illness, no matter how bad it may be, is not something that has not been done before.

It cost us, and the world, at Yalta.
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Did Donald Trump just "suggest" that someone assassinate Hillary Clinton?'


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It cost us, and the world, at Yalta.

The only positive thing that FDR did, was to be a buffer between Churchill and Stalin. All of the scut work and negotiations were done by staff, with not much more than a nod or two from FDR. FDR was physically good for photo shoots, and signing some papers, but not much else. If you take a look at FDR sitting between Churchill and Stalin, it is easy to see just how wasted and frail he was then. Because FDR was unable to attend critical meetings, a lot of ground was lost to Stalin. FDR was unable to argue much beyond his meals for the day.
You know, Trump says some stupid shit, but the limp-wristed pussy-ass reaction from Clinton's side (to most of what he says) is way fucking worse.

They act so indignant and shit, so offended. Man, shut the fuck up. People are tired of that crap, and that's the only reason Trump is so popular in the first place.
Well, that big-dick bravado seems to be hurting Trump these days. It would seem like the "limp-wristed pussy-ass reaction" is the smart campaign move.
Well, that big-dick bravado seems to be hurting Trump these days. It would seem like the "limp-wristed pussy-ass reaction" is the smart campaign move.

Not acting like a bunch of pussies and pandering to the 'outrage crowd' would be the smart campaign move... in an ideal world. But since politics in Western nations are increasingly influenced by emotional women (and men who act like women), then maybe the pussy ass move is the right move.
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