2016 Presidential Race

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In all honesty I have a feeling Gary Johnson isn't going to be much of a threat to anybody. And Trump may self-destruct himself right out of contention.
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STEM grads have a hard time getting jobs? On what planet? Engineers? Scientists? Where? Anectdotally I know off the top of my head 50 engineers all of whom had a job upon graduating, those who went back for advanced degrees had people shitting on themselves to give them jobs. If you are talking a non science biology degree then maybe, if you also count as unemployed those seeking advanced degrees, again maybe, but STEM isn't exactly a field where it is hard to find work.
You know 50 out of what population of recent STEM graduates?

Right, but they are employed. As an example, my wife has a Ph.D in engineering. Her current job is not in her field of biomedical engineering, therefore she fits this mold. She is employed, well, and uses her STEM education to solve problems, so while not a BME, she is still using STEM skills. Everyone who gets a biology degree doesn't work in biology. People get PH.D's in math and work the stock market, like it said in the census report, unemployment is low, employment in the same career as studies is what is off.
Are you missing or ignoring the point?
We bring H1B Visa STEM workers in because Industry claims American Universities are not producing enough STEM Graduates?
They go into non-STEM jobs because the guy (gal) from China or India gets hired over the American.
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You know 50 out of what population of recent STEM graduates?

Well on here we often use anectdotal evidence, and I did say it was anectdotal. Many of the people I know are engineers, as all my wife's friends are such, granted she went to an excellent school at NCSU, and did her Ph.D at Duke, and we lived in an area of very low unemployment due to the Research Triangle. Including things like computer science as STEM certainly sways those stats. It was something I didn't think of, as I usually equate STEM as mostly engineering.

Are you missing or ignoring the point?
We bring H1B Visa STEM workers in because Industry claims American Universities are not producing enough STEM Graduates?
They go into non-STEM jobs because the guy (gal) from China or India gets hired over the American.

I'm not doing either. The way I look at the problem is different than you, having seen my wife look for jobs first as a new undergraduate, then later as A Ph.D. Many new graduates solely look for work they think is owed to them. Their "dream job" so to speak. My wife wanted to do tissue engineering, with a bachelors degree. There are not a lot of jobs in that field, period, and those that do exist require advanced schooling. As she matured from being a 21 year old new grad she realized her mistake and moved her goalpost. I think that is a common problem with new graduates, they think they are owed a great salary at their dream job straight away with little experience. When they don't get it, or apply to the right jobs, obviously forms look to other resources to hire the people that help them.
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It is funny every democrat thinks Gary Johnson is going to take votes from Hillary, but every Republican thinks he is going to take votes from that yellow haired d-bag.

Well analysis from FiveThirtyEight, a site that I have great respect for, seems to support the idea that Johnson will likely take more votes from Hillary than Trump (based on polling data from early July). I posted about it in the Hillary email thread

It does seem kind of counter-intuitive, but that's what the data shows.
CNN is pretty committed to giving air time to the third party candidates this year. In addition to the Johnson town hall, they'll be hosting Jill Stein & Co. in about two weeks. Not bad for the "Clinton News Network", eh?

Yep, no bias in their Clinton love fest. Their news" is broadcast in the office so I get the privilege of listening to it and they are definitely pushing a pro-Clinton agenda as they can since it's a private entertainment company.

Interesting. Hillary for Hospital 2016

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Yep, no bias in their Clinton love fest. Their news" is broadcast in the office so I get the privilege of listening to it and they are definitely pushing a pro-Clinton agenda as they can since it's a private entertainment company.
It's kinda hard not to when the opposition is Donald Trump.
No idea, just saw it linked elsewhere. Not a fan of Alex Jones though.
Yep, no bias in their Clinton love fest. Their news" is broadcast in the office so I get the privilege of listening to it and they are definitely pushing a pro-Clinton agenda as they can since it's a private entertainment company.

One of the beauties of working in the "sterile" surgical suites, was no outside distractions. The TV's in the several lounges, and break rooms would see: Daily Soap operas, Bloomburg/Financial, HGTV (Gag):ack:, Fox/CNN at one end of the Cafeteria. We had music in the surgery rooms, but I controlled the volume in every case that was ongoing:sneaky:.
The more I think about this, the more I am beginning to believe that if Trump wins ... both parties will finally become united on one thing. Their hatred for the President. Within 6 months they will impeach him. I really believe this; we are well past the point of him just calling people names or promoting silly conspiracies. At this point he's making jokes about wearing a Purple Heart, accusing the Debate Committee of conspiring against him by scheduling games during NFL games, and don't even get me started on Captain Khan and his family. The man has shown no ability to know his audience and I greatly question his rational decision making ability.
The more I think about this, the more I am beginning to believe that if Trump wins ... both parties will finally become united on one thing. Their hatred for the President. Within 6 months they will impeach him. I really believe this; we are well past the point of him just calling people names or promoting silly conspiracies. At this point he's making jokes about wearing a Purple Heart, accusing the Debate Committee of conspiring against him by scheduling games during NFL games, and don't even get me started on Captain Khan and his family. The man has shown no ability to know his audience and I greatly question his rational decision making ability.

I'm still think he is going to drop out. I have thought so for a long time, I may have posted that earlier in this thread somewhere.
The more I think about this, the more I am beginning to believe that if Trump wins ... both parties will finally become united on one thing. Their hatred for the President. Within 6 months they will impeach him. I really believe this; we are well past the point of him just calling people names or promoting silly conspiracies. At this point he's making jokes about wearing a Purple Heart, accusing the Debate Committee of conspiring against him by scheduling games during NFL games, and don't even get me started on Captain Khan and his family. The man has shown no ability to know his audience and I greatly question his rational decision making ability.

I think the staff that makes the President successful or not.
I think the staff that makes the President successful or not.

I totally agree. Do you think he will listen to his staff? In my mind he has made it pretty clear he will not listen to anyone.
I'm still think he is going to drop out. I have thought so for a long time, I may have posted that earlier in this thread somewhere.
It would be complete chaos if Trump dropped out and the GOP had to find a last-minute replacement. Obviously the backup candidate would get creamed, but I reckon that faith in the GOP would be absolutely shattered and there would be significant deleterious effects on the down-ticket races. I don't even see it bolstering support for a significant third party; I think a lot of disillusioned Republicans would probably just not participate in local races. That would be really bad.

Secondary, of course, is the ridiculous amount of bloviating that we would hear from conservative news sources. Allen West would get web traffic the likes of which he would have never seen, Glenn Beck would probably get his TV show back, and Rush would regret signing that most recent contract with the hefty pay cut. Breitbart's servers will explode harder than Andrew Breitbart's coke and rage-addled heart. I'll just hang my head in shame.
I totally agree. Do you think he will listen to his staff? In my mind he has made it pretty clear he will not listen to anyone.

I honestly think the staff he currently has is all he'll need. I have friends and in-laws in very small towns in middle America, basically the type of people who believe in Pelosi's "3 g's" and during the primaries they were overwhelmingly Trump supporters but now, that support is gone. There is serious concern about his judgement because of the crap he's said last week. It seems that people are embarrassed to be affiliated with him now. Even the Trump yard signs that were all over my street are gone.
I honestly think the staff he currently has is all he'll need. I have friends and in-laws in very small towns in middle America, basically the type of people who believe in Pelosi's "3 g's" and during the primaries they were overwhelmingly Trump supporters but now, that support is gone. There is serious concern about his judgement because of the crap he's said last week. It seems that people are embarrassed to be affiliated with him now. Even the Trump yard signs that were all over my street are gone.

It's the same around my area.
I honestly think the staff he currently has is all he'll need. I have friends and in-laws in very small towns in middle America, basically the type of people who believe in Pelosi's "3 g's" and during the primaries they were overwhelmingly Trump supporters but now, that support is gone. There is serious concern about his judgement because of the crap he's said last week. It seems that people are embarrassed to be affiliated with him now. Even the Trump yard signs that were all over my street are gone.

Things he's said through the lens of the media.
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