2016 Presidential Race

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Most of the recent IT graduates certainly are understanding it... They have plenty of time to think about it while they don't get hired.

I can see IT being an issue, maybe that is due to required certs and experience though? Most of the dudes I know who did It in the military and have a clearance and certs have many job offers when they look.

@compforce addressed this, but IT is one area that's hit hard. Sure some STEM degrees may not have issues, but others do. Your Comp. Sci. degree may score you an entry-level job, but moving beyond that becomes very difficult. You have cert mills in India cranking out paper certs left and right for a workforce will work for much less than their American counterparts. Comp. Sci. is becoming like other degrees where you need a Master's and some specialization to be noticed.

For sure, see above
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Not really. There are only so many jobs for Marine biologists. That degree could be used to do many other things, that may or may not use the direct degree.

This. Case in point, poli sci (my first degree). Who becomes an actual political scientist? Not many, at all. Most go into journalism, government work, NGOs, etc.

Another workforce anomaly closer to home, nursing. You hear about the "nursing shortage." There really isn't one. Nurses get burned out and leave the bedside. There's the shortage. But if everyone with a nursing license decided to work at the bedside, there would be more nurses than jobs. But the career field has become so diversified (good thing), it's easy--and profitable--for nurses to leave the bedside.
I can see IT being an issue, maybe that is due to required certs and experience though? Most of the dudes I know who did It in the military and have a clearance and certs have many job offers when they look.

If you have a TS in any field you are "instaemployable" around the DoD. A Janitor can make 120k a year in remote locations. Without the TS it becomes much more difficult. A decade ago you didn't even need a cert to be marketable. Now a cert + degree places you in the middle of the pack. You have to plan and work towards some specialization early in your career if you want to avoid a mid-career/ experienced professional level wall. In a few years even the specialization won't help you as the market changes. H1B visas are the devil to the IT industry.
By any measure our economy has improved since President Obama has taken office. ....putting the rise of ISIS on him alone is rather silly.

Improved from the near death experience, yes but growing, not really. We're still on life support.

Past 10 Years Of U.S. GDP Growth Reveal Disturbing Trend - See It Market

I agree that IS isn't Obama's creation but vacating Iraq threw gas on the fire and then his "non-war" in Libya was also a catalyst to spread/create another safe haven.

To be fair, his admin has never been strong on foreign policy.
Improved from the near death experience, yes but growing, not really. We're still on life support.

Past 10 Years Of U.S. GDP Growth Reveal Disturbing Trend - See It Market

I agree that IS isn't Obama's creation but vacating Iraq threw gas on the fire and then his "non-war" in Libya was also a catalyst to spread/create another safe haven.

To be fair, his admin has never been strong on foreign policy.

No arguments from me there. I think he felt he ran on a promise to get America out of a war many had no desire to be in anymore. That may have been stupid, but there was a lot of stupid in Iraq before he took over, and there will be a lot no matter who is next.
No arguments from me there. I think he felt he ran on a promise to get America out of a war many had no desire to be in anymore. That may have been stupid, but there was a lot of stupid in Iraq before he took over, and there will be a lot no matter who is next.

Finally, I think we agree on something!
I agree that IS isn't Obama's creation but vacating Iraq threw gas on the fire and then his "non-war" in Libya was also a catalyst to spread/create another safe haven.

To be fair, his admin has never been strong on foreign policy.

Didn't we bail on Iraq because of the SOFA? Iraq wanted the authority to try servicemembers in their courts and we told them to stick it? I only remember the withdrawal because it sent a bunch of spoiled, out-of-touch, entitled douchebags to my country.
Didn't we bail on Iraq because of the SOFA? Iraq wanted the authority to try servicemembers in their courts and we told them to stick it? I only remember the withdrawal because it sent a bunch of spoiled, out-of-touch, entitled douchebags to my country.

Are you telling me Obama can negotiate with Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions, negotiate with Cuba, etc but cannot "convince" Iraq to allow some troops to stay on in an advise and assist role?
Are you telling me Obama can negotiate with Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions, negotiate with Cuba, etc but cannot "convince" Iraq to allow some troops to stay on in an advise and assist role?

I'm saying Bush signed the SOFA calling for a 2011 departure. Obama took credit for something Bush did and tried to keep troops in country, but the Iraqis shot down our requirements. I can't stand the...."gentleman" but keeping troops in country past the deadline was madness and we were "right" to leave. Given the turd the Iraqis dropped on us, they can rot on their own.

Iraq’s Government, Not Obama, Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence | TIME.com

But ending the U.S. troop presence in Iraq was an overwhelmingly popular demand among Iraqis, and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki appears to have been unwilling to take the political risk of extending it. While he was inclined to see a small number of American soldiers stay behind to continue mentoring Iraqi forces, the likes of Shi’ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, on whose support Maliki’s ruling coalition depends, were having none of it. Even the Obama Administration’s plan to keep some 3,000 trainers behind failed because the Iraqis were unwilling to grant them the legal immunity from local prosecution that is common to SOF agreements in most countries where U.S. forces are based.
I'm saying Bush signed the SOFA calling for a 2011 departure. Obama took credit for something Bush did and tried to keep troops in country, but the Iraqis shot down our requirements. I can't stand the...."gentleman" but keeping troops in country past the deadline was madness and we were "right" to leave. Given the turd the Iraqis dropped on us, they can rot on their own.

Iraq’s Government, Not Obama, Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence | TIME.com

Leaving enabled IS to occupy Mosul and leaving directly contributed to the massacre of the Albu Nimr tribesmen and Yazidis by IS. Iran doesn't have the infrastructure to stop IS advance and we weren't able to start a good air campaign...those black flags are hard to see...so IS ditacted when and where we would respond.

I think we should have stayed but appeared to have left.:ninja:

God knows what the current idiots would do.
Leaving enabled IS to occupy Mosul and leaving directly contributed to the massacre of the Albu Nimr tribesmen and Yazidis by IS. Iran doesn't have the infrastructure to stop IS advance and we weren't able to start a good air campaign...those black flags are hard to see...so IS ditacted when and where we would respond.

I think we should have stayed but appeared to have left.:ninja:

God knows what the current idiots would do.

I'm pretty sure the Iraqi's had all the troops and equipment needed. Now if they actually kept their uniforms on and held their positions...
CNN is pretty committed to giving air time to the third party candidates this year. In addition to the Johnson town hall, they'll be hosting Jill Stein & Co. in about two weeks. Not bad for the "Clinton News Network", eh?

It is funny every democrat thinks Gary Johnson is going to take votes from Hillary, but every Republican thinks he is going to take votes from that yellow haired d-bag.
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