2016 Presidential Race

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I have already stated that I am not voting for Trump and that I don't think he's a good candidate.

You say you aren't voting for him, then say all the things Trump supporters say. It is a bit confusing, but I will take you at your word.
You say you aren't voting for him, then say all the things Trump supporters say. It is a bit confusing, but I will take you at your word.

What are all these things I've said?
What are all these things I've said?

"I don't care what Trump said. As I said before, at least you never have to guess what his viewpoint is. I'll take open mistakes and sticking to his guns over fake apologies and the quiet, thinly veiled disgust and contempt towards the military that a HRC has."

This quote jumps out, that was on this page.?
"I don't care what Trump said. As I said before, at least you never have to guess what his viewpoint is. I'll take open mistakes and sticking to his guns over fake apologies and the quiet, thinly veiled disgust and contempt towards the military that a HRC has."

This quote jumps out, that was on this page.?

Tracking. That was definitely not an endorsement of Trump. I don't care that he said it because I don't expect anything substantial out of either candidate. I think they both suck. I think Trump sucks less than HRC. I am not voting for him though. Less bad is still bad.
Tracking. That was definitely not an endorsement of Trump. I don't care that he said it because I don't expect anything substantial out of either candidate. I think they both suck. I think Trump sucks less than HRC. I am not voting for him though. Less bad is still bad.

I got you. I was saying that what you said above is often how people justify their vote for Trump. In my mind there is no world in which I could vote for him.
I got you. I was saying that what you said above is often how people justify their vote for Trump. In my mind there is no world in which I could vote for him.

Agreed. People use that in every election, and I think it's a cop out.
I'll tell you what though- she knows enough not to tell a Gold Star family "I've sacrificed lots of stuff!" in rebuke to an opinion.

Doesn't she have an ongoing dispute with Smith's mother about what she told her in Sep 2012?

As I said before, at least you never have to guess what his viewpoint is. I'll take open mistakes and sticking to his guns over fake apologies and the quiet, thinly veiled disgust and contempt towards the military that a HRC has.

That being said, I'm not saying I think he's a good candidate.

This editorial echoes your sentiments that you get what you see with Trump.

Obama’s Final Revenge: The Accidental Destruction of Hillary Clinton, by Ben Shapiro, National Review
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Doesn't she have an ongoing dispute with Smith's mother about what she told her in Sep 2012?
Indeed. The issue was with Pat Smith, mother of Sean Smith. From sifting through the steaming pile of frothy mouthed condemnations, here is what I can gather-

Pat Smith wants to know what happened in Benghazi. She lost her son Sean. HRC isn't forthcoming with information, Pat Smith gets (deservedly) upset, and calls HRC the murderer of her son in multiple outlets as recently as today.

So there are basically two ways to go about this- we can dissect what Hillary said, postulate about how her response then (and now) differs from DJT's, try to decide which is worse- but that's sort of shitty right? What conclusion can we come to? That both of these people are massive piles of shit? I mean, I agree. A heinous act isn't diluted by the number of times it's committed, or if your opponent did it first.

HRC acted EXACTLY like @CDG despises. Pat Smith said she "basically called me a "liar" (which she didn't actually do, because Pat Smith was calling her a murderer and saying she was responsible for Sean's death). Did Hillary come out and say it? No. She couched everything in "well I respect her loss but she's dead wrong on the events". Was that the right thing to do/say? I don't think so. Could someone lable that as "thinly veiled disgust and lies'? Sure, I guess.

And DJT did exactly what everyone expects him to do at this point- get his feelings hurt, go off on a Twitter rampage, play the victim card, and refuse to apologize. This time it wasn't Rubio, or Zodiac Killer (I am blanking on that dude's name and don't feel like looking it up), or Lady Gaga, or whoever the fuck else he fires off at when his feelings are sore cause someone said something mean. This time his little foot stomping routine was directed at Khan and his wife (weirdly).

Neither one of these responses, I think, are what a president should do.
Let me be really clear here. There are exactly three options to choose from.

If you like Obama's policies and where he's gone, and tried to go, with the country, vote for Hillary. That's what she will be trying to continue. If she gets into office, we continue down the same path. It becomes nearly impossible to reverse it in our lifetimes (eta: without a civil war).

If you don't like where Obama has been driving, vote for Trump. Like him or not, he's not in agreement with very many of Obama's policies and won't be deliberately trying to continue them.

If you don't care for either of them, don't vote or write-in a candidate. Either way nothing happens and you've thrown out your vote. You're stuck with whichever one of the two wins.

Those are the choices. There aren't any others until after the election.
I don't know. I think Trump is not going to undo anything POTUS has done, and I don't think he will reverse course. He has no plans to, he has no plans to do anything really. He is just bread and circuses.
I don't know. I think Trump is not going to undo anything POTUS has done, and I don't think he will reverse course. He has no plans to, he has no plans to do anything really. He is just bread and circuses.

To further what you said, I think Trump would argue with the Republicans in Congress as often as the Democrats. He comes off as very, "My way or you're fired." Only as POTUS he can't just fire everyone like he did as a businessman. He has not shown a propensity for compromise.
Is the GOP now tanking, some of the highlights I've read today: yikes.

I'm with CDG and what he thinks about how we as Veterans and our families are used by politicians. If they really gave a shit you'd see a lot more money devoted to Veterans Programs and the VA wouldn't be nearly as huge of a clusterfuck.
To further what you said, I think Trump would argue with the Republicans in Congress as often as the Democrats. He comes off as very, "My way or you're fired." Only as POTUS he can't just fire everyone like he did as a businessman. He has not shown a propensity for compromise.

No, but you CAN sick the IRS on your opponents. :D

@amlove21 , this doesn't look too good.

Benghazi dad: Clinton stood by my son's casket and lied
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To further what you said, I think Trump would argue with the Republicans in Congress as often as the Democrats. He comes off as very, "My way or you're fired." Only as POTUS he can't just fire everyone like he did as a businessman. He has not shown a propensity for compromise.

Arguing with Congress is better than ignoring them. I want him to engage them and actually do something. Maybe if they all hate him they will actually do something in solidarity.
Arguing with Congress is better than ignoring them. I want him to engage them and actually do something. Maybe if they all hate him they will actually do something in solidarity.
As if they don't hate the current President?
True. Nothing really happening either way I suppose

I cannot think of a single coherent argument for Trump. I have read everything posted here, and other places. Most of the stuff is laughable, some of it outright ludicrous. Someone please explain how he is at all a choice.
I cannot think of a single coherent argument for Trump. I have read everything posted here, and other places. Most of the stuff is laughable, some of it outright ludicrous. Someone please explain how he is at all a choice.
Expert mode- do it WITHOUT mentioning the person he's running against.

Ok, I'll bite.

Is someone on this board saying HRC is above reproach when it comes to honesty, memory, or transparency? Do you assume that I am voting for HRC or have said anything to support her? Are you saying that HRC should be held accountable for initially saying, "The video caused this" and then saying "I don't remember what I said and I don't hold anyone at fault for getting what I said wrong?" Can you verify that she lied in that moment knowing what she did at that time? Can you verify what was said in a private moment between the two actors in question other than what this meticulous note taker jotted down in his time of grief? Do you think Fox News is a great source of unbiased information for HRC facts?

I agree, explicitly, that HRC is a piece of shit. Said it in this thread like, I don't know, 5 times.

Know who else is a piece of shit? DJT. Absolute fear mongering, lying, pussified entitled sycophant.

I would compare both of them, in equal parts, to some sort of pedophilloic, woman beating, bacon hating, gun stealing, flat booty having, white privileged, mayonnaise-sex identifying, posing as a special operator tumblerina. But at this point, I would really worry about offending the good pedophilloic, woman beating, bacon hating, gun stealing, flat booty having, white privileged, mayonnaise-sex identifying, posing as a special operator tumblerina's of the world.
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I would really worry about offending the good pedophilloic, woman beating, bacon hating, gun stealing, flat booty having, white privileged, mayonnaise-sex identifying, posing as a special operator tumblerina's of the world.

You know the worst form of hate?

Self hate.

You're okay, Tumblerina. We like you just the way you are. Sort of.
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