2016 Presidential Race

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An interesting thing this happened this weekend. Remember Khizr Khan? The Pakistani father of a slain U.S. Army soldier, who was Muslim, who gave a fiery speech at the DNC last week?

It turns out that his speech caused the "Pocket constitution" to become the #2 best-seller on Amazon, right behind the new Harry Potter book. Kind of bizarre that Democrats would be doing the work of promoting the constitution in the year of our lord 2016!

After Khan speech, pocket Constitution becomes best-seller
An interesting thing this happened this weekend. Remember Khizr Khan? The Pakistani father of a slain U.S. Army soldier, who was Muslim, who gave a fiery speech at the DNC last week?

It turns out that his speech caused the "Pocket constitution" to become the #2 best-seller on Amazon, right behind the new Harry Potter book. Kind of bizarre that Democrats would be doing the work of promoting the constitution in the year of our lord 2016!

After Khan speech, pocket Constitution becomes best-seller

Fucking Trump. He really cannot get out of his own way and Republicans are starting to make a show of distancing themselves from him. At this point the Russian's could provide audio/video of Hillary giving a direct order to let the ambassador in Benghazi die, and saying "fuck those mercenary's too...let them figure it out."...against Trump no one will care. Damn it.

An interesting thing this happened this weekend. Remember Khizr Khan? The Pakistani father of a slain U.S. Army soldier, who was Muslim, who gave a fiery speech at the DNC last week?

It turns out that his speech caused the "Pocket constitution" to become the #2 best-seller on Amazon, right behind the new Harry Potter book. Kind of bizarre that Democrats would be doing the work of promoting the constitution in the year of our lord 2016!

After Khan speech, pocket Constitution becomes best-seller

....or people could just buy stuff from Larue and get a copy for free. Win-win. :thumbsup:

I think he will do well in a debate, her public speaking skills suck and the only way she wins is if CNN feeds her the questions a week out.

I like this, in spite of your vicious attack on me personally by disliking my NLF thread post about the Panthers (kidding...).

I think generally you are right...I think that one 'wins' a debate only if the other person follows the script. I don't think Trump will. One will be playing chess, one, checkers. She'll come out with all sorts of policy stuff, he'll just say "because Benghazi". His supporters will eat that up.

Very, very few voters will change their minds because of the debates. Sure, there may be some indies floating around, but not many. Trump could kill puppies on national TV, his people will still vote for him. Clinton can admit full culpability in Benghazi and admit she lost a billion top secret emails, her people will still vote for her.
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An interesting thing this happened this weekend. Remember Khizr Khan? The Pakistani father of a slain U.S. Army soldier, who was Muslim, who gave a fiery speech at the DNC last week?

It turns out that his speech caused the "Pocket constitution" to become the #2 best-seller on Amazon, right behind the new Harry Potter book. Kind of bizarre that Democrats would be doing the work of promoting the constitution in the year of our lord 2016!

After Khan speech, pocket Constitution becomes best-seller

Every naturalized citizen is given a pocket constitution, I wonder if the one he pulled out was the one he was given when he became a citizen (not sure if he was naturalized but going off the probability).
A pocket Constitution....for those days when downloading it for free off the net and operating a printer are too difficult...
I am beginning to believe that this could be one of the lowest voter turnouts in election history. Aside from the over-the-top "Trump/Hillary can do no wrong crowd", the more rational people I know are similar to me. No clue WTF to do in November - see so much baggage in both candidates that even voting seems a hopeless waste of time.
I am beginning to believe that this could be one of the lowest voter turnouts in election history. Aside from the over-the-top "Trump/Hillary can do no wrong crowd", the more rational people I know are similar to me. No clue WTF to do in November - see so much baggage in both candidates that even voting seems a hopeless waste of time.

I'm going with a third party or write-in vote because I think this country needs a revolution at the polls. If we're unwilling to check our country's decline then we deserve whatever happens in the next 20-30 years. Voting for an incumbent, hell, even voting for someone within the system is a vote for the status quo.
Leave the Presidential choice empty and vote for the other candidates and issues.
I am beginning to believe that this could be one of the lowest voter turnouts in election history. Aside from the over-the-top "Trump/Hillary can do no wrong crowd", the more rational people I know are similar to me. No clue WTF to do in November - see so much baggage in both candidates that even voting seems a hopeless waste of time.
Not voting is a vote for Hillary. Her organization and ability to get votes counted is unmatched.

The ONLY way We the People can win is vote Johnson in high enough numbers to cause a delay in the count.

My premise is a delay would indicate the Democrats needed more time to readjust their vote count. Oh, she'll "win" but by just enough to appear legit.
In 1992. That's like saying the current directors of IBM should be held to account for the help IBM gave to Nazi Germany.

No, that's not at all comparable as it wasn't that long ago. If this were the 1960s and the directors of IBM were running for office, then maybe it'd be comparable... and in that case, yes, it'd be scandalous to put them in office.

Clinton was just the director of Lafarge in 1992. That doesn't mean their ties ended there. They are still closely linked to the Clinton Foundation.

How can you read everything in the text below and not at least think, what the fuck?

Then just before her husband, Bill Clinton, was elected president in 1992, Lafarge was fined $1.8 million by the Environmental Protection Agency for these pollution violations. Hillary Clinton had left the board of Lafarge in spring, just after her husband won the Democrat nomination. A year later, under Bill’s presidency, the Clinton administration reduced Lafarge’s EPA fine to less than $600,000.

Lafarge remains close to the Clintons to this day.

In 2013, Lafarge’s Executive Vice President for Operations, Eric Olson, was a ‘featured attendee’ at the Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting.

The company is a regular donor to the Clinton Foundation – the firm’s up to $100,000 donation was listed in its annual donor list for 2015. Lafarge is also listed again as a donor to the Clinton Foundation for the first quarter of 2016.

Lafarge is a major beneficiary of disaster capitalism in Iraq, dominating a market where Iraq’s infrastructure remains in dire need of hundreds of billions of dollars in investment. The company describes itself as “one of the largest non-oil investors in Iraq.”

The firm is not just an economic juggernaut. Its murky history of intelligence ties, and significant political clout in France and the US – the countries leading the airstrikes against Isis in Syria – raise the question of whether Lafarge believes it can profit from terror without accountability.

Regardless, there's bigger stuff than that coming up.

- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew that the US was sending arms from Libya to Syria back in 2011, a year before the Benghazi consulate attacks.

- Hillary Clinton denied she knew about the weapons shipments during public testimony (under oath) in early 2013 after the Benghazi terrorist attack.

- Senator Rand Paul questioned Hillary Clinton about this gun running program back in January 2013 during her testimony on the Benghazi terrorist attack.

On Tuesday Julian Assange told Democracy Now that the Wikileaks DNC emails contains information on the weapons shipments to Syria.

Julian Assange: So, those Hillary Clinton emails, they connect together with the cables that we have published of Hillary Clinton, creating a rich picture of how Hillary Clinton performs in office, but, more broadly, how the U.S. Department of State operates. So, for example, the disastrous, absolutely disastrous intervention in Libya, the destruction of the Gaddafi government, which led to the occupation of ISIS of large segments of that country, weapons flows going over to Syria, being pushed by Hillary Clinton, into jihadists within Syria, including ISIS, that’s there in those emails. There’s more than 1,700 emails in Hillary Clinton’s collection, that we have released, just about Libya alone.
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In 1992. That's like saying the current directors of IBM should be held to account for the help IBM gave to Nazi Germany.

No, the current directors were not personally involved in helping the Nazis. Hillary was directly involved in LaFarge and was on the board when they were assisting ISIS, although at the end of it, as well as continuing to accept donations to her foundation from them now. The difference? Hillary is personally involved.
No, the current directors were not personally involved in helping the Nazis. Hillary was directly involved in LaFarge and was on the board when they were assisting ISIS, although at the end of it, as well as continuing to accept donations to her foundation from them now. The difference? Hillary is personally involved.
That's not what I read at all. Unless I missed something, she left the board of directors almost 20 years before ISIS even existed. Yes, they donated to the Clinton foundation regularly, but fuck, a lot of people did. The foundation has reportedly raised $2 billion as of 2016. That means that a lot of people donated to them. Yeah, some are probably not super savory, but that's not indicative of wrongdoing. The link proffered in that leak is super tenuous and a really big stretch.
That's not what I read at all. Unless I missed something, she left the board of directors almost 20 years before ISIS even existed. Yes, they donated to the Clinton foundation regularly, but fuck, a lot of people did. The foundation has reportedly raised $2 billion as of 2016. That means that a lot of people donated to them. Yeah, some are probably not super savory, but that's not indicative of wrongdoing. The link proffered in that leak is super tenuous and a really big stretch.

Oops, meant facilitating the CIA arms trade to Saddam, not ISIS while she was on the board.
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