2016 Presidential Race

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@TLDR20 explain it if you're going to drop a Disagree.
Don't tell me what to do.;-)


Sorry no, I don't see that you hate Hillary. Virtually every recent post you have made has been in support of, or in derision of damn near anything said about her that is painted in a negative light. No offense, but if we were to go by your posts, it would seem like you are rushing to her defense. Your choices are yours of course, but I wanted to point out what it looks like to a simpleton like me, and maybe others... :thumbsup:

That is not supported by his posts at all. I disagreed so I guess I have to post, despite Deathy being able to defend himself just fine. When someone counters a false statement with an objectively true one, it doesn't make them a supporter of a candidate, it makes them a supporter of the truth. Most of the time when Deathy has said something that even resembles supporting Hillary, it is in regards to Benghazi, and people are acting like there haven't been 8 investigations already. There is a difference between pointing out the truth and shilling for a candidate, something that in these partisan days can be difficult to remember.
I still think Trump can win.
He used the Democrat playbook to defeat his opponents, and is still using their playbook.
Hillary's health is going from an infowars joke into the mainstream, how she handles stress will come out in the debates.
The Polls are also useless if the don't include 3rd Party candidates (who should get debate invites too).

I absolutely think Trump can win. Lookit, the media thinks comments like this will "sway" voters/potential voters. By this point most people have made up their mind. The few that haven't, this kinda rhetoric might sway them, but this is a population that tends to actually weigh platforms and policies and not get wrapped up in the he said/she said crap. This has been supported by post-election research and isn't particularly new.

I said in another post, here or somewhere else, Trump could walk all over the flag and kick puppies, his supporters will still vote for him. HRC could admit 100% culpability with Benghazi and emails, her people will still vote for her. Stuff what Trump said? It's not going to make a difference.

As for polling, polls now are irrelevant. They are talking points. Polls in late October/early November are more important. And it depends on who commissions them, if they are statistically validated, bias/bias error, all sorts of stuff. One of my favorite examples was a poll in a NC senate campaign a few years ago that showed the democratic candidate well ahead of the republican. The sample drew respondents from specific zip codes; the zip codes were in heavily democrat areas. The computer randomly pulling the phone numbers against these zip codes didn't know that.
Recent polling data looks good for Clinton

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Until you dig into the sample...majority of polled were democrats. Apparently the latest gallop (had equal percentage of Rs and Ds) was statistically tied.

Vast majority view both very poorly.
@lindy & @Deathy McDeath

Apparently this phenomenon happened four years ago. Fivethirtyeaight.com did a piece on it yesterday that was very interesting, plenty of links within the article too if you like to read more on the topic.

The Polls Aren’t Skewed: Trump Really Is Losing Badly

P.S. Goldwater '64
That is not supported by his posts at all. I disagreed so I guess I have to post, despite Deathy being able to defend himself just fine. When someone counters a false statement with an objectively true one, it doesn't make them a supporter of a candidate, it makes them a supporter of the truth. Most of the time when Deathy has said something that even resembles supporting Hillary, it is in regards to Benghazi, and people are acting like there haven't been 8 investigations already. There is a difference between pointing out the truth and shilling for a candidate, something that in these partisan days can be difficult to remember.
You're welcome to disagree. I also support the truth. However, using your example Benghazi (as Lindy pointed out in another thread) was a failure by various levels of government, and by members of both sides of the isle. Why haven't the Republicans uncovered a smoking gun? Because to do so would derail their agenda and expose them as culpable too. Having 8 investigations by partisan committees is akin to having the police investigate their own for wrong doing and having the sheriff/chief approve the findings. Of course they will not allow damaging evidence to surface.

I disagree and a good number of his posts are indicative of that. Notice I did not say all, but most of the recent ones. The fact is, Hillary is the least qualified and should not even be a consideration. No matter how much of a loudmouth Trump is supposed to be. She broke the law, conspired with her party towards a rigged Primary, and is a level of corruption beyond any in recent history.

I am all for the truth and calling a lie when found. I will even go so far as to say the conservatives have been gunning for the Clintons as a whole for a while. However, even a stopped clock is right twice a day, and in this case, they are correct about her. Just as the liberals were right about Cruz, and Ryan (when he was Romeny's VP pick). It has nothing to do with partisan propaganda. It has everything to do with the fact that a corrupt official, who is a criminal, has a shot at the big seat, and many want to cry about someone that is blustering too loud or forcefully. :rolleyes:

That's a good article, and probably accurate, but also misses or ignores some points. I saw a poll that said Republicans who will vote for Trump aren't saying they will vote for Trump, polling as undecided. Closet voters if you will. There are more forces at play.

All the polls could be 100% scientifically accurate and statistically valid, and HRC really could be just plowing through the electorate. But something about all of this doesn't smell right, doesn't feel right. For all of the media over the past eight months who have acknowledged how different this elections has been, suddenly they run to old models to predict the outcome? Something is hinkey.
You're welcome to disagree. I also support the truth. However, using your example Benghazi (as Lindy pointed out in another thread) was a failure by various levels of government, and by members of both sides of the isle. Why haven't the Republicans uncovered a smoking gun? Because to do so would derail their agenda and expose them as culpable too. Having 8 investigations by partisan committees is akin to having the police investigate their own for wrong doing and having the sheriff/chief approve the findings. Of course they will not allow damaging evidence to surface.
So now there was a conspiracy to throw the Benghazi investigations? Eight separate conspiracies collaborating to reach the same conclusion? As far as I know, the only Republican "agenda" vis a vis Benghazi was an all-out effort to sink Hillary. The fact that congress, State, and the FBI couldn't find anything is only an indicator that perhaps there wasn't anything there. I know you probably don't trust government, but the above-mentioned groups operate more or less autonomously from each other, and so to suggest that the investigation would expose each individual "agenda" is just ludicrous.
Polls can be manipulated or just plain wrong. See Dewey vs Truman, 1948.

My impression from Bush vs Gore is that the country is divided fairly evenly between those who'd vote Democrat and those who'd vote Republican, with the overlap on a Venn diagram showing undecided or swing. There's also the pendulum, 8 years of one party often leads to a change of party...although in this election, who knows.
So now there was a conspiracy to throw the Benghazi investigations? Eight separate conspiracies collaborating to reach the same conclusion? As far as I know, the only Republican "agenda" vis a vis Benghazi was an all-out effort to sink Hillary. The fact that congress, State, and the FBI couldn't find anything is only an indicator that perhaps there wasn't anything there. I know you probably don't trust government, but the above-mentioned groups operate more or less autonomously from each other, and so to suggest that the investigation would expose each individual "agenda" is just ludicrous.
How you can write this with a straight face, especially after the farce that was an FBI investigation into Clinton's activities, is sad. More to the point of Hillary shill. I guess the fact that State covered up and obstructed several of the investigations, the FBI admitted they found wrong doing from Clinton during her tenure with State, and Congress playing their games, just means that the rest of us who smell something dirty (with regards to Benghazi) are relegated to fringe conspirators on par with jet fuel melts steel beams.

Given the "transparancy" of the current administration, and current Democratic candidate, what is ludicrous is that you're so willing to ignore/dismiss the possibility that there is more going on than meets the eye. Each of the above mentioned government bodies has been proven, beyond doubt, to be incompetent and inept at doing their jobs. As has been evident by the many scandals and investigations that have turned up nothing.
So now there was a conspiracy to throw the Benghazi investigations? Eight separate conspiracies collaborating to reach the same conclusion? As far as I know, the only Republican "agenda" vis a vis Benghazi was an all-out effort to sink Hillary. The fact that congress, State, and the FBI couldn't find anything is only an indicator that perhaps there wasn't anything there. I know you probably don't trust government, but the above-mentioned groups operate more or less autonomously from each other, and so to suggest that the investigation would expose each individual "agenda" is just ludicrous.

Are you seriously serious 4 srs?

There doesn't need to be any kind of conspiracy for someone to be dissuaded from a certain course of action -- if you think it might hurt or kill your career.

And that is the problem with career politicians, and the leadership within any kind of government/military institution...

And that's the beauty of it. The system works brilliantly for those who agree to play within the system.

Poll shows Trump gaining on Clinton

Who cares about polls anymore?

I polled @Freefalling 's mom while listening to Nickleback.

On a serious note, if a pollster were to question 100 random people in a mall about immigration in:

East LA
and then in
Bismarck, ND

Would the results be considered valid? Respondents would still be random but I'm sure the results in both cases would be wildly skewed.

I'm sooooo tired of this crap.

La cosa notra is surely taking notes on "diversification", "isolation", or "cellular infrastructure".

Clinton Cash: Khizr Khan’s Deep Legal, Financial Connections to Saudi Arabia, Hillary’s Clinton Foundation Tie Terror, Immigration, Email Scandals Together - Breitbart

Khan used to work for a firm that did Clintons' taxes, donated to her campaign, the firm was a partner in a company that developed email filtering software used on her private server, and AG Lynch worked at the partner.
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Interesting that MSM is shifting their pants over Trump's 2A comment, no coverage on Mateen's father behind Clinton at a rally, and is Johnson still in the race?

Goebbels would be impressed by our free press.
The internet is doing its best to make this election season great again!

Japanese Trump

Hillary Clinton: meme queen

God bless America!
VMI once gave her an award with a Cash Prize of 25k, I would read the transcript a year later as she was unable to attend the original date for the ceremony. I have no idea how people pay her anything, Bill has a cool sob story but she doesn't.
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