2016 Presidential Race

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Clinton Attacks Mylan about Epi-Pens...Mylan CEO throws it down and says she has called multiple senators stating she is available to meet with them at their convenience, their response: crickets.
Wow...they should have stood firm. Too bad we don't live in a free market.
Are you seriously defending this price hike? This is a live-saving drug whose prices have gone up almost 500% since 2009. Even the price paid by people with insurance has gone up tremendously since then. This isn't some anti-anxiety drug or cholesterol reducer. A person with severe allergies can die within minutes if they have a reaction and don't carry this with them.
Wow...they should have stood firm. Too bad we don't live in a free market.

"Disagree" because....this is yet another example of why insurance premiums (pick a type) are out of control. The man straight up says that he raised the price because 90% of America is insured now.

The insurance company is like any other business, gouge them and they simply raise their rates. In the end, they still need to make the same profit percent to make staying in business worthwhile.
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"Disagree" because....this is yet another example of why insurance premiums (pick a type) are out of control. The man straight up says that he raised the price because 90% of America is insured now.

The insurance company is like any other business, gouge them and they simply raise their rates. In the end, the still need to make the same profit percent to make staying in business worthwhile.

Most Bald Faced Truthy Post of the Month winner.

Ensuring the continued good health of their members is an astonishingly low health insurance company priority.

Any doubters are welcome to hang out with my insurance and billing assistants at work for a day.
NBC turning on Clinton? I guess the shiver isn't going up anyone's legs anymore.

Hillary blasts for-profit colleges, but Bill took millions from one

Interesting that the main stream media, like NBC and CNN, have tackled the Clintons on some issues. It suggests to me that she is neither well-liked nor trusted even by the people who will end up voting for her. It's such a shame--but completely understandable-- that men and women of integrity and honor shy away from politics and leave it all to the dogs.
So we're all about price control and a command economy here when it comes to pharmaceuticals here...

If it truly takes $7 to make, that's fine. $600 is a bit outrageous, but when you control the market you set the price. Now, the .gov buys them at $50/per pen, why do they get such a discount? Mylan distributes Epi-Pens to schools for free, that has to come from somewhere.
This election is becoming absolutely disgusting on both sides.

"Is becoming?" Where have you been for the last few months? :-"

Mylan distributes Epi-Pens to schools for free, that has to come from somewhere.

You're justifying a price hike that's beyond ridiculous because the company donates them to schools? We're also subsidizing Europeans paying $100-150 per pen.

Mylan CEO Bresch: 'No one's more frustrated than me' about EpiPen price furor

Mylan CEO Heather Bresch struggled Thursday to justify the repeated big price hikes of the company's lifesaving EpiPen devices as criticism continued that Mylan is gouging consumers with a retail cost of more than $600.

But she also acknowledged that high retail prices of EpiPens in the United States effectively subsidize the cost of the devices when they are sold in Europe, at just $100 or $150. Many of the countries there have government-run health-care systems that limit drug prices charged by manufacturers, unlike the U.S.

"We do subsidize the rest of the world... and as a country we've made a conscious decision to do that," Bresch said. "And I think the world's a better place for it."
So we're all about price control and a command economy here when it comes to pharmaceuticals here...

If it truly takes $7 to make, that's fine. $600 is a bit outrageous, but when you control the market you set the price. Now, the .gov buys them at $50/per pen, why do they get such a discount? Mylan distributes Epi-Pens to schools for free, that has to come from somewhere.

Come on dude. It does truly cost 7 dollars to make, and that is with recouping any and all R&D costs.

They don't control the market due to anything groundbreaking. They bought a patent. When they bought it the price for a pen was $57. It is now $300, with insurance. Price gouging could be defined by this example.
"Is becoming?" Where have you been for the last few months? :-"

You're justifying a price hike that's beyond ridiculous because the company donates them to schools? We're also subsidizing Europeans paying $100-150 per pen.

Mylan CEO Bresch: 'No one's more frustrated than me' about EpiPen price furor

We have an organization specifically to prevent price gouging in prescription meds, which is keeping epipen prices around $100; in turn Americans are trying to get them here.

Americans turn to Canada for cheaper EpiPens | Toronto Star


The Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) is an independent quasi-judicial body established by Parliament in 1987 under the Patent Act (Act).

The PMPRB protects the interests of Canadian consumers by ensuring that the prices of patented medicines sold in Canada are not excessive. It does this by reviewing the prices that patentees charge for each individual patented drug product in Canadian markets. If a price is found to be excessive, the Board can hold public hearings and order price reductions and/or the offset of excess revenues. The PMPRB regulates the “factory gate” prices and does not have jurisdiction over prices charged by wholesalers or pharmacies, or over pharmacists' professional fees.

The PMPRB is also responsible for reporting on trends in pharmaceutical sales and pricing for all medicines and for reporting research and development spending by patentees.

The Minister of Health is responsible for the pharmaceutical provisions of the Act as set out in sections 79 to 103. The PMPRB is part of the Health Portfolio, which also includes Health Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission, and Assisted Human Reproduction Canada.

The Health Portfolio supports the Minister of Health in maintaining and improving the health of Canadians.

Although part of the Health Portfolio, the PMPRB carries out its mandate at arm's length from the Minister of Health. It also operates independently of other bodies such as Health Canada, which approves drugs for safety, efficacy and quality; federal, provincial and territorial public drug plans, which are responsible for listing reimbursement decisions for their respective plans; and the Common Drug Review, which provides listing recommendations based on cost-effectiveness to participating public drug plans.
Reading more about these pens: found that they have an annual expiration date. Fire departments that carry them on rigs have to replace every year if they don't use them.

Boy, carry an adult size and child size per truck, that becomes a pretty heavy expense.
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