2016 Presidential Race

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Thought this was relevant to the discussion here. I recently had a debate with a liberally minded friend that believed, in all seriousness, that the media was conservatively biased. Even given the massive amount of evidence to the contrary. In any event, the article is well written, and if you can look past the fact that it is coming from the Post, it brings up some interesting points. In essence, it looks at an example from the NY Times as having lost all objectivity after having been the standard for relatively unbiased journalism. Enjoy...

American journalism is collapsing before our eyes

Not just American media, Canada's following the same trend; I don't think it'll get better any time soon.
They should start calling the news programs for what they are: News Shows.

Unlike other TV shows, not all sponsors run adds; they just dictate the news coverage.
Thought this was relevant to the discussion here. I recently had a debate with a liberally minded friend that believed, in all seriousness, that the media was conservatively biased. Even given the massive amount of evidence to the contrary. In any event, the article is well written, and if you can look past the fact that it is coming from the Post, it brings up some interesting points. In essence, it looks at an example from the NY Times as having lost all objectivity after having been the standard for relatively unbiased journalism. Enjoy...

American journalism is collapsing before our eyes

It's a good piece, @ke4gde, but he's pointing out nothing that's really new. The liberal bias in the media started during Vietnam and intensified during the Kent State "massacre" and Watergate. And with the advent of cable TV and the internet and the rise of literally hundreds of news operations, competition has driven all semblance of journalistic integrity out the window.

Newspapers are dying. They have to shout to be heard. TV reporters and anchors could give a shit about the story, it's all about them, and getting their mugs on TV. "Investigative" reporters for magazines are looking to get dirt on somebody to get that Pulitzer Prize and further their career (see Stan McChrystal and Rolling Stone). There is no "journalism" any more. They're all a bunch of fucking root weevils.
They should start calling the news programs for what they are: News Shows.

Unlike other TV shows, not all sponsors run adds; they just dictate the news coverage.

News Entertainment is how I'd phrase it.

There's a reason that programs like The Daily Show are now used as "news" sources by many, IMO.
Trump went down to Mexico, and apparently had a very cordial press conference with Mexican President Peña Nieto.

Donald Trump and the president of Mexico just hosted a surreal joint press conference

It seems like Trump may have finally made his long-awaited pivot. While it's nice to see, it may be a matter of too little, too late. I suppose we'll see in the coming weeks.

What a weird development in this already-weird election.
What is the "main stream media"? Everyone likes to point out how it has a left wing slant, and while sure, some papers do, more people watch FNC that's anything else, and it isn't even close. Millions and millions of Americans get their news from thousands of outlets that are hardly "mainstream". To me that argument was started in 2001 and has just continued despite the reality.
Trump went down to Mexico, and apparently had a very cordial press conference with Mexican President Peña Nieto.

Donald Trump and the president of Mexico just hosted a surreal joint press conference

It seems like Trump may have finally made his long-awaited pivot. While it's nice to see, it may be a matter of too little, too late. I suppose we'll see in the coming weeks.

What a weird development in this already-weird election.

A press conference? I thought all candidates were boycotting them.:sneaky:

I like some things voiced here in this opinion piece but disagree with the idea we have to destroy the system by voting Clinton in order to save it from Trump.

We're mad as hell about Trump, Clinton and the Clinton Foundation - CNN.com
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Trump went down to Mexico, and apparently had a very cordial press conference with Mexican President Peña Nieto.

Donald Trump and the president of Mexico just hosted a surreal joint press conference

It seems like Trump may have finally made his long-awaited pivot. While it's nice to see, it may be a matter of too little, too late. I suppose we'll see in the coming weeks.

What a weird development in this already-weird election.
Hillary looks bad in not accepting the invitation.
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