2016 Presidential Race

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From the CINC forum:

8:09: Questioner asks how he could have confidence in her when she compromised national security. Clinton robotically tries to explain that “classified material is designated” and marked so that “there is no dispute at all” that what is being communicated is classified. She says “what we have here is the use of an unclassified system by hundreds of people” in out government to send information with no markings. She claims she communicated about classified materials on a separate system. She also says she went into tents on foreign travel to view classified information and took it “very seriously.” She claims she did exactly what she should have done re: handling classified information.

8:08: Clinton claims there is no evidence that hostile actors hacked into her email account despite FBI Director Comey’s insistence that her private email server was vulnerable to hacking.

8:05: Lauer asks Clinton about her email scandal. He asks her why her email scandal is not “disqualifying.” Clinton robotically repeats that it was a “mistake” to have a personal account. She says the real question is the handling of classified material. She says she has a lot of experience dealing with classified materials. She says classified materials have headers that say “secret” or “top secret” or “confidential.” She claims that “none of the emails sent or received by me” had such a header. But she admits there were emails involving America’s “covert drone program.”
Very troublesome......I wonder who rubber stamped her yearly Infosec training. Does the Secretary of State not travel with secure comms? Her talking about being in PK and having to talk around classified programs for strikes...really?

She deserves to be a slide in the TARP.....
That was...uh...something.

I'm not a fan of the NYP, but this was the best summary I could find:

Presidential forum proves no matter who wins, America loses

So Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump appeared one after the other last night for a half-hour on NBC to talk about being commander in chief. Polls will tell us who “won”; frankly, I have no idea.

But overall, America lost, big time.

Listening to Clinton prevaricate about her emails and Trump prevaricate about positions he holds and doesn’t entirely seem to understand once again raises the unholy horror of the fact that out of 330 million people in the United States, these are the two who have ended up in the race for the White House in 2016.
As I recall there was a suspicious looking square box of some kind seen on Bush during a debate so it's not like there isn't precedent.
HALF of Trump supporters are racist, sexist, and homophobic.


An open, hate deiven retoric that is intended to keep our nation divided. If she takes office, there will be a seperate class of Americas, with a President who clearly hates them. The policies will be meant to maintain a divined nation. Liberals win, the conservatives loose. I think of what President Lincoln said about a house divided, aand that is the declaired clinton policy; a nation divided with so much venom behind it. So many walls are bing built, that are not the one Trump speeaks of: iit is the wall of the rich with power, racial didvdes wil continue, White Priveliged, except political power brokers, will be targete. A media that decides political correctness, and iis working hand in hand with the clinton White House II.

How many think Hilary will really be running the show, Bill will be back in power again, hilary does not have the leadership skills or ability, this will be Bill's third term. Somehow I don't see him hosting teas, and White House tours for the media

My $.02. Back to my wee cave in The Valley.
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How many think Hilary will really be running the show

I think she will do it on her own, she is that egotistical.

I still remember when Bill first got in office. She called a meeting of several senators and congressman to her office.....the "wife" was having elected persons summoned to her office....what arrogance.
I think she will do it on her own, she is that egotistical.

I still remember when Bill first got in office. She called a meeting of several senators and congressman to her office.....the "wife" was having elected persons summoned to her office....what arrogance.

She is arrogant, no doubt at all about that. The thing is, she is probably proud of that character fault.
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