2016 Presidential Race

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Interesting that MSM is shifting their pants over Trump's 2A comment, no coverage on Mateen's father behind Clinton at a rally, and is Johnson still in the race?

It didn't get that much coverage because it's a stupid controversy. Yeah it's "bad optics", or whatever that silly phrase is, but unless you believe that who candidates host at their rallies are an explicit reflection of their policies, then having this one guy in the background is pretty meaningless. Unless, of course, you think Donald Trump endorses pedophilia.

I mean, we all agree that Seddique Mateen is a dude with some shitty opinions, but he wasn't the dude who shot up the Pulse nightclub. Foley, on the other hand, did solicit sex from underage congressional pages. He was expelled from the House for it. Do you see? Both candidates have shitty people in attendance at their rallies, which is why nobody cares about it.
It didn't get that much coverage because it's a stupid controversy. Yeah it's "bad optics", or whatever that silly phrase is, but unless you believe that who candidates host at their rallies are an explicit reflection of their policies, then having this one guy in the background is pretty meaningless. Unless, of course, you think Donald Trump endorses pedophilia.

I mean, we all agree that Seddique Mateen is a dude with some shitty opinions, but he wasn't the dude who shot up the Pulse nightclub. Foley, on the other hand, did solicit sex from underage congressional pages. He was expelled from the House for it. Do you see? Both candidates have shitty people in attendance at their rallies, which is why nobody cares about it.

I agree that nobody cares...kinda like this "story".

Juanita Broaddrick, the Woman Who...
I agree that nobody cares...kinda like this "story".

Juanita Broaddrick, the Woman Who...
Can you address the argument at hand instead of doing this "B-but what about this OTHER scandal?" trick? It's doing nothing to bolster your argument, and is a classic example of a Red Herring fallacy.

SHOULD we care about Seddique Mateen? SHOULD we care about Mark Foley? SHOULD the media care about who the candidates surround themselves with?

The Manafort-Ukraine story is actually very appropriate for this situation. Manafort's consulting work for that pro-Russian party do raise some questions, but at this point it's too early to start speculating. Knowing this, does retaining Manafort as his campaign manager reflect poorly on Trump, or it inconsequential? That is, should we consider Manafort's business dealings and Trump's campaign to be separate issues?

How about we go from there?
@Deathy McDeath

I was agreeing with you. I seriously don't think anyone cares about the dirt that is being dug up or if it's even really an issue. I think this is all political theater and some are better than others.

Manafort, Mills, classified docs, bankruptcies, etc...why should we care?

Clinton's smoking weed, Bush's National Guard "service", Obama's experience, etc clearly do not predict their ability to create a cabinet and inner circle who (I think) does the real heavy lifting by advising and war gaming various scenarios.

I do disagree that the 2A vs Mateen is a stupid controversy. Trump never said gun owners take care of her but Clinton's/Trump's staff certainly vetted (or should have) vetted people behind both candidates.

Trump's guy (Foley) left the house in disgrace over alleged sexting with male pages.

The IMs That Forced Foley to Resign

Clinton's guy (Mateen) is pro-Taliban.

What has the Orlando gunman's father said?
Trump a Democratic plant? That's rich. The Republicans' candidates and voter dissatisfaction have nothing to do with Trump's dominance?
I am sure Weld has never gone through firearms training so we shouldn't expect him to understand how a rifle works. The comments are stupid, as stupid as "Extreme, Extreme Vetting", but then again, neither of them are experts in either field or have any experience with or any exposure to the details. But worse, neither of them would understand what this means: "This is my rifle, this is my gun; this is for fighting, this is for fun".
Trump is evil cuz he's rich and Sanders is a sell out because he bought a capitalist home on a lake!

Clinton takes jet 20 miles?

Hillary Flies 20 Miles In Private Jet From Martha’s Vineyard To Nantucket

Just be honest! They're all rich as fuck and they want to keep it that way. Good on 'em!
Could it be that they took the plane on the recommendation of Secret Service?

Regardless, it is faster which I would assume is very important to someone who is campaigning for the Oval Office.

Lastly, should this really be news?
Could it be that they took the plane on the recommendation of Secret Service?

Regardless, it is faster which I would assume is very important to someone who is campaigning for the Oval Office.

Lastly, should this really be news?

Helicopter would probably have been faster.

It is if you campaign on the platform that rich people need to pay their fair share and care about the environment. Most Americans can relate to taking a private jet 20 miles. What was VP Biden's comment about Trump's knowledge of the middle class?

They should just call a spade a spade and be honest with Americans.

NBC turning on Clinton? I guess the shiver isn't going up anyone's legs anymore.

Hillary blasts for-profit colleges, but Bill took millions from one
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