Not Work Safe .

These poor kid's...

This is Canada's Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister. No wonder we're so fucked.

I must have missed it...what school was that given at for graduation? Their student government sucks for arranging that speaker.

Sorry bro, I couldn't make it past "does capitalist democracy still work" and talking glaciers.

That was pretty much the end...or the cameraman agreed with you and made it the end.
I’m sure I’ve seen Canada's Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister speech before - but for some reason, I am absolutely positive that she was talking about how bad shit was, “with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and running out of french fries and burrito coverings.”

…maybe I am misremembering
If anyone was ever up in MeS, then you saw my Land Cruiser parked outside of the shopette. Just zoom on into that rear view musical piece.

It's weird seeing a left hand drive Cruiser that isn't an under ground nipper or charge up wagon, locked in low range, stained orange, on it's second chassis, every panel dented, scraped, and rusted to within an inch of its life.
For what ever reason, someone is still making 6 cylinder left hand drive 70 series cruisers, and the mines in Australia import them hand over fist.