Adult Beverage Mega Thread: Scotch/Whiskey/Rum/Vodka/Etc

Hate’re drinking Pappy/Cokes and I have not even sipped a Pappy yet!
Bunch of whiskey snobs!

Makers Mark on two ice cubes 3 finger pour and hide the bottle after my third glass.

Jim Beam at the deer camp, BYOB as I'm gonna dance in the fire by nights end.

Wild Turkey American Honey on my pancakes please!

Select Club Pecan Praline on my vanilla ice cream.

And I never turn down Crown Royal... Ever!

I'll drink all that other high dollar bullshit too, but I sure as hell ain't buying it. It all taste the same after the first glass anyway.
I just got a bottle of tyrconnel Irish whiskey the other day and it's easily one of my favorites now
Bunch of whiskey snobs!.

Wouldn't say I'm a snob. If it tastes good I'll drink it. One of my favorite bourbons is a $35 bottle. But, I'm also not afraid to go out and treat myself to a few really nice bottles a couple of times per year. I just don't tell ny wife the real price.

"Oh that one, yea I paid $150 for it." Instead of, "Oh that one, yea I paid $600 for it." We have a mutual agreement in that I don't ask how much she spends on clothes and she leaves my bourbon collection alone.
Bunch of whiskey snobs!

Heh. We can go real poison.

I'm sure plenty of us can bring up the reeeeal bottom drawer shit we've come across, in the shadowy corners of the globe.

How many of you have been unfortunate enough to come across this shit:


Yes, it does look like rubbing alcohol.

Yes, it does taste like it looks.
Have a friend that runs a speakeasy esque bar was treated to some Ichiro Malt and Grain, for my first ever Japanese whiskey I think I'm in love.