Adult Beverage Mega Thread: Scotch/Whiskey/Rum/Vodka/Etc

Mezcal is not tequila.

I guess technically you are correct. We have always called it tequila, but looking at the bottle I have in the cabinet, it doesn't say tequila on it. Followed with some research, apparently all tequilas are mezcal, but Mezcal is not tequila. Interesting, I learned something new today.
Rum, usually. Partial to a Gin and Tonic on hot days.

Vodka I've had too many terrible nights on. Once stood up and sang the Soviet national anthem and then tapped my head on the toilet having a chunder. So I avoid it now least I invade Czechoslovakia.
The best Puerto Rican rum in existence. Best when mixed with Coca-Cola. At least my island can do something right...

The best Puerto Rican rum in existence. Best when mixed with Coca-Cola. At least my island can do something right...


I was introduced to the Rum from a Little Barrel by the parents of a child our daughter goes to school with. The parents are originally from the DR.

They invited us over for their kid's birthday party and had this on hand. Her father, myself and another man drank up the bottle (in between bottles of Presidente) and its the best rum I've ever tasted.

A whopper of a headache the next morning, though. Worth it.
I'm the same way on Southern Comfort. Was at a bar with my ex-brother in law and it was $1.00 SoCo shot night. I have no idea how much a drank of that crap, but I did knock out my ex-brother in laws front tooth, woke up on the front porch of my house, with my ex-wife screaming at me, because I had a nasty black eye and was going to her sisters graduation that evening.

People even say southern comfort, and I cringe, never again. I have a similar experience with Jack Daniels, never again.
I cannot drink Rum. Like ever. I spent 10 days surfing and drinking in Costa Rica. I drank so much rum the smell of it now makes me want to throw up.

Seriously, from a medical standpoint, why does that happen? Body's self-defense mechanism?
I think it would work for more than just alcohol. If you had a seriously bad food reaction to something like sloppy joes, or chili, or french fries (well maybe not french fries) you may never want to eat them again. I am normally ok, but the smell of Rum, reminds me of bad times rolfing up my insides while in Costa Rica. Smell also elicits the strongest response, and therefore is closest tied to memory.

A taste aversion? Something like that is sticking in my head and I don't care enough to use the Google.