Avengers Endgame Discussion - SPOILERS WITHIN - you have been warned....

My understanding is there is still an eternals movie planned; that gives us big bads in Cronos and Galactus; and the fox acquisition gives us Dr. Doom and Magneto as new "loki" if they want.

I don't think the multiverse will mess with this as much as it does Star Wars/Star Trek.
The comics have a long standing tradition of one-offs and "other Earth" stories.

This gives them a chance to do stories that would either be impossible to get away with in the main universe (Marvel Zombies) or which might be to difficult to fit in the overall narrative (House of M).

Also let's them "James Bond" the actors, and do movies like Wolverine Vs. Hulk
I was a little surprised to see them hand Cap's mantle to Falcon instead of Bucky, but I also don't follow the comics, only Wikipedia's recap.

They could have shaved 30 minutes of and/ or added some better transitions, but if it all ended now... I get it.

The scene with Happy, the kid, and the cheeseburgers...how many variations of that convo has happened in the last 18 years? Damn...
Looking back, if you haven't watched 90%+ of the movies, Endgame will be a big "Meh" to most viewers. To those who saw the 90% ...wow.

Antman never interested me but leading up to this movie heard he would play an important role so watched both movies a week or two ago. Was pleasantly surprised at how entertaining they were and glad I did for the added context.

Endgame is not a standalone film. Several movies are key prerequisites; if you haven't seen them, don't bother seeing Endgame.
Santa Thor should listen to his mom and eat a salad.

Thought Thor and Tony were the best characters in the movie. Cap was great as always, especialy int he third act.

RIP Tony.

I really liked this movie. Had many, maybe one too many sub plots - a couple minutes could have been easily cut out but it manages to completly avoid being convoluted and messy, which is rare. It's just about hits the right notes to not be boring in certain moments. Many ppl rate this the best Avengers / MCU movie. Can't blame them. To me personaly it's up there in the top 3. Loved Infinity War and Civil War more, generaly consider the Cap ones better than the Avengers one, but this really blew most MCU movies out of the water. Maybe it's slightly better than Infinity War.

Black Widow or Scarlet Witch. Either would have deserved the first female MCU solo movie spot. I like how powerful they make Scarlet in the MCU. She holds her own against Thanos. Which is kinda a bit sad because iirc Scarlet was more important in the comics.

I haven't seen Captain Marvel yet. Man I really hope she isn't that deadpan and uninteresting in her solo movie too .... Everytime she shows up I'm like "Finaly the real heavy hitters arrive" but quickly realize it's her and go like"oh .... right, here it's Captain Marvel ..... don't they have idk something .... with emotions but still hitting hard .... like Superman .... Vision maybe .... someone more upbeat, charming, anyone ? ^^"
Don't get me wrong, no hate for the actress, but the character struck me as rather bland and unlikable.
If Nebula shot her previous self, shouldn't her current self be dead/no longer exist? (I'm no space time continuum or fluid dynamics expert)
It depends on which theory of time/universe etc you subscribe to. As mentioned before, and in the movie, it is like a multiverse that spawns infintie possibilities. Which begs the question: Is an alternate timeline your timeline? Of course not, but then that points to the fact that you cannot do a thing to change your timeline, but any changes made will create a new timeline that can never be the one you knew.

Cap as always been able to wield the Hammer; it was hinted at in Age of Ultron when he got it off the table a bit. There is no "sorta worthy"; either you are or you aren't.
One possible explanation given is that the reason he couldn't lift it in AoU was that he was keeping a secret from Tony that the Winter Soldier (Bucky IIRC) was the one to kill his father. After that was revealed, CA was then deemed worthy.

Looking back, if you haven't watched 90%+ of the movies, Endgame will be a big "Meh" to most viewers. To those who saw the 90% ...wow.
I disagree, for me this movie was somewhere between trash and Meh. Granted there were some cool parts, much of it seemed like fan service and not something that would maintain continuity. It just seemed that the story could have been a lot more concise and not feel so much like they were trying to squeeze everything and everyone into the movie.
Big-time agree with you. My hope is that Marvel will see the damage done by Star Wars and Star Trek trying to break away from Cannon. Those two historic franchises spent decades letting fans believe there was one true universe, and then in the name of money and a hot director, gave the go ahead to turn that universe upside down. ( look away! Nothing to see here! )

It may work in the short run, but the fans who have been loyal and spent countless dollars a piece on your franchise, will be the disappointed voice that slowly deadens your product And makes it not quite so exciting or an event anymore.

The MCU already had multiple universes. It's called Disney and Sony, but all of that is going to be resolved after Dark Phoenix
My understanding is there is still an eternals movie planned; that gives us big bads in Cronos and Galactus; and the fox acquisition gives us Dr. Doom and Magneto as new "loki" if they want.

I don't think the multiverse will mess with this as much as it does Star Wars/Star Trek.
The comics have a long standing tradition of one-offs and "other Earth" stories.

This gives them a chance to do stories that would either be impossible to get away with in the main universe (Marvel Zombies) or which might be to difficult to fit in the overall narrative (House of M).

Also let's them "James Bond" the actors, and do movies like Wolverine Vs. Hulk

Yes. Externals is being fronted by Angelina Jolie.

Not sure how I feel about that....but I know how @SpongeBob*24 feels 😏
Watched it for the first time last night, there are few movies where I can honestly say I've cried openly. This was one of them.

"I love you 3,000"
