Bin Laden Raid Book: First-Hand Account Of Navy SEAL Mission Will Be Released On Sept. 11

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Sorry to ask Jacky, but I'm really curious in this one, what limitations are you talking about? could you be more specific?

He is just referring to their hair gel products..can't get one that is truly strong hold....
So I just saw the first copy on someone's desk today. Im going to pick it up out of pure curiosity. Hopefully it has cool pictures!
I made it to the Raid. UBL is dead and they are conducting the SSE. Just to add to my earlier comments, I'll try not to repeat myself:

His detail on the Maersk Alabama mission was staggering. It all made sense, and to be honest you could have guessed some of the details based on open source info, but he broke it down by number of men, the infil, how they "shaped the battlefield" for the snipers (the author was not one of the shooters), etc.

He described the place where they trained for the UBL mission with enough detail that you could probably find it using Google maps.

He had one brief passage early in the book about how CAG worked Iraq and DEVGRU worked Afghanistan... a "That is their turf, this is our turf." explanation.

His level of detail on the raid is substantial. "This was Plan A, this was Plan B, my team would do this and then move here, so-and-so's team would clear this and move there" kind of stuff. He even broke that down by numbers of men per assault element, methods of breaching, and even described the team tasked with outside security/ keeping onlookers away.

Though we covered it earlier in this thread, when you read the portion on the raid he makes it perfectly clear: the bad guys had unsuppressed weapons and the good guys used suppressed weapons and it was a suppressed weapon that shot UBL....before he and one other stood over the body and fired more rounds into it. Some uber-Che loving type of attorney could make a name for himself over those details if he wanted to. Kudos to the author for opening that door...

IMO, it will be a sad day in America if the DoD doesn't attempt to prosecute this guy.
Thanks for the review.

A little off topic, but I've read some chagrin over the fact that the POTUS/his people spilled beans. There is no hypocricy and no inconsistency. That's the way it should be. It is emphatically the province of the POTUS (at least in this case) to say what gets released, when, how and most importantly, by who. No mere foot soldier, even after discharge, should be doing so, especially after agreeing by contract not to (without pre-publication preview.

Nor is there any question about whether secrets were in the book or not. The author doesn't get to decide that. Unless there is a "no harm, no foul" clause in the contract, this shit should not be decided after the fact in the public sphere.

If Pepsi proposes and then executes and markets a new product, and assigns the PR Department the task to disimenate the information, and conduct the advertising afterwards, the engineer who designed it should STFU, especially if he signed a non-disclosure agreement. Pepsi can do as they will. This may be a weak analogy for some reason I haven't thought of, but for those who want government run like a business it might hold some water.

(P.S. Okay, yes, I will go search for a spell check function)
FWIW I was just at Target(no pun intended) and they have the booked marked down already.
Trying to make some money before it's ordered pulled from the shelves.

It won't be pulled from the shelves.
The publishers will be have investigated every avenue of publication, prior to commencing the printing of the book, as their outlay would have been substantial.
I expect that the author's agent has already sold the international and foreign language rights also. So there will be thousands of copies printed all over the world.
Books-A-Million had it right at the entrance. And 40% off. I concur that they're trying to sell this first batch off ASAP. Most people will walk and throw money at the cashier for it too so I'd say it's a smart business move.
I made it to the Raid. UBL is dead and they are conducting the SSE. Just to add to my earlier comments, I'll try not to repeat myself:

His detail on the Maersk Alabama mission was staggering. It all made sense, and to be honest you could have guessed some of the details based on open source info, but he broke it down by number of men, the infil, how they "shaped the battlefield" for the snipers (the author was not one of the shooters), etc.

He described the place where they trained for the UBL mission with enough detail that you could probably find it using Google maps.

He had one brief passage early in the book about how CAG worked Iraq and DEVGRU worked Afghanistan... a "That is their turf, this is our turf." explanation.

His level of detail on the raid is substantial. "This was Plan A, this was Plan B, my team would do this and then move here, so-and-so's team would clear this and move there" kind of stuff. He even broke that down by numbers of men per assault element, methods of breaching, and even described the team tasked with outside security/ keeping onlookers away.

Though we covered it earlier in this thread, when you read the portion on the raid he makes it perfectly clear: the bad guys had unsuppressed weapons and the good guys used suppressed weapons and it was a suppressed weapon that shot UBL....before he and one other stood over the body and fired more rounds into it. Some uber-Che loving type of attorney could make a name for himself over those details if he wanted to. Kudos to the author for opening that door...

IMO, it will be a sad day in America if the DoD doesn't attempt to prosecute this guy.

So in essence, he wrote the book like giving a debrief post mission?
So in essence, he wrote the book like giving a debrief post mission?

Pretty much.

Oh, two awesome parts I forgot to mention:

He describes how the team members were selected. I vaguely recall lines like "DEVGRU had men available" or something to that effect in the media after the raid. "Available" can also mean, if the book is to be believed, that they were recalling guys from leave, "Get your ass down here" type pages and that the ones choses to go were all senior guys from DEVGRU. They even picked up a guy in Afghanistan who had never done any of the pre-mission prep. They briefed him in Jalalabad, basically "You're our Arabic speaker. Welcome to the team." Apparently, CAG was flat busted with no one around to kill the most wanted man on the planet...

What was even MORE awesome than that was "the mulch guy." The author was having some mulch put in at his house and the mulch guy asked if he was with the Teams. Yup. "Figures, you look like one." Then he asked if the author knew "Jay" which the author did because that was his Squadron commander. The mulch guy goes on to say, "Yeah, he's been real busy in DC for a few weeks." The author didn't know anything about it and wondered how the mulch guy knew his boss was in DC for several weeks while guys were on leave.

The whole segment was odd.
Pretty much.

Oh, two awesome parts I forgot to mention:

He describes how the team members were selected. I vaguely recall lines like "DEVGRU had men available" or something to that effect in the media after the raid. "Available" can also mean, if the book is to be believed, that they were recalling guys from leave, "Get your ass down here" type pages and that the ones choses to go were all senior guys from DEVGRU. They even picked up a guy in Afghanistan who had never done any of the pre-mission prep. They briefed him in Jalalabad, basically "You're our Arabic speaker. Welcome to the team." Apparently, CAG was flat busted with no one around to kill the most wanted man on the planet...

What was even MORE awesome than that was "the mulch guy." The author was having some mulch put in at his house and the mulch guy asked if he was with the Teams. Yup. "Figures, you look like one." Then he asked if the author knew "Jay" which the author did because that was his Squadron commander. The mulch guy goes on to say, "Yeah, he's been real busy in DC for a few weeks." The author didn't know anything about it and wondered how the mulch guy knew his boss was in DC for several weeks while guys were on leave.

The whole segment was odd.

Well, the horse has well and truly bolted now....
FYI, This made Irish Media, reporting his real name.. Made broadsheets as well as rags..
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