Christmas Day Bombing in Nashville?

All very interesting thoughts. I’m not EOD, nor am I and Intel dude. So, I’m not super confident any of these theories have any credibility, but here are my thoughts.
1) from the camera angles I saw, I couldn’t see any cratering. Ok curious to see what the results of the BDA will show. Of note, what composition of the explosives will show, and that will tell us a LOT about the intent of the bombing.
2) could it be a penetration test of emergency response protocols in Nashville? Is it a the first of multiple attacks?
3) can AT&T be identified or ruled out as the target? If yes, that will give a lot of direction.
That point leads me to think of more of a statement...what statement is not known....or just the statement in his head (?). And someone who wanted to keep casualties at a minimum...

As far as the ATT's the only thing on the street that isn't a small business...and it's a huge communication hub, disrupting that would be a good target.
That point leads me to think of more of a statement...what statement is not known....or just the statement in his head (?). And someone who wanted to keep casualties at a minimum...

As far as the ATT's the only thing on the street that isn't a small business...and it's a huge communication hub, disrupting that would be a good target.
Fair point about AT&T, but what’s the end game is the real question. Probe security protocols? Test HME effectiveness? Is there something at that specific location to try and destroy/knock offline (likely won’t ever know)?
Don't think too deep into this, it could be nothing more than a nut job who thinks ATT is in his brain, ex-employee....etc.
Yep. Currently, there are so many groups with agendas out there that could be massaged to fit into this scenario that it's almost too hard to even guestimate the intent. In situations like these, you just start with the physical evidence and work backwards as to the who and further down the road comes the why. Patience my friends....:ninja:;-)
No claim of responsibility is more worry some, anyone taking credit yet?
I haven't seen anything so far that could remotely fit someone taking claim as of yet. The thing about this incident in particular is that it could fit so many different agendas and variables. I completely agree that the failure to have someone claim it is the biggest issue for me as well. However, I suspect that "they" know that whoever makes the claim would also help "guide" the investigation in their direction. We shall eventually see!
50 years later and my blast injuries still ache watching videos like that...right up through my core like a spear.

WTF. Dude appears to be casually walking his dog around the 3:20 mark; after the explosion.

No claims of responsibility yet?

Yes, was that strange or what? It was too soon to be a bomb dog and handler...And in any case I don't think any dog team would've strolled through a kill zone that way. Good thing there wasn't a secondary.

Kind of an interesting thread, kinda not as we have a lot of powerful brains in this thread already looking at this.

I find his inference to the IRA bombing in 1996 interesting. However, I don't think it is a good parallel. The IRA was still killing people in 1993. Yet in 1996 two people were still killed with hundreds injured so it really doesn't hold much water for me.

Parallel to McVeigh is also interesting, but this seems a bit more calculated, however the personal motive is still completely open for me as there wasn't any follow up unless there was a major heist in the area that has yet to be reported? `

Again, it's weird.
Police reported have ID'd a person of interest; haven't released name or info publicly. Could it be the person walking the dog? Or is it the remains they found?

Also of interest is the report of shots fired call in the area prior to the blast. To lure police? Do the remains found have anything to do with the shots fired?

If police were the target, then why the audible warning? Didn't want to hurt civilians? Didn't want to hurt him/herself into a situation they couldn't get out of?

Will be interesting to see if the remains are those of the bomber/the person driving the RV.

As everyone has said, lots of strange things with this one. Then again, often times crazy doesn't make sense.

Person of interest identified in connection to Nashville bombing
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