One swallow does not a summer make. But it does seem that in our neck of the woods, it's only tipping the usual suspects over the edge.
The data on Children under 18 seems to be relatively clear, they have limited rate of infection and even more limited fatality rate. There is no reason for schools not to be open.And then there's the loss in education and social development of our children.
No clear link between school opening and COVID surge, study finds
Oh I meant to post in both and for the same feeling to happen in BOTH threads. Ill take the soft delete though.All discussions about Trumps testing positive for CV-19 are moved to the politics thread.
@amlove21 you got a soft delete since it is in the politics thread.
I wish MN had some success challenging our Gov's power but sadly all have failed so far. The was the law was written, if the Gov's party also controls part of the legislature, it's nearly impossible to revoke his power. Which is why these strategies, like executive orders, will become increasingly more prevalent ways to circumvent our governmental process.So Whitmer is going to implement her restrictions through "other means".
High court strikes down Whitmer's emergency powers; gov vows to use other means
I'm not sure if she's noticed, but there's like 20 court cases against her regarding emergency powers authorization.
I don't see Trudeau and many Canadian's going for this. Unless Biden wins, then overnight the evil from the orange bad man goes away.
Senators ask Trump to end blanket closure of U.S.-Canada bord
That might explain why some people I know have been able to cross the border and hang out in Canada after doing their 14 days. I see a lot of Canadian plates down here in the winter.@ThunderHorse yes it's mutual but I'm sure it's stricter on our side. We only just allowed family members to join Canadian's from the US, in Canada.
We have international flights daily and I'm sure someone infected on almost every flight. I think our insurance provider's only recently created covid specific travel policies. I don't think you'll see the same numbers as you did previously. The majority drive across and are stranded here with their American vehicles.
If idiots were responsible with their trash there wouldn't be that state-sized ball of shit swirling about in the Pacific.
People keep saying that as if those around him don't have a choice.POTUS doesn't seem to be adjusting his safety posture to reflect his diagnosis or the heightened risk to others around him:
Walter Reed attending physician swipes at Trump for motorcade visit to supporters
Dr Schmuckatelli, get off twitter.POTUS doesn't seem to be adjusting his safety posture to reflect his diagnosis or the heightened risk to others around him:
Walter Reed attending physician swipes at Trump for motorcade visit to supporters
What exactly did this attending physician say to make him a Schmuckatelli in your book?Dr Schmuckatelli, get off twitter.