Nope.Curious (genuinely) do you (the collective you) believe that a mask will help keep germs at bay on a long flight?
All the mandates are today's "too-big-too-fail"... they ain't going away en masse, even if some places/companies/businesses, etc., do away with them.
Curious (genuinely) do you (the collective you) believe that a mask will help keep germs at bay on a long flight?
^^^^^There's always a new "study", but the last guidance I had was masks protect for 15-45 mins indoors and N95 masks last a couple-few hours. That is for COVID and presumably the same for airborne viruses of a similar size.
Bacteria and droplets will mostly stay in the mask so it'll help if they guy next to you has strep or another droplet passed illness.
Imagine a hospital's logistician (or whatever) calculating burn rates on masks using the numbers above and how to keep them in change your face diaper out Q30 mins. Lol
Imagine a hospital's logistician (or whatever) calculating burn rates on masks using the numbers above and how to keep them in stock.
^I work at a hospital but when I say perpetuity I mean they have no plan to go back to normal.
There is no plan and our Federal top doctor has started the push for masks again. It's a cycle every 3 months of so, like we've forgotten the past few year's of bullshit.
Airplanes do a pretty good job of circulating air and bringing fresh air in as part of the pressurization system. The only benefit I see that a mask would offer, is discouraging the casual nose pickers from getting their nastiness all over touched surfaces. As long as you’re not one of those people that can’t keep their fingers out of their mouth, I don’t see a benefit.Curious (genuinely) do you (the collective you) believe that a mask will help keep germs at bay on a long flight?
Anything to keep the fear mongering going, keeping the minds off of the government abuses. Funny thing, fucking retards actually fall for it under the guise of "public safety".
Wearing one is more likely to get you sick. Air is renewed every 2-3 minutes on a plane. Cabin Air & Low Risk of On Board TransmissionCurious (genuinely) do you (the collective you) believe that a mask will help keep germs at bay on a long flight?