
It will be interesting to see how many of the signatories that are actively serving as either troops or civil servants get silently and indirectly butt fucked by their chain of command.
ummm this is pretty big.

Fauci admits social distancing not based on science, 'sort of just appeared'

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the public face of the U.S. coronavirus pandemic response, told lawmakers this week that the social distancing recommendations forced on Americans "sort of just appeared" and were likely not based on scientific data.

"just sort of appeared?" WTAF. Any normal person knew that the social distancing was arbitrary. That the masks they were forcing us to wear were purely performative and utterly ineffective, that an experimental vaccine rushed through development and testing would likely not work well, and that it was completely plausible that COVID-19 escaped from a lab in China.

...but any of us who tried to have rational discussions about any of these things were called "right wing extremists" and "conspiracy theorists," and told to "listen to the experts" and "follow the science" and STFU.

None of this "just sort of happened" or "just sort of appeared." It was deliberately milked for maximum political benefit, and ALL of us, especially our children, paid the price.
We knew all along that it was not based on any science. Why not 5 ft? Why not 7 ft? Why not 6 ft? Because 6 ft was the arbitrary decision. The reality is we knew all along that the more distance you had from someone who had an infectious disease, the better it was. But 6 ft? That was made up on the spot.
Maybe in his next interview that sleazy little gray haired mother fucker will explain the toilet paper crisis and the chicken wing shortage.

There wasn't a chicken breasts shortage now was there...
Somebody pull out a calculator and do the math - every single solitary chicken on this planet has two mother fucking breasts and two mother fucking wings...
...but we were short on wings can we be short body parts?
...did COVID only make the fucking wings sick?

I call bullshit.

It sure as fuck wasn't because Hooters and Buffalo Wild Wings were doing more business than normal - Anthony Saint Fauci and his bullshit social distancing and two-week lock down two flatten the curve made sure of that.
"I am science"
Fuck you Tony - where did the fucking chicken wings go you fucking weasel?

Science my ass.
Fuck you Tony - fuck you right in your stupid asshole
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Maybe in his next interview that sleazy little gray haired mother fucker will explain the toilet paper crisis and the chicken wing shortage.

There wasn't a chicken breasts shortage now was there...
Somebody pull out a calculator and do the math - every single solitary chicken on this planet has two mother fucking breasts and two mother fucking wings...
...but we were short on wings can we be short body parts?
...did COVID only make the fucking wings sick?

I call bullshit.

It sure as fuck wasn't because Hooters and Buffalo Wild Wings were doing more business than normal - Anthony Saint Fauci and his bullshit social distancing and two week lockdown two flatten the curve made sure of that.
"I am science"
Fuck you Tony - where did the fucking chicken wings go you fucking weasel?

Scinece my ass.
Fuck you Tony - fuck you right in your stupid asshole


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Maybe in his next interview that sleazy little gray haired mother fucker will explain the toilet paper crisis and the chicken wing shortage.

There wasn't a chicken breasts shortage now was there...
Somebody pull out a calculator and do the math - every single solitary chicken on this planet has two mother fucking breasts and two mother fucking wings...
...but we were short on wings can we be short body parts?
...did COVID only make the fucking wings sick?

I call bullshit.

It sure as fuck wasn't because Hooters and Buffalo Wild Wings were doing more business than normal - Anthony Saint Fauci and his bullshit social distancing and two-week lock down two flatten the curve made sure of that.
"I am science"
Fuck you Tony - where did the fucking chicken wings go you fucking weasel?

Science my ass.
Fuck you Tony - fuck you right in your stupid asshole
Your injury is real. I feel the need to send you a case of wings... every month... for years.
Isn't it still? I've lost track.

Let’s check!

Max Holloway Sport GIF by UFC
Lessons from the Great Covid Cover-up, from a speech by Rand Paul. A summation of revelations about the depth of deception by Anthony Fauci, his colleagues, government entities and the media.

"...[Fauci] and his fellow scientists were worried that it may have originated in the Wuhan lab because they knew that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), under Fauci’s direction, had been funding work at the lab for years. They also knew of a paper by Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli describing gain-of-function research—which involves taking two viruses and combining their genetics to create something more dangerous, more lethal, or more contagious—on various coronaviruses at the Wuhan lab..."

Lessons From the Great Covid Cover-Up
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