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One of the most entertaining things to come out this thing is the ridiculous tone shifts that seem to happen every few days with the president.
Last week it was "liberate" Michigan, Virginia, and Minnesota, but this week its saying Georgia shouldn't open up yet because they haven't hit White House guidelines?

Watching my friends (all sides) contort themselves into pretzels when they agree with the message is stupidly fun.

ETA: On a separate note, Colorado is gearing up for a soft re-opening next week. As Gov. Polis put it;

"We're going from the bunny slopes to the green circles, but if we fall on the green we go back to the bunny hills."
Blame the way the bill was written..

Agreed, though I'll cut the govt a little bit of slack as the bill went through rather quickly. That said, this a great opportunity for We The People to exercise their freedom, ethics and morals. Can you take it? Should you take it? I'm heartened to see some entities returning the money, but the cynic in me is already wondering what's going to happen to the returned money. I kind of feel like a flood of money has been released. What are we up to, like 3 Trillion now? People lost their shit when the banks got 1 Trillion. I don't have answers just musing.