
The formating got messed up, above.

"Dr. Lieber was one of three scientists to be charged with crimes on Tuesday."

"The third was Yanqing Ye, who had been conducting research at Boston University’s department of physics, chemistry and biomedical engineering until last spring, when she returned to China. Prosecutors said she hid the fact that she was a lieutenant in the People’s Liberation Army, and continued to carry out assignments from Chinese military officers while at B.U."

U.S. Accuses Harvard Scientist of Concealing Chinese Funding
Funny how everyone forgets the fear mongering by the media that occurred with Ebola, yet it was completely insignificant in terms of deaths caused for those two years.

If you want information go to either the CDC or WHO. They don't derive their income from how many clicks a headline brings.
Funny how everyone forgets the fear mongering by the media that occurred with Ebola, yet it was completely insignificant in terms of deaths caused for those two years.

If you want information go to either the CDC or WHO. They don't derive their income from how many clicks a headline brings.

People shouldn't let basic facts get in the way of good old-fashioned hysteria.
At the start of it they were running an old gameplay and trying to keep the whole thing under wraps like they did with SARS and bird flu. It's not so easy these days even with all their censorship technology at hand. Maybe that contributed to things, I don't know; I'm not a doctor.
Funny how everyone forgets the fear mongering by the media that occurred with Ebola, yet it was completely insignificant in terms of deaths caused for those two years.

If you want information go to either the CDC or WHO. They don't derive their income from how many clicks a headline brings.

Ebola is passe, so 2, 2 1/2 years ago. The MSM has stopped letting people know it is still going on, In Kivu and Ituri provinces in the DRC, killing over 2,000 people. I guess it isn't sexy anymore.
This is my response to the corona virus, terrorism, global warming, the comet, federal income tax...and many of you.

View attachment 31816
And when I'm really amped up about armageddon, I take the shotglass of bourbon and drop it in the glass of beer. I call it a Depth Bomb.

Isn't that a boilermaker? Or are you going by the letter of the liquor law with bourbon instead and calling it something else?

In any case, put me down for about 5 of those bad boys....
Have stumbled across some pretty poignant videos of how things are deteriorating in Wuhan. I'm not being a negative Nancy or pessimist Paul here, but I also don't trust the numbers the PRC is putting out. Considering the desperation in the videos coming out of Wuhan and what people are risking to speak out, I think it's intellectually dishonest to call what we are seeing as fearmongering.

Food for thought.
The last I heard, the 4 in the UAE were from a single family allowed to travel from Wuhan AFTER the alleged travel ban from said city. The last part could be bad info, but it was in one news outlet here. Maybe thy got out on one of the last flights? I dunno.
The last I heard, the 4 in the UAE were from a single family allowed to travel from Wuhan AFTER the alleged travel ban from said city. The last part could be bad info, but it was in one news outlet here. Maybe thy got out on one of the last flights? I dunno.

When the ban was first put in place and they cut off the trains there were people operating that could move you about for the low low price of 2000RMB to get you to a different suburb. I'm not totally sure who they were but my source implied (or rather, I inferred) local government types. That would make sense since I'd imagine only local, provincial and national level people could move about.
Here's the take home. In simple numbers, even with the last update to the JHU map, the death rate is about 2%. Another way of looking at that is 98% have been surviving. Those who have died have had co-morbid factors, or have not had access to the best healthcare resources.

Same-same with ebola. It kills people in Africa, not so much in America.

This may mutate and become a bigger issue, but right now there are other diseases that are more worrisome.

If you replaced 2019-nCoV with the word influenza, the numbers would indicate a tremendously good year. Think about that; it lends perspective.

@Ooh-Rah good catch on the map. That's what I monitor at work; it stays active on my desktop in the office.
Some timely tips:

1. Let's all wash our hands and cover our mouths when we cough or sneeze.

2. Guns kill more people than corona viruses do.

3. When stepping on the brake, your life is in your foot's hands.
Some timely tips:

1. Let's all wash our hands and cover our mouths when we cough or sneeze.

2. Guns kill more people than corona viruses do.

3. When stepping on the brake, your life is in your foot's hands.

I think statistically The Clintons have killed more people than this virus (OPINION, no corroborating facts ;-))