Does anyone know how highly regarded this program is in the Intel community?

Real intel experience isn't taught in school. Learn a language or technical skill instead... that'll serve you better.
Ive heard of it but since Im 110% satisfied with American Military University's Intelligence Studies Degree program I dont know much about it.
I'm just always suspicious of an intel training program that doesn't teach at the classified level. As far as I know, there's only one institute of higher learning in the US that does that.
Regardless of the program you end up signing up for, make sure they have the right accreditation.

I was wondering if it would be worth going back there for another bachelor's degree. I don't have any experience with intelligence in any capacity so I'm looking at all options.

Just my observation, but I bet you'd be better off going with a less specific program, something that would keep more options open. A degree in intelligence seems to only qualify you for one thing (and does a poor job at that as more experienced people here have said), but a degree in international relations, languages, history, or economics would qualify you just as well to work in the IC but would also allow you to work in other fields as well if being in "intel" never pans out.
Just my observation, but I bet you'd be better off going with a less specific program, something that would keep more options open. A degree in intelligence seems to only qualify you for one thing (and does a poor job at that as more experienced people here have said), but a degree in international relations, languages, history, or economics would qualify you just as well to work in the IC but would also allow you to work in other fields as well if being in "intel" never pans out.

I have a bachelor's degree in political science with a concentration in international relations, which hasn't helped me (or folks I graduated with) land a job. Hard science, math or IT is seems to be a lot more desired for those without a master's degree.
I had sex with this MI chick like a million times... She was hot and liked my wonderful personality.... Anywho she went on to some super cool shit (SCIT) or SkidMark as we called them. But I think she went to UCLA. But yeah she went ninja and man I miss discussing current events with her, but I think her degree was in some kind of math....Just sayin
JAB did your account get hacked or did you overdose on Cialis? Let's try to keep this board from getting an NC-17 rating. I don't want to have to explain the birds and the bees to angry irish kid.
Hell I don't particularly want to be going to uni at all but it's the best career move I could do and I'll go on to do a Masters if they'll let me (and haven't had enough of my ravings :D ) just because it's the best thing to get where I want to.

So BAM. Get that Masters. It's only another year, anyway, and going by your profile I'd gather you're still quite young?

I figured since you were asking about a BA program that you didn't have a bachelors. Guess I shouldn't ass-u-me.

I would if I could but I've been turned down by all 3 programs I applied to. I figured I could got Mercyhurst and join a reserve unit. Mercyhurst also has a combined online and classroom program for Graduate students in the Northern Virginia/D.C. area. I was hoping to use undergraduate courses at Mercyhurst as a stepping stone to grad school in that program.
Why were you turned down? Your grades not good enough? Repeat your last year if you need to, get the grades you need to get into the MA program.