So where is everyone in their fitness goals?
For those over you over 35 how do you eat, sleep, train at this stage in your life?
Not quite where I want to be, I prolly will never be content where I'm at either. But us younger-middle aged warriors need to be careful eating and training. Everyone is able to respond with short answers, this is the best I can do for
short. Best wishes for
@Marine0311 and everyone else
For eating--
First thing in the morning, sustained protein shake and vitamins- >low cal high protein and fiber breakfast- >light snack->sandwich or rice+meat meal for lunch-> (pre workout prior~1hr) isowhey- >post workout shake high in carbs- >snack or tuna sandwich - >sleep.
I've turned into a small eater 5-6 times a day. So yeah I'm "that guy" at the super market that looks spaced out looking at foods, but honestly I'm looking at nutrition info and ingredients. I've approached the point I want the most out of what I eat. In our house to drink it's just water, tea, and liquor. I try not to drink beer(never really liked it.) I hate soda and sweet beverages; separately ice cream.
Gist you need it, fat is burned, and hormones balence while sleeping, I think. I've been observing over the last 20 something years from my friends and my own mistakes is how Cortisol levels affect us and worth doing a internet search if you don't know already. I'm gonna stay in my lane, I like to think I'm smart, but I'm not gonna bs the science behind it and it's worth the research the reader does forming their own opinion. But as far as I understand sleep is when your body repairs itself and is very important.
I strive for at least 7hrs, but if I don't get it I don't worry. Some natural and pharma pre-workouts will have me shooting lasers out my eyeballs post workout and when it's bedtime I'm still fighting the caffeine to go to sleep. Wish there was more options for stim free or low stim pre workouts. I Feel like
Large Marge using stims. Reading helps but my tablets make my eyes want to explode.
No gist it's just long winded. One thing that is true for everyone: I go thru a gallon of water or more in daily training, dehydration affects the effectiveness of your muscles. I watched the TACP schoolhouse moto videos and said to myself that little bottle would last me maybe 5 mins, then I'm sipping the murky water out of those muddy pits they train in. I think dehydration affect me more now than when I was 18.
As you know, with any goal a routine is different for everyone and everyone has a different goal. My goal is mass. Everyday I'm inching closer and closer to Larry Scott. I train 4times a week and it is structured work out. I push myself heavy for 1-2hrs and move thru a super set at about 15-30mins pace each. I've gone 3hrs constantly 4times a week for 10 weeks and become very sick (shingles) afterwards. I've since been supplementing flavorless glutamine to my 45min mark intra workout iso shake. I don't care about what people say about vitamins I pee nuke yellow, something is happening and I generally feel better using them.
Gist of this is form over heavy weight. Another thing "we" are mentally strong, but sometimes that's a bad thing. The wrong form will end a shoulder, or at the least set you back a few weeks depending on what went wrong. I tried benching with a smith machine gave it up for DBs because smith machine is unnatural for form and will erode your shoulders as I had this happen to me. I now step up to a weight either it's coming off the ground once with good form or it is going back to the rack for some other lighter weight. I've slowed down with weights (maybe for the better,) I feel faster running too, may not be the case for all 40yo.
Edit: The most important thing I forgot, stretching. Double it at 40.