No one questioned who the fuck Bronn was and why he got his position? For all practical purposes, some guy shows up out of nowhere and is now master of coin?! Get outta here.
Did John just say "fuck it" and leave his post at Castle Black (not that Castle Black is needed anymore) to run off with the Wildlings...and where are they headed?
Did Bran, who is still worthless as they get, offer to warg into Drogon? If so, why didn't he do it when King's Landing was being scorched? Sure would've saved some trouble and made him at least a little useful. His storyline is all b.s.
After the entire castle is decimated, Jaime and Cersi are under just a single stack of bricks. Again, get outta here with that.
Just like that, all these people/lords and ladies throw away their long held heirarchial beliefs as a result of a 1 minute speech by Tyrion? Really?
I imagine this is what it feels like when some dude gets played by a tranny with a pushup bra...thinks he's looking at a hot chick and "surprise", this is not what you want.
Again, I'm not sure what I really expected from the finale but it felt like a bit of an insult. After all these years of many "emotional" episodes, and I didn't really feel any connection with last episode other than they all just wanted to hurry up and say, "peace out". That's pretty disappointing.