Gaming thread

Man, the amount of my life I've spent gaming. The only other person here that can probably relate is @AWP. I've logged thousands of hours on Diablo 3.

That's a pretty big assumption... My first (computer) video game was a Joust clone on the TRS-80 in about 1985. I've been a non-stop gamer in my free time ever since. Currently playing Hogwart's Legacy, 7 Days to Die (phenomenal game for replayability in a base builder), Virtual Pool 4, Project Cars 2, Tropico 6 and Stellaris. No first person shooters at the moment because of an issue with my left hand, but I play a wide range and I play a LOT.
Diablo 3 is awesome and D4 is coming out this summer; early reviews are pretty good.

Destiny tracks your game play with two metrics: time in the game doing stuff and time in orbit ( kind of a holding area) or the Tower (your social space/ bounty collection, etc. I think I have something like 4800 hours in game (Steam says 4600, but I'm adding the pre-Steam days) with north of 2600 actually doing stuff in game. That is since June 2019 and puts me in the top 8% of players for time played which is hilarious because I am no kidding bottom 15% in certain PvP modes.

Lightfall drops next Tuesday, looks like I'm working from home...
Online, though, people are absolutely flaming me. I am good at the game (or so I thought??)

Don’t know how much I’m gonna venture into actual gaming but this is- and I’m not joking- the first time I have ever personally owned a video game console or game.
TL:DR Enjoy the game and ignore the shitheads.

I get it which is why I stayed away from Destiny for over a year, the human element. I've since learned that you have to let that shit go. As Rack said you are playing kids who sit at home and that's all they do plus the reaction times of 15-25 year olds are vastly better than guys our age. People retire (not kidding) as eSports players when they are 23. Several Destiny content creators are former champs in games like CS:GO. D2's pvp mode is so much more relaxed than professional eSports so that isn't surprising.

Anywho, when some kid t-bags me I usually let it go. The only time I get a little salty is when they bag me for no reason and then I get a little toxic. If you ever go into Call of Duty or Battlefield you will see some absolutely racist, homophobic, misogynistic shit. Kids running their mouths so to speak, internet tough guys. One of Battlefield 4's busiest servers was named George Floyd Gaming. You will eventually see stuff like that and I wouldn't allow it to define a game. D2's community is really good, the shitheads tend to take a banhammer from the game.
Anywho, when some kid t-bags me I usually let it go. The only time I get a little salty is when they bag me for no reason and then I get a little toxic. If you ever go into Call of Duty or Battlefield you will see some absolutely racist, homophobic, misogynistic shit. Kids running their mouths so to speak, internet tough guys. One of Battlefield 4's busiest servers was named George Floyd Gaming. You will eventually see stuff like that and I wouldn't allow it to define a game. D2's community is really good, the shitheads tend to take a banhammer from the game.
So I don't have a mic and I am not talking to anyone, cause I know enough to know I don't care that much.

This had to be the most disrespectful thing I have seen that has to be one of the quirks of the community- I was getting absolutely spanked like 4-0, and it wasn't as close as the score indicated. I couldn't even win a face off (there is some combination of moves that apparently everyone knows and I don't).

It gets to about 2:00 left, and I see the dude pulls his goalie. I was like, "Ok, fella, I see you". Then dude proceeds win the faceoff and score on himself. He repeats the process 3 more times, tie game, going to overtime.

He wins the faceoff, drives and scores, took him all of about 5 seconds.

When I tell you I immediately understood rage quitting...
Company of Heroes 3 dropped today and the reviews are lackluster. Near as I can tell from reading a few: Visually stunning with some great ideas, but the execution is kind of muddled. The AI is a bowl of warm oatmeal. The game has a lot of promise, but it will take more patches or mods to help it shine.

I love the series, so hopefully Relic fixes the game.

5 sleeps until the next D2 DLC.
With three missions left in Destiny 2:Lightfall, I'm not impressed. Granted a lot of changes happened to the overall game, but the DLC storyline and dialogue so far are bad compared to Witch Queen.

Gameplay, go buy the game. Trying to make sense of it all and your place in the story? I wish you the best.
With three missions left in Destiny 2:Lightfall, I'm not impressed. Granted a lot of changes happened to the overall game, but the DLC storyline and dialogue so far are bad compared to Witch Queen.

Gameplay, go buy the game. Trying to make sense of it all and your place in the story? I wish you the best.
Well hell, that’s disappointing….was going to try it out this weekend.
Well hell, that’s disappointing….was going to try it out this weekend.

The new location is awesome, strand will take some getting used to, and I haven't done anything outside of the campaign. The campaign though?The missions are good, the challenge on Legendary difficulty is fantastic, but the story and dialogue are horrible IMO. I was super hyped for the DLC because Witch Queen's story, lore, and dialogue were excellent. Top notch.

2 missions left in LF and I know I have to stop Calus because he's aligned with the Witness and the Witness is bad. If we don't stop them then everyone on Venus dies or something? I think we're trying to rescue people too.