A scrub's opinion of Overwatch 2.
I don't like it, but I don't hate it. You level up to obtain characters, but you can't customize the weapons or abilities. The abilities aren't "one shotters" like in Destiny. Trigger your special ability in OW2 and you...just do a little more of whatever you did before triggering your special. Meh.
Some of the characters are just OP right now, but that's to be expected, especially in a new game. In Destiny 2, team composition rarely matters, in pvp; in OW2 it is necessary to have a properly balanced team. Problem is, in quickplay "ain't nobody got time for that" so you wind up with people chasing daily and weekly challenges instead of optimizing a team loadout. "We already have a healer, but I need that healing challenge, so fuck them. I'm a healer."
I hate, Hate, HATE the fact you can't ADS in OW2. Hip fire for the win unless you are a sniper. Movement in both games is important, but I OW2's is kind of stupid. Certain characters can't sprint, but they have other "speed" maneuvers. Some characters have movement that is vital to their game and can destroy a team in seconds; I don't think some have a cooldown. Some characters can "climb" buildings while others watch on in wonder with their non-sprinting, non-climbing, 2D gunfight selves.
Match variety is good, you don't have just the standard "run here and kill x" or capture the flag modes. That's a plus. A negative though is your start point in relation to the objective might put you at a huge disadvantage compared to the other team. When you die spawn points are usually one or two maps over and did I mention most characters can't sprint?
The amount of characters and their uniqueness is really good though I find myself playing the same 3 or 4 characters because I haven't unlocked the others or the available characters just suck.
OW2 isn't a bad game and I'll keep playing it, but I'm not all sweaty about the matches. Short of your own desire to win, or winning so you can maybe one day play in their ranked system, there's no real payoff for winning. Grab a beer or 5, jump into a mech or something, and have fun. I'm glad it is F2P, because I would be PISSED if I paid $70 for the game.
3.5 out of 5 13 year olds screaming in chat