I've pre-ordered Every Destiny game/expansion including the base version of D1...I will not be pre-ordering Final because I have zero faith in managements ability to do anything at this point.Here's the link, but I'll post the story so no one has to pay for it or register an account. In a nutshell, the last DLC was poorly received which meant pre-sales for the next DLC were well under projections. Players weren't sticking around and Bungie cut jobs. As someone with a metric shit-ton of time in Destiny 2, I know that Bungie basically ignored player feedback about the game. Poor DLC + poor game decisions = reduced sales.
I feel for those laid off because it could have been avoided had Bungie's leadership listened to the players.
Sony’s Bungie Game Unit Cut 8% of Staff After ‘Destiny’ Play Wilted
Best case, they identified dead weight and got rid of it...but given their track record and the fact that they got rid of Salvatori...I'm not holding my breath or opening my wallet.