Gaming thread

Currently enjoying Diablo IV on Xbox but I choose my sessional class poorly (Druid). I keep thinking of switching over to Destiny 2 on PC.

Necro minion and Barb (no surprise there) are killing it in D4. I'm a shit player and my necro minion had me at Tier 4 as a level 60.

RE: D2, a coworker who hasn't touched the game in 2-3 years is picking up the game until Elden Ring or whatever drops some DLC in about a month. Don't be a coward, embrace the grind.
Is it bad that I really just want to see a Trump rally in the Destiny universe?

"We have to get back to winning. The Witness, I like to call him little witty because he has a small brain, unlike my brain which is big, but not as big as my hands. Little witty lost to a team of tiny little guardians, only lasting 19 hours. I would have lasted far longer, just ask Melania. We have to make the universe great again."
Is it bad that I really just want to see a Trump rally in the Destiny universe?

"We have to get back to winning. The Witness, I like to call him little witty because he has a small brain, unlike my brain which is big, but not as big as my hands. Little witty lost to a team of tiny little guardians, only lasting 19 hours. I would have lasted far longer, just ask Melania. We have to make the universe great again."

Whether we wanted it or not, and we don't, we've stepped into a war, a really nasty war, dirty war, a war like we've never seen with the Cabal on Mars. The Cabal, they are brutes, disgusting people, really, all of them criminals So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. We will destroy them because we are smarter and we are better. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers, and what kind of name is the Siege Dancers? Stupid, really people we're dealing with, from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but I'm smarter, I'm so much smarter. With the right team, and we have heroes, we have so many heroes, everyone's jealous of us because we're the best, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.
Recently downloaded Another Crab's Treasure on my switch. It's a cartoony dark souls style game in which you play as a hermit crab trying to get his shell back.

You don't get different weapons, but the shells you can pick up all have various magic abilities to provide variety in combat.

The best thing is it allows you to adjust combat to fit your skill level.

One of the skill adjustments is called "Give Kril a Gun", in which the crab gets a 1911 as a shell that's magic power is unlimited bullets.


10/10 game of the year for the joke alone.
Not yet, life has gotten in the way. Hoping to get seriously back into it this weekend

If I tell you how to do the quest it becomes a spoiler alert, so I won't...I wouldn't look up the How To videos. either. I'll just say once the campaign is done with cut scenes, and before you do anything else, look for How To's for the quest to earn the Still Hunt sniper rifle.
Not yet, life has gotten in the way. Hoping to get seriously back into it this weekend

Here's the deal for you and anyone like @757 playing Destiny The Final Shape and may not have finished the campaign. Spoiler free!

1. Complete the campaign on Normal or Legendary, doesn't matter.
2. Let ALL of the cut scenes play out (because this has some great story and lore bits. Trust me.)
3. You'll go to Ghost in the new tower and pick up the "Destined Heroes" quest. Stop here.
4. Go find a "How to" guide on obtaining Still Hunt.
5. Profit.

I missed the sniper on my warlock. Went back and played the entire she-bang on my hunter. No quest. Unless Bungie fixes this, you have one go to obtain Still Hunt which is a sniper with Golden Gun. If you're a solar hunter this means you have two golden gun shots that when paired with Celestial Nighthawk make you a DPS monster.
Awesome guide, thanks @AWP

Got screwed a bit today....just got the light and dark power and the big fight after that kept bugging on me....wouldn't let me finish, so will try again.

I'm here for the cause regardless of the game. If I happen to know something about the game (3100 hours according to one source, 5600 on Steam) I'm more than happy to help.
So, I have made it to the D2 FS mission 4, protecting Zavalla at his home. Been fun so far!

Heh, we should have a Shadow Spear Clan

I ran a Liar's Handshake build on my hunter and wiped twice because of the exploding shanks. Strand warlock makes ad clear a breeze.
@AWP....just an update....Currently at Step 24 of the Final Step quests, power level 1958...favorite main is Randy's Throwing Knife Scout Rifle and secondary is Graviton Lance...incredible Splash damage on groups of baddies.....Hunter (don't hate)

Have deviated from main quest for side quests and Crucible matches. Really enjoying the quests line and lore so far.
@AWP....just an update....Currently at Step 24 of the Final Step quests, power level 1958...favorite main is Randy's Throwing Knife Scout Rifle and secondary is Graviton Lance...incredible Splash damage on groups of baddies.....Hunter (don't hate)

Have deviated from main quest for side quests and Crucible matches. Really enjoying the quests line and lore so far.

Graviton is slept on, no hate here. Pair it with a devour build and you are almost unkillable.

An absolute knockout link for my D2 nerds such as yourself, @757, and others I don't recall.

The Best Destiny 2 Builds - Including NEW Prismatic Subclass

Find a build to your playstyle and weapon(s)? Lights out.