Awesome link
@AWP. I didn't actually know that they did non-league related stuff, so that's helpful to know.
As for destiny in general, I've been loving the power level of this season, specifically on the Warlock. As a Hunter main it hurts my soul, but 70% of my playtime this season has been on Warlock.
video gives the general gist of the build I've been really enjoying for those newer players just getting into the game.
You can swap out helion for feed the void if you want to, it's really play style dependent, but I love the morter. I also used arcane needle as the melee ability cuz you get more of them and unravel is great imo.
Facets I'm currently running are: sac, hope, balance, protection, purpose, and solitude. I'm open to shifting those around, but for now they've worked really well.
Also, don't run anything but phoenix dive imo. Gives you great mobility on a shorter cd than rift.
Weapons: No time to explain (additional turret and pulses are amazing this season), truthteller (Really anything with disorienting grenades works) and *insert* best in class GL, RL, LFR
There is a metric ton of customization this season, and for the first time, I can actually speed run through grand-masters.