6 weeks after HoI 4 dropped:
- Mods are already hitting the Steam Workshop. A few of the larger versions are starting to roll out with limited modifications. There's enough you can see their potential.
- The US is predictably very vanilla and an absolute beast. I haven't gotten the hang of playing as the USSR or Germany. The UK and surprisingly Italy are very good options, especially Italy. I hope they don't nerf its abilities because you can choose some really neat ahistorical paths.
- Speaking of, you can also change the gov't of your nation, or even other nations. After a few runs I decided to play as Italy and influence the UK towards the fascist side. It bought me some time, but otherwise didn't do much.
-The US on the other hand, is awesome. Changing a government allows you to do so via elections or a civil war. I took the former and moved the US towards fascism. Invade Canada and the UK. The Germans were out before I could invade France, but Nationalist Spain and Italy were still in the game (the USSR and France focused on Germany to their detriment). I had none of that shyte and steamrolled France. Belgium surrendered and we slowly rebuilt Nazi Germany while pushing the USSR back. That's when I invaded Murmansk. After that it was a slog down through Moscow to Kiev while Western Europe was slowly rolled up. Manpower depleted USSR couldn't hang and now I'm waiting for it to just give up. It is 1948, I have 20 something nukes, and raping the skies with my F-86's and B-47's. I have so many carriers most of them are still in port. I'm waiting for the Soviets to give up.
- Up next, the Communist UK. I don't think I'll have the manpower to tackle the US though. We'll see.