I disagree, I think the game evolved as intended. Where as in other MMOs you become a spacebar captain (STO), EO forces you to learn, adapt, and to actually think. I love that there is a counter to everything in the game. It truly allows players to dictate the course of the game in ways that no other game has ever been able to. For the most part, CCP stays out of the game and lets the ingame economy, culture, and drama unfold naturally. I mean hell, as of last report, the game employs at least 5 real world economists to oversee the ingame economy.
I don't see it as players trying to wreck the game, I see it as people playing a role they want to play. If there is a large group wanting to harass others, then the game allows for good players to band together and stop the jerks. Granted, it is difficult and rarely done, but can't the same be said for our world today? To me, the game allows us to fulfill whatever role we desire with little consequence, other than rage quitting lol.
At least now, you don't lose skill points when you die, just gear, implants, and ships. The skill loss should have never been implemented, as time is the one commodity we can never get back.
I stopped playing a few years ago when it didn't become fun anymore (the skill point loss is a case in point and holy hell the clone prices!). It may have just been the area we were in but within a week it went from a few hundred people in the local 3 jumps to thousands. Server lags leading to ship losses, griefers, and just overall mass fuckery. Heck you couldn't even mine in peace anymore, I had to go to null sec to get some quiet...lol I'm glad it seems to have settled down but for awhile it just seemed too chaotic (which at times can be fun) with all the new trial people not understanding/not caring how it works. I had spent lots of time (and money on the subs) to get to where Alice was and had it destroyed more than once by an idiot who wanted to see Concord (as declared in local chat).