I'm on my 4th play thru of RedDead2 so it is time to begin something new.
I want to begin Witcher3 on the XBox1 but my kids tell me since I've not played the other Witcher games I should either read the books or watch the TV show first. They think it will make much more sense to me that way.
It depends on how much you tend to care about the relationships between characters and the backstory of the world.
I had read none of the stories or played the games before I started Witcher 3.
I skimmed the wikipedia page for the plot of the second one because there is a point early in Witcher 3 where you recap the "choices" you made in the previous game and I wanted to chose the options I would have if I had played the game, but that's about it.
The game has a glossary that will add character bios as you meet them that is pretty in depth as well.