Gaming thread

Picked up AC: Odyssey and not gonna lie I'm kicking myself for not getting it sooner. I had been burned on the last couple of AC games and hadn't really played one since Brotherhood, Origins was ok but I couldn't get into it.

But Odyssey? Good God almighty, there is so much to do, the setting is beautiful, and if you're even slightly interested in the Peloponnesian War I highly reccomend picking this up. Right now my greatest joy is playing a pirate in the Mediterranean and literally cleaving ships in two with my own through ramming.
Picked up AC: Odyssey and not gonna lie I'm kicking myself for not getting it sooner. I had been burned on the last couple of AC games and hadn't really played one since Brotherhood, Origins was ok but I couldn't get into it.
Welcome to the Aegean Misthios
But Odyssey? Good God almighty, there is so much to do, the setting is beautiful, and if you're even slightly interested in the Peloponnesian War I highly reccomend picking this up. Right now my greatest joy is playing a pirate in the Mediterranean and literally cleaving ships in two with my own through ramming.
Other awesome (but not mine) images of note. I'm going to be getting my Exploration Elite rank here shortly, as once I upgrade my Frameshift drive and get the Guardian booster, I'm going to see about going away for a while to the black.

These are untouched screenshots other than some image balance, according to the guy who took them. I believe him, as the visuals in the game are fantastic. Even moreso when you put a head-mounted display on and rock the game in VR.
I have my complaints about Elite, but the visual and audio design teams nail it every time.



And here's me recreating the meme of the skinny white girl with 5 black guys behind her:
Destiny 2 is getting an overhaul starting with the next season in mid-March and Trials is coming back for those of you with friends.
Been meaning to do this for awhile, but finally downloaded Elite for PS4, they even had the deluxe version on sale. I’m doing the tutorials right now, very different game than I am used to, looking forward to mastering the controls.
Been meaning to do this for awhile, but finally downloaded Elite for PS4, they even had the deluxe version on sale. I’m doing the tutorials right now, very different game than I am used to, looking forward to mastering the controls.

Master race or die. Straight up. Consoles share the universe, but cannot crossplay with PC.

Probably for the best, what with Voice Attack, VR, HOTAS, etc for PC.


You flat out can't fly alongside me, you can't share my cockpit, I can't let you fly one of my fighters. You exist as a console player, solely as part of the background simulation. Nothing more.
Mind you, I am the same way for you, but given all you can do with/on/for/to a PC..... playing a complex game like this on a console is like sticking your dick in a meat grinder then blaming trump because you couldn't make good hamburger.
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I'm on my 4th play thru of RedDead2 so it is time to begin something new.

I want to begin Witcher3 on the XBox1 but my kids tell me since I've not played the other Witcher games I should either read the books or watch the TV show first. They think it will make much more sense to me that way.

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