I have a lot of time in collecting the weapons that got capped so I was a little sour. Luna’s, NF, Redrix, Revoker. I played a crap ton of crucible.
NTTE is a very nice pulse. Stars in Shadow is good too. I’m a bit of a hand cannon guy (also play Hunter so it fits the jumpy style) but I have always loved Vigilance Wing, especially with Saint 14 ornament for the sight. I’m not 100% sold on the rpm change on the hand cannons either. I do enjoy chasing the pieces of the stasis super, but not happy they locked parts behind team events.
Warlocks got kicked in the nuts on the nerf. They usually do. Hand held supernova, nova bomb, etc. I do have all 3 characters, I just can’t get the warlock jump down. That dawn blade dodge has me wanting to work on it though.
I managed Luna's, but never Not forgotten. I just suck at PvP. I enjoy it, I just suck.
I have a pretty good Dire Promise that I like better than Luna's. I don't notice the RPM change, but I don't run a lot of PvP.
Top tree Dawnblade is pimp in PvP, or was until Stasis became a thing, but the recent nerf to stasis may see more use it in Comp/ Survival.. Icarus Dash though still makes it a beast. I pair it Claws of Ahamkara (I think that's the name) for the double ranged melee.
Sunset weapons are still viable in quickplay events like Control, but I don't use them because I want to roll with what I can use in Trials, Survival, etc.