General Mattis is our new SECDEF

In truth if the situation was flipped and it was me & my guys on the ground that day I'd probably feel the same way so I sympathize. Like I said - shit sandwich.

Absolutely. Anyone who was on the ground would feel that way. I would like to think that after the emotions had settled, I would be able to look at everything as objectively as possible and understand why the decision was made. I am not knocking MAJ Amerine at all. He believes the TRA should have landed on the other side of the coin and is making that argument. I am knocking the people commenting on an Internet article with the blustering nonsense. Unless you were there, or knew someone who was, there's no reason for such an emotion based response.
Unfortunately, many "bad decisions" are made when dealing with war-time operations can end in very bad ways -- including the death of American Warriors. I sincerely hate the fact that it happens, but unfortunately it does. It's within the nature of war.

With all that said, the man had a 44 year career in the Corps. Anyone operating in any environment for that amount of time will make some decisions that were costly -- albeit maybe not as costly as human lives -- but, they will make mistakes nonetheless.

I hope there is more to that incident than meets the eye. I -- for one -- am willing to give him a shot at SecDef based on his overall history and his love for our nation.

I don't see the "more than meets the eye" statement. Seems pretty clear cut - guys on ground call evac and Mattis held his assets until he knew what was going on security wise. That shit happened a lot and it came down to two things:
- GFC/RTO paints a clear picture of the situation
-Assets deploy and follow LZ Procedures (hot LZ is cleared by security element assets otherwise the evac bird lands while security loiters)

The only real reason this is being brought up is because it is associated with Mattis. Unlike a lot of situations one could draw up that are otherwise, unknown outside of those involved, this one seems more clear cut than most situations. Had nothing to do with civcas or supporting fires, had nothing to do with sourcing closer assets or a dipshit commander. Mattis didn't want his birds shot down because he got trigger happy on issuing a rescue command.
I don't see the "more than meets the eye" statement. Seems pretty clear cut - guys on ground call evac and Mattis held his assets until he knew what was going on security wise. That shit happened a lot and it came down to two things:
- GFC/RTO paints a clear picture of the situation
-Assets deploy and follow LZ Procedures (hot LZ is cleared by security element assets otherwise the evac bird lands while security loiters)

The only real reason this is being brought up is because it is associated with Mattis. Unlike a lot of situations one could draw up that are otherwise, unknown outside of those involved, this one seems more clear cut than most situations. Had nothing to do with civcas or supporting fires, had nothing to do with sourcing closer assets or a dipshit commander. Mattis didn't want his birds shot down because he got trigger happy on issuing a rescue command.
Disagree, the long knives would have come out regardless of who got nominated for SecDef.
We have a guy who (for a GO) is relatively "squeaky clean" and this appears to be the best that anyone can come up with.
That said; the image a guy with Mad Dog as a nickname has with the general population is not one of a think first, act second mentality. So those who think he should have gone off half cocked may not have a lot of experience.
We also don't know what was happening inside the TOC, the book makes it sound like the Marines were totally inept when receiving the casualties, what happened and why should be openly addressed.

The only other knife being drawn is by a Retired Colonel, who complained that the Marines essentially told the 82nd they were too hard in their dealings with the locals (RIP TOA) and the Marines were going to be more hearts and minds oriented, he then referenced the two subsequent Fallujah ops the Marines had to conduct as a result of "misguided policy". Again, this can be addressed during his confirmation hearings.
Question -

Does the new Sec of Def have the authority to put a stop to this insanity?

If he does, will he?

Naval Academy Hosting ‘Transgender 101’ Training for Midshipmen

The U.S. Naval Academy is bringing in Google employees to provide voluntary “Transgender 101” training to midshipmen this week as part of an ongoing “safe space” training series.
Midshipmen and staff who take the training course will get the opportunity to display cards outside their door that show they are allies of the LGBT community.
Question -

Does the new Sec of Def have the authority to put a stop to this insanity?

If he does, will he?

Naval Academy Hosting ‘Transgender 101’ Training for Midshipmen

The U.S. Naval Academy is bringing in Google employees to provide voluntary “Transgender 101” training to midshipmen this week as part of an ongoing “safe space” training series.
Midshipmen and staff who take the training course will get the opportunity to display cards outside their door that show they are allies of the LGBT community.

Not hating you, wanted you to know that. Hate the utter living fuck out of that article. What bullshit. We are trying to teach people how to be warriors and leaders; instead we co-opt Google to help teach touchy-feely 101, enabling the next crew of the USS Harvey Milk.

Nimitz...Halsey...Dewey...Davey Fucking Jones....all are spinning in their graves at this madness....
Question -

Does the new Sec of Def have the authority to put a stop to this insanity?

If he does, will he?

Naval Academy Hosting ‘Transgender 101’ Training for Midshipmen

The U.S. Naval Academy is bringing in Google employees to provide voluntary “Transgender 101” training to midshipmen this week as part of an ongoing “safe space” training series.
Midshipmen and staff who take the training course will get the opportunity to display cards outside their door that show they are allies of the LGBT community.

This is just the biggest bunch of horseshit I've ever heard, and I'm glad in retrospect that my son Chris got turned down by USNA (because now he's talking about joining the Corps after he graduates from FSU).

I don't think Mattis will be able to stop this fucking train wreck of pussification that's infected the country and the military but he might be able to muffle the celebration of sexual freedom that seems to be resounding at USNA and other military institutions. You know, hey guys, let's just tone it the fuck down a little so our enemies don't think we all have to sit down to piss.
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Question -

Does the new Sec of Def have the authority to put a stop to this insanity?

If he does, will he?

Naval Academy Hosting ‘Transgender 101’ Training for Midshipmen

The U.S. Naval Academy is bringing in Google employees to provide voluntary “Transgender 101” training to midshipmen this week as part of an ongoing “safe space” training series.
Midshipmen and staff who take the training course will get the opportunity to display cards outside their door that show they are allies of the LGBT community.

To add -

Not that many years ago both of these articles would have been DuffleBlog stories - especially the Academy story with the displayable placards. That said, what's done is done. Truth be told, there are plenty of roles within all the services that can happily take well educated and patriotic Americans who might not want to pick up a rifle and ruck a pack, but can be pretty badass on the other end of a keyboard, or logistics, or assessing intel, or....whatever.

Pandora is out of the closet <sorry> and I cannot imagine a scenario where anything reverts back; if that's the case, you might as well educate yourself so that you don't blow your career over some type of hazing/discrimination/etc you didn't even know existed.

My only hope/expectation from the new Secretary is that he draws the line at "standards" for specific jobs, and halts the needs for leaders to spend more time defending their course requirements, than they do training those under their leadership.
If I'm up shit alley I don't give a damn who or what you're screwing if you're hands are on the cyclic and collective and you're coming to give me firepower or save my wounded...but it's what you do not who you screw that's gonna earn my respect.
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I work with an AF NCO who lives up to pretty much every homosexual stereotype we've seen. I hate the guy. I don't hate the guy because he's gay, I hate him because he's a fucking douchebag with the social skills of a turd. With that said, the asshole knows his job and he knows it cold. The little shit is very good at what he does.

We don't need classes on how to treat gay or whatever people, we need classes on "is the motherfucker good at his job" and how to go from there. I don't give a damn where you think a dick goes, what can you do to help us kill people? You wear a pink feather boa when not in uniform? Right, Mate, whatever, let's help kill people.

I hope Mattis refreshifies the DoD's memory on why it exists.