I did this event Saturday in Tampa. 26 + miles, 45+ pound assault pack (not a ruck sack, so no frame for your precious backs), roughly 25-30 people per class conducting time based events while doing stuff in between such as Log PT, getting wet and sandy in the ocean/river/lake, urban land navigation, and expect to carry 50 pound objects for miles on in. For us it was 12 huge stones weighing between 50-70 pounds.
Hardest thing ive done since I left the Army. Led by former SF shooters. Our instructor Brian was former 10th Group and current 19th Group.
If you want to see if you can survive a SOF selection course. I highly recommend doing a GoRuck Challenge. If at anytime you feel that you can't do that day of events over and over again. Then you don't have what it takes.
Check to see when they roll by your town.
If you are looking to go into SOF and GoRuck rolls by and you decide not to do it; fuck you.
Take care.
Hardest thing ive done since I left the Army. Led by former SF shooters. Our instructor Brian was former 10th Group and current 19th Group.
If you want to see if you can survive a SOF selection course. I highly recommend doing a GoRuck Challenge. If at anytime you feel that you can't do that day of events over and over again. Then you don't have what it takes.
Check to see when they roll by your town.
If you are looking to go into SOF and GoRuck rolls by and you decide not to do it; fuck you.
Take care.