Hurricane Harvey


Verified SOF
Jan 7, 2009
This has the makings of a serious shitstorm, if it hits Houston, they are saying that it could cripple the oil refineries in the area. Hopefully everyone can ride it out safely. But this could be a Katrina level disaster.
Yep getting pretty interesting here in Tejas, got family and friends in the Lake Jackson, Houston and Galveston areas. Gassed up the truck, boat, stocked up on bottled water and Ramen noodles. Got the go bags loaded, and will be standing by for the call.

Might get to see how this 2016 Ram 2500 4x4 handles some Texas sized hurricane puddles.
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This has the makings of a serious shitstorm, if it hits Houston, they are saying that it could cripple the oil refineries in the area. Hopefully everyone can ride it out safely. But this could be a Katrina level disaster.

Truth. Houston floods pretty badly with heavy rain as it is. The level of rain they are talking about is catastrophic.

I have family and friends in the line. Prayers out to everybody who will be affected.
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Gassed up the truck, boat, stocked up on bottled water and Roman noodles.

In all seriousness, you couldn't find anything more recent than this shit you dug up in Pompeii?
Well. Bon appetit...

Whether it does or not, I'll be watching for a gas price increase now.

Seeing an uptick out here already.
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Yep getting pretty interesting here in Tejas, got family and friends in the Lake Jackson, Houston and Galveston areas. Gassed up the truck, boat, stocked up on bottled water and Ramen noodles. Got the go bags loaded, and will be standing by for the call.

Might get to see how this 2016 Ram 2500 4x4 handles some Texas sized hurricane puddles.
View attachment 19496
That's a nice looking truck.
There's a fine line between "hurricane party" and "GTFO"; may everyone make the right decision and stay safe.
I cast a spell of hate and disgust at cock-fucks who profiteer during times of crisis....(I'll never forget the evening of 9/11 and nearly every gas station in Minneapolis was selling for well over $5/gallon.

Man confronts alleged Texas price gouger in Harvey prep | Daily Mail Online

I mock those who are forced to pay profiteers such prices because they are not prepared. At any one time, I am sure to have enough water/canned goods/gas to weather a pretty serious power outage or snow storm.

Come on people, just pick up an extra case of water at the grocery store from time to time. It's not that complicted.
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