Hurricane Harvey

I hope all the Texas based SS members and family members have a relatively uneventful few days.

Stay safe.
I cast a spell of hate and disgust at cock-fucks who profiteer during times of crisis....(I'll never forget the evening of 9/11 and nearly every gas station in Minneapolis was selling for well over $5/gallon.

Man confronts alleged Texas price gouger in Harvey prep | Daily Mail Online

I mock those who are forced to pay profiteers such prices because they are not prepared. At any one time, I am sure to have enough water/canned goods/gas to weather a pretty serious power outage or snow storm.

Come on people, just pick up an extra case of water at the grocery store from time to time. It's not that complicted.

Interesting perspective on price gouging:Why Economists Love Price Gouging, And Why It's So Rare

Yeah but....

I would submit that there is a distinct difference between price gouging and profiteering.

- Snow storm and the price of snow blowers go up? Price gouging, but legal and fair.
- City drinking water is contaminated and you skyrocket the price of bottled water? Profiteering and shady as fuck.

Who deems which is which? I don't know, and I'll fall the way of former Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart's often misquoted take on what defines "hard-core pornography, "I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that."
San Antonio got lucky when Harvey started to turn away from that in Bryan/College Station area is only getting pounded with rain...but a lot of rain and it's not letting up. Too much of a good thing.....
Hey, just wanted to offer prayers and support for anyone in the strike zone. Any memebers affected?

Been through several in my life, can empathize with the stress.
San Antonio got lucky when Harvey started to turn away from that in Bryan/College Station area is only getting pounded with rain...but a lot of rain and it's not letting up. Too much of a good thing.....
We had a dry slot over the city that killed everything coming over (1.94" at the airport).
53mph gust was recorded, that's nothing really.
My sister and her family, and my mother used to live just north of Houston. My mom's dead now, but my sister and family are in Dallas. My sis texted me a pic of her former home, about 6' under water.

I do have some friends in the Houston area and haven't heard squat. I am sure they are OK.

They are evacuating Ben Taub, a level 1 trauma center with many ICUs. No small task, and can't fly out a single patient. Herculean operation.