Hurricane Harvey

I think this will have a greater impact than Katrina did.

How much rain did you get in SA?

The first house I ever bought was off h Marbach Rd just west of Loop 410. Right at the corner of Gold Dust and Sawtooth.

I saw a graphic this morning on a website with the predictive amount of gallons with Katrina and with Harvey. Harvey is producing significantly more rain, something like a factor of ten.
Somewhere in the United States today, Best Buy executives had a collective head explosion.

Best Buy says high price on water at south Texas store was mistake by employees

Did the reporter leave his actual phone number at the bottom of the article next to his name? Ballsy move.
This poor woman is at the end of her rope, I'm sure CNN gal was not expecting this.

So the big problem for Houston right now is the Arkema Chemicals plant. Unless things clear fast to get generators onsite the thing will most likely blow. My chemical industry friend says "organic" is bad juju when it comes to chemicals. The first order was mandatory evac at 1.5 mile radius, current order is evac at 3 mile radius. Based on everything I've been told this thing is going: Arkema Warns It Can’t Prevent Potential Chemical Explosion in Texas
Divide the price by the number of bottles and it isn't gouging.

Right. That's what the story said too....the register was not programmed to sell by the case the the drone sales associates just did the math and priced by the case. I am pretty sure I read that the Best Buy in question is under water now.
I cannot watch any of the online fundraisers without thinking of the "Grail" of appeals.....

The look on Mike Myers face throughout this is brilliant and when they cut to Chris Tucker is almost as good....
