Hurricane Harvey

My sister and her family, and my mother used to live just north of Houston. My mom's dead now, but my sister and family are in Dallas. My sis texted me a pic of her former home, about 6' under water.

I do have some friends in the Houston area and haven't heard squat. I am sure they are OK.

They are evacuating Ben Taub, a level 1 trauma center with many ICUs. No small task, and can't fly out a single patient. Herculean operation.

Wife's uncle lives in Conroe, waiting to hear from him as Conroe got the mandatory evac order (yesterday ?).

Houston Mayor should have issued a voluntary evac order, with mandatory for the downtown area.

So meanwhile in Texas:wall:

Facebook is pretty overloaded with friends making goofy posts, jet skiing down the streets, catching fish in their living room, floating down the streets on floats and tubes drinking beer.O_o

Man Houston is jacked up right now, and although I know everything will work itself out, it's painful to see that kinda devastation in my state. That said, damn proud of the first responders and yes my fellow Texans, making light of a nasty situation where possible and not missing a chance to barbecue and drink beer!:thumbsup:

God bless the Great state of Texas!
Almost 5.000 years old. And if it could talk, it probably wouldn't want to.
