Israel and Iran

I'm certain that nobody "wanted" to fuck up the Afghan withdrawal - but when you are incompetent - you fuck things up.
Thats what fuck ups do.

Nobody "wants" to fuck things up in the middle east - but it's coming.
Why do I feel that we have a far higher proportion of Nazis in this country than we did in the 1930s? And these folks aren't white btw. Just so everyone doesn't forget. The Ba'ath Party of Saddam and Al-Assad fame were allies of the Nazis and effectively are a Nazi party...oh and the Palestinians were a huge part of the 3rd National Congress of the Ba'ath Party.

As I've said, we have lost control of our social institutions and have allowed our institutional values to be degraded. "Free Speech"...well sometimes you have to control that stuff to an extent, our values have been used against us. It is clear. So how we get our country back? Assimilation of immigrants to the society rather than the society accepting the Immigrants values needs to be a key topic.

ETA: How often in our history have we had so many people say "oh it's their fault for being caught or murdered" rather than "I don't care what that country says we're going in and doing this ourselves"? 10 Americans are still held hostage, several Americans are dead. Too many of these people take their gender identity more serious than their citizenship and it's hurting us.
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West Point's Modern War Institute asked me to moderate a "war council" on the Hamas/Israel war. I'll post a link. You can watch it live, but at the request of some of the panelists we are not going to record this one, which is a shame but I get it.
West Point's Modern War Institute asked me to moderate a "war council" on the Hamas/Israel war. I'll post a link. You can watch it live, but at the request of some of the panelists we are not going to record this one, which is a shame but I get it.

I can only imagine why. Sir, are there woke ass toads at WP also or does the school have a reign on this?
Why do I feel that we have a far higher proportion of Nazis in this country than we did in the 1930s? And these folks aren't white btw. Just so everyone doesn't forget.

Because social media. I think there were just as many by proportion--people just aren't going to up and become 'unracist'. As abhorrent as it was remember the US didn't want anything to do with Jews in the 30s.
woke at WP?
You know my political views, and if there was a bad political climate at West Point I wouldn't have worked there for so long.

I will say that West Point established a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion minor and killed a potential Defense and Strategic Studies minor. People are free to draw their own conclusions about that.

However, I will also add that those types decisions are made far above my then-pay grade and involved discussions I was not privy to, and I'm sure there were legit reasons for them. Totally serious.

There are things I'd like to see changed about WP, I think everyone has something. But overall, I think the Academy gets the important things right.
One of my posts taking a beating today Round 2.

Look, if I have two equal candidates and one meets a DEI mandate, I'm taking the DEI. Why? They are equal and I understand how the system works.

I am a FIRM believer in a meritocracy, but if I think the scales are even? I'm checking a block. If the DEI candidate isn't getting it done, I'm back to a meritocracy and a trip to HR in this day and age.

Which is why I will NEVER be a manager in any form or fashion.

DEI is absolute garbage when used to place a lesser qualified candidate into a position. In my "racist" by modern Leftist views, I will take a strong performer over the emotionally not-white-male accepted candidate du jour.

Which is why I will NEVER be a manager.

"A-dub, your experience can..." Go fuck yourself. I want to stay away from the drama until I retire. I've learned that lesson. Your mileage may vary.
Things that didn't age well.

Candidate Biden said r-electing Trump would result in a war with Iran.

In the last few days, 7 C-5 sorties (half a squadron's worth of planes.
47 C-17 sorties (12 planes per squadron)
At least four tankers (probably KC-135's) refueling the fleet.
C-130 sorties, and SOF Aviation (which means a ground component too).

We are running out of Patriot and THAAD batteries.

Toss in an unsecured border.

CRINK-China Russia Iran North Korea. I firmly believe they are coordinating, and China will be the overall winner, we and the West won't lose everything, but we will lose a lot.

Let's go Brandon!
Orange man bad.
No more mean tweets.
A few minutes ago, the decision was made to keep the War Council internal to West Point. I deleted the link and will post a short summary after the event.

If you don't want to or can't answer in public I understand, but why the reluctance to have video capture and now an outright ban? Are the participants leery of having their views known? If WP is afraid of the discussion becoming public then why have the discussion?