Last post on this subject for now, but probably not for the night.
I think I mentioned earlier that some of the places in Israel we visited last summer with our annual college-level study trip were attacked by, or completely over run by, Hamas. This includes the town of Sderot, the Army outpost at Nahal Oz, and the Karem Shalom crossing station.
What was interesting about Sderot was how prepared they were for rocket attacks. Every home, we were told, (and in many cases could see from the street) had a saferoom that was artillery-resistant and doubled as a lockable panic room. The playground had bomb shelters that were in come cases cleverly disguised to be more kid-friendly. For example, one long shelter made of concrete culverts was painted up to look like a caterpillar to appear more kid-friendly.
...but artillery shelters and concrete caterpillars aren't much use against a ground assault.
There were also a number of Israeli Army units moving around in the town, in what seemed like a typical patrol. Not a whole lot of troops, but enough that I felt pretty comfortable while we were there.
IIRC we briefly stopped at Nahal Oz for lunch. It was a typical small Army outpost, kind of like what we might see in Iraq back in the day. A lot of the equipment, and the people there, were familiar even though it was a foreign Army in a foreign country. Quite a few mech vehicles and soft skinned vehicles. The Israelis use a Jeep variant for a primary military vehicle, which as a Jeep guy I appreciated. The soldiers there seemed ready, but not tense. I watched a Hamas video last night that purported to show Hamas fighters all over Nahal Oz.
From what I understand, Karem Shalom was attacked but I'm not sure if it, or the Eres crossing (or both) were over run. Based on the Hamas videos I watched last night, they got at least one of them. I have only been to Karem Shalom once and I didn't see all of it, so I couldn't tell if the video I watched was the crossing site I went to, or a different one.
I tend to take crappy photos, but I might be able to track down some better ones later. For now, these two photos are from inside the Karem Shalom crossing's briefing room. The first pic shows a bunch of different ways Palestinians attempted to smuggle in contraband through the station. The second photo is the remains of weapons shot at the crossing from inside Gaza.

One of the other things we did last year was spend some time at a "terror tunnel" that the Israelis discovered and cut off, and now use as a training aid / tourist destination. We had a military escort while we were at the terror tunnel. One of the young women on the trip asked me a question about the Israeli vehicle shown in the picture below as everyone was queueing up to go into the tunnel. Whatever vehicle it was, we don't have in the US Army and I didn't know what it was, so we went to talk to the Israeli soldiers in the vehicle. They didn't speak English and I don't speak Hebrew, and by this time all of the translators were down in the tunnel. But we managed to ask them through gestures if they would allow us to look into the vehicle, which they gladly did. Then one of them took off his helmet and body armor and let my friend try it on. They even pulled out a mag and popped a bullet out of it (5.56 NATO green tip) for her to see. She later told me that was the first bullet she had ever handled in her life.
It seems weird to think about that the military / security people we met in those locations, may now be dead--or worse, captured.