Military Misconduct

I just wish we stopped acknowledging mediocrity. My section chief helped me out a lot but could only get an AAM because he got into some shenanigans. Meanwhile, random AAAAS3 Lieutenant is getting an MSM for being staff, and 1SG thinks Joe deserves an AAM because he held open the door for a General.
A guy fired a gun, choked his wife, and threatened to kill her (allegedly not for the first time) and only got a year in jail and gets to stay in uniform? And he didn't even do the standard "the PTSD made me do it?" Wow. He must have had a GREAT legal team.
A guy fired a gun, choked his wife, and threatened to kill her (allegedly not for the first time) and only got a year in jail and gets to stay in uniform? And he didn't even do the standard "the PTSD made me do it?" Wow. He must have had a GREAT legal team.
Did they keep him so the ex-wife would continue to receive alimony?
E-9 to E-7 is a significant pay cut, most which may go to his wife.
TIS? 20 years or more? He's got 16 per the article, which means enlisting at age 30, If he had a previous enlistment then he has 20 and will be retired 90 days after leaving the Military Disciplinary Barracks 60 days from now, that give his now-ex a huge chunk of his retirement check.
Cumberland County has an open charge sheet, which means re-arrest after Ft L, and 90 days or so in the County Jail.
DV conviction means no more firearms, and will severely crimp his post-Army employment opportunities.

So yeah, a year and lsing two stripes is a short sentence in the short-term, but the long-term impact financially and otherwise will make up for that.
Military Jury's can be quite creative when handing sentences out.
I was on a Jury that took all pay and allowances except for what his wife was getting.
Way to piss away your career. There should have been a stiffer penalty. Time to start making an example of domestic cases in the military. This is unacceptable “But Alfred does not face a punitive discharge”

Special Forces sergeant major gets 1 year, busted in rank for domestic violence
He’ll likely get processed out after serving the jail time. Had a soldier in similar situation. Got a year, released after 8 months, but within 30 days he was a civilian.
Not a Marine, but everything I know from working with Marines. CAR's are incredibly hard to be awarded, even to grunts who see significant firefights. But that's the Marine award's system where a NAM isn't handed out willy nilly like AAMs are in the Army. (Although I think the Corps should be willing to award/reward its Marines more often)

But hey, I'm just some idiot who worked as an S1 in one of my assignments.

I had something else about us being gaslit by some DoN Civilian, but I'll leave it at that.

I came home with a CAR and PH and might’ve gotten a Bronze w/V if my XO’s recommendation letter had been approved. And there were guys on my team who deserved at least that and more who got nada. I’m not bitching…stingy in the decoration department was SOP for the Marines in my day. Unless you were an officer.

Then I met an ex-Soldier who’d been a public information NCO in II Corps and got a Bronze from his CO for administrative work because they were both Buckeyes from Ohio.

It is what it is. My bros know who did what and that’s what really counts.
Regarding the story about the Command Team of 3/3 being relieved, it seems it's for a number of incidents, though the severity is not consistent.

The battalion commander and top enlisted leader for 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment were relieved of command on March 31 after an investigation found both had “exercised poor judgment” for allowing a Marine to be arrested in front of an entire company and then implying the man was guilty of selling drugs, according to a redacted copy of the investigation.
Eight days after the Marine was arrested, an anonymous Inspector General complaint was submitted against Lt. Col. Benjamin Wagner and Sgt. Maj. Jayson Clifton, according to a redacted copy of the command investigation, which Task & Purpose obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request. The arrest took place as Wagner was briefing his battalion’s Headquarters and Services company about a command climate survey. Immediately afterward, Wagner again used poor judgment when he continued his briefing and used a racial slur to describe one of the Marines in attendance to demonstrate how such language is unacceptable, the investigation found.
The investigation also found that the battalion’s leadership had not followed proper procedure in denying liberty to a Marine who had tested positive for drug use, and one of the two men “acted derelict in his duties” by drinking alcohol at the start of mountain warfare training. Because both Wagner and Clifton’s names were redacted from the investigation, it is unclear which one consumed the alcohol.

Two of those seem pretty negligible for being relived of command.
Drinking at MWTC? I guess myself, another dozen support dudes, and the ODB/ODAs I was with all should be in trouble too then.
Procedural issues with a Marine who was a NCIS informant and not NJP'd seems like it wouldn't rise to a lose of confidence.

Letting a Marine get arrested in front of the company and then commenting on him being a "drug kingpin" is probably out of line.
Pointing out one of your Hispanic Marines and then using a slur as an example of "words you can't say" is absolutely out of line though.

Why the Marine Corps fired the commander and sergeant major of a Hawaii infantry battalion
Allowing a guy to be arrested in front of an entire battalion is a reason they're getting canned? That's a tactic that's been used for generations. DoD gone soft.
Allowing a guy to be arrested in front of an entire battalion is a reason they're getting canned? That's a tactic that's been used for generations. DoD gone soft.
I never did something that extreme, but I did used to black out names and SSNs and post Art15 paperwork on the company bulletin board.
Regarding the story about the Command Team of 3/3 being relieved, it seems it's for a number of incidents, though the severity is not consistent.

Two of those seem pretty negligible for being relived of command.
Drinking at MWTC? I guess myself, another dozen support dudes, and the ODB/ODAs I was with all should be in trouble too then.
Procedural issues with a Marine who was a NCIS informant and not NJP'd seems like it wouldn't rise to a lose of confidence.

Letting a Marine get arrested in front of the company and then commenting on him being a "drug kingpin" is probably out of line.
Pointing out one of your Hispanic Marines and then using a slur as an example of "words you can't say" is absolutely out of line though.

Why the Marine Corps fired the commander and sergeant major of a Hawaii infantry battalion

Look everyone, the General learned how to speak HR:

Maj. Gen. Jay Bargeron, commander of the 3rd Marine Division, wrote in his endorsement of the investigation that he relieved both men after losing confidence in their ability to lead. “Their actions failed to ensure all personnel under their charge were treated with the dignity and respect demanded by our Corps’ values,” Bargeron wrote on April 7.

Fuck this over-the-top PC bullshit where no one gets a correction or warning anymore; instead it is instant firing and replacement. That statement by General Bergeron says everything I need to know about this investigation witch hunt.

“Dignity and Respect demanded by our Corps Values” 🙄
- gotta go to medical now, I think I sprained an eye-socket from rolling them so hard.
You don't need to arrest them in front of the company to send a message. Hell, arrest them in almost any place on base and the whole unit knows before taps. Putting them in bracelets is enough. Do it at Battalion HQ in a conference room; the perp walk will send a message.

Do you relieve leaders over this? That's a bit extreme, but why do leaders think they need a public spectacle to enforce good will and discipline?

My deityofyourchoice there's so much wrong in that story.
So a WC-130 crew landed their plane at Martha's Vineyard so that one of them could pick up his vintage motorcycle.
Air Force disciplines C-130 crew for ‘unplanned’ landing to pick up motorcycle in Martha’s Vineyard

“I used to own old vintage BMW motorcycles, so that’s how I know,” he said. “I was eating next to the window … We looked out and we saw the plane. We saw people walking a vintage motorcycle up to the plane.”

When wing leadership found out about the motorcycle incident, they grounded the crew at Mather and sent another crew to pick up the aircraft and crew on March 28. All five of the crew members “were downgraded on crew qualifications and administrative actions have been served,” the 403rd Wing stated. The wing’s chief of public affairs, Lt. Col. Marnee Losurdo, said Air Force policy is to not release specifics on nonjudicial punishment. The motorcycle remains in California.

So they got busted, grounded, and disciplined, and the guy still didn't even get his bike.
So a WC-130 crew landed their plane at Martha's Vineyard so that one of them could pick up his vintage motorcycle.
Air Force disciplines C-130 crew for ‘unplanned’ landing to pick up motorcycle in Martha’s Vineyard

So they got busted, grounded, and disciplined, and the guy still didn't even get his bike.
His bike went from Martha's Vineyard, MA to Mather AFB/Sacramento, CA. He wanted down at Keesler. So, it's actually further away now!

BTW, was it technically wrong? Sure, but still🖕 to the snitch in Martha’s Vineyard.
So a WC-130 crew landed their plane at Martha's Vineyard so that one of them could pick up his vintage motorcycle.
Air Force disciplines C-130 crew for ‘unplanned’ landing to pick up motorcycle in Martha’s Vineyard

So they got busted, grounded, and disciplined, and the guy still didn't even get his bike.

How do I put this... US Navy IPs at Pensacola book cross country flights to specific cities because they want to have a good time and show the students a good time. THEN, they make sure they have extra seats for their friends or girlfriends. Legit how my BiL wooed his wife, taking her on paid trips by the USN.
How do I put this... US Navy IPs at Pensacola book cross country flights to specific cities because they want to have a good time and show the students a good time. THEN, they make sure they have extra seats for their friends or girlfriends. Legit how my BiL wooed his wife, taking her on paid trips by the USN.

When I was in the Air Guard a Marine pilot used to fly his A-4 into our base on Fridays to spend the weekend with his girlfriend. Then we'd fuel him up and see ya next week.
When I was in the Air Guard a Marine pilot used to fly his A-4 into our base on Fridays to spend the weekend with his girlfriend. Then we'd fuel him up and see ya next week.
Dudes used to (maybe they still do 🤔) do booze runs and bring back cases of their favorite liquor in their travel pods. It was a proficiency flight. This really isn't any different. It's not like he bought the bike with government funds or something.