Missing/Captured: Bowe Bergdahl

Haven't we done prisoner exchanges in the past? I'm not saying we should or should not have just looking at historical precedent.

I can't imagine what kind of cruelties he suffered while a prisoner. He is a dumbass, possibly a traitor (honestly he seems more like an idiot than a bonafide traitor) but no one deserves 5 years or so of repeated terrorist boom boom and other tortures.

Point by point.
Can you cite any?
Isn't also law that we don't negotiate with terrorists?
Reap what you sow...
As to your last sentence... really? How many Americans and allies died as a direct result of his desertion? That's OK?

I promise you, that what I would do to him would be FAR worse than what the Islamists did to him, and he wouldn't be able to write any books afterwards.
POW exchange is common practice in every war; TB detainees held by the United States are POW’s. Bergdhal was listed by us as POW.

I don’t disagree with all the chiming in on that he is a traitor, it definitely looks that way, but some investigations need to happen, a trial needs to be held before he is convicted and sentenced. The best thing right now, is to continue asking questions, and finding answers, as this is just the first scratch in the surface of getting positive control of him. If he is a traitor, we need to know exactly what all he gave to the enemy, TTP’s alone is a nightmare, what he may have been able to gain before his capture is what concerns me the most, as its not hard to download a shit load of FM’s and TM’s on a thumb drive and carry that off without anyone knowing. If those tweets are even half accurate, this dude planned this for a long time. Either way, we should all wait on the persecutions and demand an investigation take place.
Hagel did warn the appropriate committee chairs prior to the deal. What are you going to do? Try an make a deal when congress knows about it so some random congressman can break the story to the press and screw the pouch on the whole deal. Or is the administration suppose to negotiate with 535 members of congress on what they feel is an acceptable deal before he has to negotiate with the other side? How many Presidents, involved in prisoner negotiation cleared those negotiation with congress in the past prior to the deal being made? Hell when has America ever got the better end of a prisoner exchange, ever.

Nothing Obama did was ever going to be acceptable to Republicans period. The prisoners involved, whether he got the kid back or not he was going to get shit.

Maybe Obama should have sold them missiles in exchange for the kid. It would have made it harder for Republicans to criticize him.
Supposedly we learned from the Missiles for Hostages debacle that exchanging toys/people for hostages/POW's doesn't work.

A-Q now has a price tag/per Service Member, lot of Americans available for grabbing (not just in Afghanistan) who are all worth 5 Senior Leaders.
Also, IIRC Iran-Contra led to the Tower Commission, and (The Democrat controlled) Congress issuing a report criticizing the President.
Point by point.
Can you cite any?
Isn't also law that we don't negotiate with terrorists?
Reap what you sow...
As to your last sentence... really? How many Americans and allies died as a direct result of his desertion? That's OK?

I promise you, that what I would do to him would be FAR worse than what the Islamists did to him, and he wouldn't be able to write any books afterwards.

Bowe Berdahl is an idiot and a deserter. I've heard different accountings of why he deserted though. I had heard that he left the FOB to go to a "party" in town his terp had told him about. We also know he left all his serialized gear behind. By all accounts he was a shitty soldier.

Private Berdahl (I don't recognize his promotions in absentia) caused significant damage with his actions and good people died trying to save him. He should be court martialed and punished for his actions. I don't classify him in the same category of traitor as the terrorist Nadal Hussein though. Bowe seemed to be a lonely soldier who felt he was an outsider in his unit and made an incredibly naive and stupid decision. One that he must be punished for.

Pardus I seriously doubt you could do anything to Bowe Berdahl that would even compare to five years of repeated torture and gang rape by the Taliban. Or Haqqani. Anyone who has spent time in Afghanistan knows that's what's happened to Private Berdahl. He basically went to SERE for five years except replace the slapping with rape. I understand he brought it on himself but I wouldn't wish that level of suffering on anyone.
Bowe Berdahl is an idiot and a deserter. I've heard different accountings of why he deserted though. I had heard that he left the FOB to go to a "party" in town his terp had told him about. We also know he left all his serialized gear behind. By all accounts he was a shitty soldier.

Private Berdahl (I don't recognize his promotions in absentia) caused significant damage with his actions and good people died trying to save him. He should be court martialed and punished for his actions. I don't classify him in the same category of traitor as the terrorist Nadal Hussein though. Bowe seemed to be a lonely soldier who felt he was an outsider in his unit and made an incredibly naive and stupid decision. One that he must be punished for.

Pardus I seriously doubt you could do anything to Bowe Berdahl that would even compare to five years of repeated torture and gang rape by the Taliban. Or Haqqani. Anyone who has spent time in Afghanistan knows that's what's happened to Private Berdahl. He basically went to SERE for five years except replace the slapping with rape. I understand he brought it on himself but I wouldn't wish that level of suffering on anyone.

Good points.
I would like to see proof of his actions then see him executed if it's proven that he did deliberately go over to the enemy. I really don't care what happened to him while he was in captivity, reap what you sow. It is possible his was an innocent, naive, stupid set of actions, but I want to see proof, either way.
Good points.
I would like to see proof of his actions then see him executed if it's proven that he did deliberately go over to the enemy. I really don't care what happened to him while he was in captivity, reap what you sow. It is possible his was an innocent, naive, stupid set of actions, but I want to see proof, either way.

You know what Pardus, to be honest, it really doesn't matter what his motivations were to some degree. He deserted and then people died trying to get him back. He is guilty whether he is a malicious traitor or just a dumbass looking to hit a party. That being said, I am confident that he will not see a courtroom because of his actions regardless of how much he deserves to be in one. Politics trump justice every day of the week and twice on Sunday. You don't trade five high level Taliban for an American soldier and then charge him with treason. Easier for the masses to stomach if he is hailed as a hero. Truth isn't about what really happened, nowadays it's what perception, propaganda and information operations (which our government and media run on the American population all the time) tell us happened. Just like how the Army recreated the Jessica Lynch and Pat Tilman stories to fit their narratives, or how the Nasan Hidal shootings were recreated as work place violence instead of terrorism, the government will control the way this is perceived as well.
This whole thing was a big shit sandwich the moment he left his base and was taken.

There is only one question to be asked and that is do we leave someone behind? If your answer is no then you have to pay the price of having that position and that is what we did.

Everything else is meaningless. Do we negotiate with terrorist, yes we do if they are holding an American soldier prisoner because who else do you talk to? That is the commitment we made to our brothers. Even if they were wrong.
You know what Pardus, to be honest, it really doesn't matter what his motivations were to some degree. He deserted and then people died trying to get him back. He is guilty whether he is a malicious traitor or just a dumbass looking to hit a party. That being said, I am confident that he will not see a courtroom because of his actions regardless of how much he deserves to be in one. Politics trump justice every day of the week and twice on Sunday. You don't trade five high level Taliban for an American soldier and then charge him with treason. Easier for the masses to stomach if he is hailed as a hero. Truth isn't about what really happened, nowadays it's what perception, propaganda and information operations (which our government and media run on the American population all the time) tell us happened. Just like how the Army recreated the Jessica Lynch and Pat Tilman stories to fit their narratives, or how the Nasan Hidal shootings were recreated as work place violence instead of terrorism, the government will control the way this is perceived as well.

Yeah, I agree. Sad state of affairs...
I'm sitting at Dulles and catching up on this abortion. I'm sickened by the whole thing, start to finish.

I'm so angry and disgusted by it all.
The even weirder part is that his dad has practically turned into Mullah Berdahl on twitter and is blasting out some really pro-Taliban stuff. This whole thing reeks. I don't think we will ever know what the heck is going on. They should probably put the dad in the defendant's table with his son.
I can't blame the father for trying to win favourable viewing from the TB in order to secure his sons release. "Look I've become a Muslim, I support you guys, please give me my son back". I think any father would do that to secure his sons life and or freedom.

That said, he has his son back, if I was the father in this situation at this point, I would be doing what I can to ensure everyone who had a hand in his sons capture get a hell fire in their living room during dinner time.

Something that I've been kind of wondering is if his health had been going down hill, and we know that the booger-eaters are rump pirates, and that HIV runs rampant in Afghanistan, I'm wondering if this kid got a death sentience and is just finding out about it. I wouldn't be surprised if he did, and I doubt his dad will keep up the "thanks TB" bit once he finds out...

LOL let the rumours begin.

Little tid-bit some may not know, Jack Idmon the guy who went to Afghan prison for running a private prison/torture site, died of AIDs back in 2012 that he supposedly said he contracted after being raped in Afghan prison.
Sad part about that Marine being held in Mexico, broke the law or not, by all accounts, the Mexican's are straight up torturing the shit out of him. I cannot believe nothing has been done to get that guy home…
It is an absolute disgrace that the Marine is still in a Mexican jail.

I can't blame the father for trying to win favourable viewing from the TB in order to secure his sons release. "Look I've become a Muslim, I support you guys, please give me my son back". I think any father would do that to secure his sons life and or freedom.

That said, he has his son back, if I was the father in this situation at this point, I would be doing what I can to ensure everyone who had a hand in his sons capture get a hell fire in their living room during dinner time.

Something that I've been kind of wondering is if his health had been going down hill, and we know that the booger-eaters are rump pirates, and that HIV runs rampant in Afghanistan, I'm wondering if this kid got a death sentience and is just finding out about it. I wouldn't be surprised if he did, and I doubt his dad will keep up the "thanks TB" bit once he finds out...

LOL let the rumours begin.

Little tid-bit some may not know, Jack Idmon the guy who went to Afghan prison for running a private prison/torture site, died of AIDs back in 2012 that he supposedly said he contracted after being raped in Afghan prison.

I would hardly call an HIV rate of less than 0.1% "rampant".

@Teufel @Scotth
  1. Would you hold the same position if one of your troops pulled the same stunt??
  2. Would you hold the same position if he were one of your troops that you had disciplined on many occasions for being a shitbag?
  3. Would you hold the same position if you lost 6 super Marine's searching for said shitbag traitor deserter?
The fukn MSM (left) is so prevalent at posting up crying sniveling parents who had an active shooter as a son, or even as a victim of an active shooter, so now let's see the PARENTS OF THE 6 DEAD SOLDIERS THAT DIED WHILE SEARCHING FOR A TRAITOR AND DESERTER cry on MSM. It's coming, and there won't be a dry eye in the Nation.

I'd LOVE to hear what THEY say about traitor Bowe Bergdahl.
I'm sick of people taking this guys defense.How is he a hero when he taught the taliban some tactics killed some of his brothers and he deserted his position.

In my eyes he's edtwat snowdens brother the only difference is one was being held for 5 years getting ff'ed and dp'ed and the other leaked secrets. He should go meet his brothers from the 25th in a empty barracks and let them talk about what happened if you know what i mean.Screw the wool being pulled over their eyes these people where born blind.
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@Teufel @Scotth
  1. Would you hold the same position if one of your troops pulled the same stunt??
  2. Would you hold the same position if he were one of your troops that you had disciplined on many occasions for being a shitbag?
  3. Would you hold the same position if you lost 6 super Marine's searching for said shitbag traitor deserter?
The fukn MSM (left) is so prevalent at posting up crying sniveling parents who had an active shooter as a son, or even as a victim of an active shooter, so now let's see the PARENTS OF THE 6 DEAD SOLDIERS THAT DIED WHILE SEARCHING FOR A TRAITOR AND DESERTER cry on MSM. It's coming, and there won't be a dry eye in the Nation.

I'd LOVE to hear what THEY say about traitor Bowe Bergdahl.

For me, you don't leave a soldier behind in the hands of the enemy, period. We as a military or society don't get to pass judgement on who gets left behind and who doesn't. With all the POW/MIA stuff we went through after Vietnam I can't even believe we are having discussions that we should leave people behind, especially from other military members.

Do I think the military will pursue charges against the guy? A few days ago I would have said absolutely not. Today with the outcry from vets who were there I'm not so sure. Would I have a problem with charges being filed against him absolutely not. Our military should be the ones handing out the justice for this guys actions and not our enemies.

Bring the kid back has nothing to do with supporting his actions, it about what we stand for in the military. I hope the military doesn't just white wash this whole thing because the stink is to big. Do I think that is what will happen, probably 50-50 right now.
@Teufel @Scotth
  1. Would you hold the same position if one of your troops pulled the same stunt??
  2. Would you hold the same position if he were one of your troops that you had disciplined on many occasions for being a shitbag?
  3. Would you hold the same position if you lost 6 super Marine's searching for said shitbag traitor deserter?
The fukn MSM (left) is so prevalent at posting up crying sniveling parents who had an active shooter as a son, or even as a victim of an active shooter, so now let's see the PARENTS OF THE 6 DEAD SOLDIERS THAT DIED WHILE SEARCHING FOR A TRAITOR AND DESERTER cry on MSM. It's coming, and there won't be a dry eye in the Nation.

I'd LOVE to hear what THEY say about traitor Bowe Bergdahl.

What's my position? I think he's either a deserter or a traitor and should be punished accordingly. By various accounts he either snuck off the FOB to escape to China, go to a party in town or deserted to the Taliban with TTPs/SOPs. In any event I think an investigation should be conducted to ascertain what happened and he should be court martialed for any of those three scenarios. There is no scenario that I can think of where he should escape punishment. I'm just not convinced the highly politicized DOD/Army will actually go through with it. Now with all the veterans' backlash they may but who knows. They may just slap him on the wrist to appease the masses.

I fully believe that Pvt Bowe Bergdahl should be punished for his actions but I can also sympathize with the suffering of a young delusional idiot who made a stupid decision that cost a lot of people their lives. I don't think this should reduce his punishment and I don't think we should have traded 5 Taliban leaders for him. On a human level though I am glad that he is home and is no longer being gang raped and tortured by the Taliban. We all have to pay for the decisions we make but he should receive a clean and professional punishment at our hands such as imprisonment or the death penalty.