Missing/Captured: Bowe Bergdahl

Just saw this on the news.

Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Tuesday the Army may still pursue an investigation into the conduct of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was recently freed after nearly five years of being held captive in Afghanistan.

Gen. Dempsey told the Associated Press that U.S. military leaders “have been accused of looking away from misconduct” but said “it’s premature” to assume they would do so in Sgt. Bergdahl’s case.
Great answers!

@Scotth I really don't think any of the .mil members here are/were for leaving him behind. The consensus, to me, looks as though most would have wanted the TB to just release the turd and for him to have walked his ass back to a firebase the same way he left. Obviously the bang for the buck ratio was too high and the TB/HAQ got what they wanted from this admin. "Here he is but we want 5 of ours" (along with loss of life was waaaaaaaay too high a price to pay for that traitor).

We'll still be in Astan for a few more years, we could have waited instead of negotiating with the TB/HAQ. I think he deserves more butt-raping than he got as a little Sirajuddin Haqqani anal bitch boy, but that's IMHO.

Given by all accounts that he willing straight up moved to and linked up with the durka durka muhammed jihad squad, I actually tend to believe that his anal tension has remained as intact as it was prior to his step-off from friendly lines. Then again, especially since he took the stroll on his own volition by all accounts... perhaps he was into that kinda thing as well.
Given by all accounts that he willing straight up moved to and linked up with the durka durka muhammed jihad squad, I actually tend to believe that his anal tension has remained as intact as it was prior to his step-off from friendly lines. Then again, especially since he took the stroll on his own volition by all accounts... perhaps he was into that kinda thing as well.

Well they routinely boonga boonga their own people I doubt he maintained anal virginity. I don't think they cared if he went willingly or not, I'm sure they treated him as a prisoner and play thing.
There was a report a while back that he failed at an attempted escape, I think it was early 2013 if I can remember correctly. I have no doubt he was a prisoner and was very much used and abused.

I'll look around for the article regarding his attempted escape.

The more I read if this, the more physically ill I become.

DOHA (Reuters) - Qatar has moved five Afghan Taliban prisoners freed in exchange for a U.S. soldier to a residential compound and will let them move freely in the country, a senior Gulf official said on Tuesday, a step likely to be scrutinized by Washington.


Qatar is more or less a jihadi-friendly country. It pisses me off to no end that our major airbase in the region resides there. While we've begun to upgrade other bases in other countries I don't know if we'll ever be free of that miserable turd bucket. Qatar is becoming the Gulf's version of Pakistan: they take our money, openly support the jihadis, and complain when we try to involve ourselves in their bidness. They're just dirty.
That sound you hear is me banging my head off of my computer desk.


A top aide to President Obama is now apologizing to Congress for not informing lawmakers, as required by law, that the White House was planning to trade an alleged deserter for five top Taliban commanders.
The apology comes after Obama himself defended his actions this morning, insisting his administration had discussed the release with Congress “for some time.”

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) told reporters that she received a call from Deputy National Security Adviser Tony Blinken on Monday evening apologizing for failing to inform Congress about the deal to exchange five Taliban detainees for the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

“I had a call from the White House last night, from Tony Blinken, apologizing for it,” Feinstein, the chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, told reporters at the Senate on Tuesday.

Feinstein said that it was “very disappointing” that President Obama decided not to alert Congress about the deal, suggesting that there was not a “level of trust” at the White House.

"He apologized for it and said it was an oversight," Feinstein said about the call with Blinken, clarifying that it was her “impression” of the call.

Feinstein said that in previous conversations with Senators about the trade, “there were very strong views and they were virtually unanimous against trade.”

“The White House is pretty unilateral about what they want to do when they want to do it,” she added, pointing out that the White House failed to work together with Congress in the situation.

Feinstein explained that she still had questions about Bergdahl, particular about the nature of his captivity.

“I certainly want to know more about whether this man is a deserter or not, I think that’s important to at least know, soldiers died looking for him, that’s important to give them credit,” she added.
Hagel did warn the appropriate committee chairs prior to the deal. What are you going to do? Try an make a deal when congress knows about it so some random congressman can break the story to the press and screw the pouch on the whole deal. Or is the administration suppose to negotiate with 535 members of congress on what they feel is an acceptable deal before he has to negotiate with the other side? How many Presidents, involved in prisoner negotiation cleared those negotiation with congress in the past prior to the deal being made? Hell when has America ever got the better end of a prisoner exchange, ever.

Nothing Obama did was ever going to be acceptable to Republicans period. The prisoners involved, whether he got the kid back or not he was going to get shit.

Maybe Obama should have sold them missiles in exchange for the kid. It would have made it harder for Republicans to criticize him.

That sound you hear is me banging my head off of my computer desk.


Apparently hagel didn't notify the correct individuals, neither did the White House.
Apparently hagel didn't notify the correct individuals, neither did the White House.
I'm sure the first the president heard about it was from CNN.

Nothing Obama did was ever going to be acceptable to Republicans period. The prisoners involved, whether he got the kid back or not he was going to get shit.

Maybe Obama should have sold them missiles in exchange for the kid. It would have made it harder for Republicans to criticize him.
Or maybe he could try telling the truth for once.
"Feinstein said that in previous conversations with Senators about the trade, “there were very strong views and they were virtually unanimous against trade.”

“The White House is pretty unilateral about what they want to do when they want to do it,” she added, pointing out that the White House failed to work together with Congress in the situation."
I read that today as well. If they didn't notify people that was certainly a bone headed play on the administrations part.

If they can't show this deal materialized very quickly they need to really tighten up the reins and Obama better start looking for a new chief of staff. That is just government management 101 stuff.
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Not trying to stir the pot, just more information. Of course, the "details" mentioned by Senator McCain in the article could amount to something like, I don't know...maybe notifying members of Congress about the potential exchange, etc.

Also, an opinion piece with an alternative viewpoint. I don't necessarily agree with the title but as I keep telling my guys: "Bergdahl is one of our own. Don't forget that. Read about the case, debate it, discuss it, but don't forget it."

I'm personally expecting the rapture to commence around dinner time. Feinstein actually questioning POTUS and Bergdahl??? Interesting times, indeed.
I read that today as well. If they didn't notify people that was certainly a bone headed play on the administrations part.

If they can't show this deal materialized very quickly they need to really tighten up the reins and Obama better start looking for a new chief of staff. That is just government management 101 stuff.
Apparently the WH foreign policy is literally, "Don't do stupid shit."
I'm personally expecting the rapture to commence around dinner time. Feinstein actually questioning POTUS and Bergdahl??? Interesting times, indeed.
Add in Chris "Tingles" Matthews on that.

As we’ve said before at IJR, the Obama administration knows it’s in trouble when one of its most ardent cheerleaders supporters, MSNBC’s Chris “Thrill up my Leg” Matthews, goes after the president.

On Monday’s Hardball, Matthews did just that, questioning the wisdom of trading an AWOL and possibly treasonous soldier for terrorists:

“He left his uniform behind, he left his rifle behind and he told people if he didn’t like the mission he was headed to Pakistan. What was he doing?”
A few things I do have questions about:

1) how did he mail all his shit home without that being on his CoC radar?

2) How did talk about "if I take off will you get in trouble" without some TL/SL reporting that shit up.

3) Why did this dude not get put on shit burning duty once he made comments about just "walking to china".

Its just seems like a whole hell of a lot of BS wrapped up in this one. I can't speak for common practice / sop in the 501st. But damn if he had some PFC saying shit like that on my unit, his ass would be off missions and get his dick broke off working like a slave and being watched very closely.

Either way I hope the full story comes out, b/c this whole ordeal is dipped in bullshit.