Missing/Captured: Bowe Bergdahl

I'm a pretty pessimistic person and even I don't see a run on AmCits abroad. Yes, the dumbasses (you can quote me) who roll around the Stans or Africa thinking they're immune because of the good in their hearts or good works will have a problem...but they always have. The bad guys don't pull up in a van and ask "Where the white chicks at" and get their kidnap on. Remember, they surveil a target for weeks or months before hitting them. They aren't pulling out a 20-sided die and rolling for initiative.

So it sucks there is an increased risk AT ALL, but that risk will be borne by those who were already placing themselves in a bad position.

Not unlike these guys:
Another thing to mention is how it looks like they shaved all his hair off his body. It looks like they wanted to show he is inferior, or Americans are idk.
Another thing to mention is how it looks like they shaved all his hair off his body. It looks like they wanted to show he is inferior, or Americans are idk.

FYSA and FFT, IMHO, quite the opposite:


“The man, an Algerian asylum-seeker, had left suicide notes to his mother and sister warning them that he planned to ‘martyr’ himself. When he was strip-searched, police discovered he had shaved off all his body hair – a religious obligation often observed by would-be suicide bombers so that they are ‘clean’ before entering heaven. Documents found in the suitcase of Mohammed Atta, the ringleader of the September 11 attacks, appeared to instruct all 19 of his hijackers to shave their body hair.

@Blizzard think of it this way - What happens to mafioso when they do the stretch without talking and get out of prison? Recidivism but at the "alive" martyr level.
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It's a slippery slope and a very fine balance between "we never eave ours behind" and "what price is too high". I for one, do not know the answer to "what price is too high" but i do invite you to take the time and read from our experiences:

This article is long, but an incredible (not necessarily positive) account of the Gilad Shalit abduction and what it means to be a "warrior" or not. Many lessons to be learned.
Thanks, @hoepoe - excellent reading. I learned mucho, I do remember dimly these events happening but these circumstances really put them into perspective.



West Pointer, arty, 2 years brigade command time, deployed OIF 05-06 doing Green Zone desk piloting. Made one-star in 09. OEF 10-12 as deputy CG for 10th Mountain. MA's in social psych and national security. Awards, CAB, and Ranger tab sound nice on paper but given his career it looks more like typical ticket-punching of most senior officers.
Ya'll will forgive me if I'm not terribly optimistic about the 15-6. "Insufficient evidence" and "Conflicting reports"...I can see those used before this is over. Lift the rug and sweep the dirt....
No, Goddamnit, no, no, no....fuck we knew this would happen, but no, no, no...


Army sergeant Bowe Bergdahl has been free for less than three weeks, but two major Hollywood filmmakers are already prepping movies about his controversial service in Afghanistan and the five years he was held captive by the Taliban. Todd Field (Little Children) will adapt the late Michael Hasting’s story about Bergdahl, “America’s Last Prisoner of War,” which ran in Rolling Stone magazine in 2012. A rep for Field confirmed that the Oscar-nominated filmmaker will produce and direct it for Fox Searchlight.
Meanwhile, Kathryn Bigelow and writer Mark Boal are also developing a Bergdahl project. The two creative collaborators, who also made the Oscar-winning The Hurt Locker and Zero Dark Thirty, would produce along with Megan Ellison, with Boal also writing the script.
I fucking knew this was going to happen! :mad:

At least Hollywood can tell us what happened, because those of us in country (to say nothing of his platoon mates) clearly don't know.

I'm so fucking sick of people taking what they see in movies as fact.