Multiple shootings + explosions in Paris

26 dead now (likely to climb higher) and a hostage situation. I'm just fucking furious at these cunts.
It is sad to hear of the violence. Rest In Peace.

It seems like war is coming to Europe, one way or another. The number of immigrants is staggering, and they are coming from places where daily violence is a mind numbing reality. It is the one thing that gives me pause in travel to, and around Europe; and I can't CCW there.
LA Times is reporting that the hostages at the Bataclan, were there to see a California rock band Eagles of Death Metal.

Rest in peace. Safety to all the emergency responders.
Rest In Peace to those that were simply living their day-to-day lives in peace, until the predators decided they should no longer be able to.

May the predators become the prey!
It will be interesting to see what France knew, if anything, leading up to the attacks. The attackers' backgrounds will be interesting, particularly as they relate to the recent wave of immigrants.

ETA: Fuck the media with a pizza cutter. Watching their "coverage" is infuriating.

Blue Skies.
To the deceased, requiescat in pace.

May the gloves come off, and the enemy decimated in ways that their descendants will weep in fear of.
It will be interesting to see what France knew, if anything, leading up to the attacks. The attackers' backgrounds will be interesting, particularly as they relate to the recent wave of immigrants.

ETA: Fuck the media with a pizza cutter. Watching their "coverage" is infuriating.

Blue Skies.

This is getting out of control.. This has been planned for weeks if not months... purely coincidence that scumbag got vapourised today...

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I shutter to think what will be found in the concert hall. Radio reports stating concert goers were begging for authorities to storm the hall - terrorists randomly killing people, more of a slow massacre than a hostage situation.
Radio reports stating concert goers were begging for authorities to storm the hall - terrorists randomly killing people, more of a slow massacre than a hostage situation.

Sending a message, enhancing the terror. The survivors will be forever traumatized, the details will become public, and it helps sow panic in the country at large.