Multiple shootings + explosions in Paris

A couple of LEO reported killed it seems. From Le Monde:

Ann Hidalgo (PS). "I know that the Parisians, who will suffer with those who fell tonight, will also stand up to be first on the side of victims, and to show that this freedom, this freedom there is in our city, the joy of living there in our city, they will not reach, "said Ms. Hidalgo, after visiting the night near the Bataclan concert hall, in the 11th district.
They have rear fins, but I'd think the blue bands mark those as training missiles. Besides, those are the aggressor a/c.

@Ooh-Rah Great photos, but what's the tie-in between these aircraft and the thread?
Correct on both counts.

RIP for the deceased, and condolences to the families.

I hope the French take a kill first, capture later approach.

Hopefully this serves as a wakeup call.
I don't understand why more news agencies aren't identifying it as an Islamic terror attack yet, from some sources it seems pretty clear that ISIS and/or affiliated groups are behind this.
Obama leaves ‘Islam’ out of Paris terror statement

Neither the most reputable, but it makes you think. makes you think that maybe, just maybe, we don't need to advertise for ISIS right away. Let's get some credible news out there, maybe address the dead and dying, and then we can start doing exactly what ISIS wishes- promoting their latest terror attack.

We can call it what it is without invoking the holy war bullshit rhetoric. At least for 24 hours or so.
I don't understand why more news agencies aren't identifying it as an Islamic terror attack yet, from some sources it seems pretty clear that ISIS and/or affiliated groups are behind this.
Obama leaves ‘Islam’ out of Paris terror statement

Neither the most reputable, but it makes you think.

I've noticed this a while ago and have posted about it here a few times here. There's a clear, concerted effort on a global scale to avoid mentioning Islam in these scenarios, if at all possible.
<snip> @Ooh-Rah Great photos, but what's the tie-in between these aircraft and the thread?

Tie-in only that my buddy who took them rarely, if ever, sees them in the evening - especially in formation. He's a pretty good photog, and remembers 9/11 when jets were patrolling - sent them to me wondering if armed and if the U.S. was doing "something" with them based on current events.
Today, the President Obama said:
President Obama Offers a Statement on the Attacks in Paris. Watch Here:
We stand prepared and ready to provide whatever assistance that the government and the people of France need to respond. France is our oldest ally. The French people have stood shoulder to shoulder with the United States time and again. And we want to be very clear that we stand together with them in the fight against terrorism and extremism.

Back in January, in response to the Charlie Hedbo attack, President Obama said:
Paris terror attacks: Barack Obama says US is behind France as 'oldest ally'
"I want the people of France to know that the United States stands with you today, stands with you tomorrow," Obama said at a speaking engagement in Tennessee, describing France as America's "oldest ally."


How about we quit with the "standing" and the half-hearted speeches and, instead, actually start moving and get fucking serious about dealing with this issue. Just a thought.

Prayers out to the Parisians.
Eight assailants dead, seven of them suicide bombers. Must be those radical vegans.

Hopefully when the mourning is over, the group responsible gets lots of explosions hitting them in return.
At some point we need to accept we can't kill our way out of this, we can't disengage, and we can't throw money or "hugs" at the problem. I liken it to a patch of weeds. Even if you Roundup it to oblivion the weeds will grow back. Pull the weeds and they grow back. Throw grass seed down and that will go nowhere. We have to pull the weeds, sow the grass seed, water that seed, keep pulling weeds, and wait for the grass to grow and choke out the weeds.

In other words, done properly this will be a long and bloody affair. If we haven't figured that out after 14 years of an active war and 30+ years of this shit on the fringes then we deserve another Paris or 9/11. Yes, deserve because we aren't "getting it" and history will repeat itself.

Go back through the last 1400 or whatever years and you'll see this is cyclical. You'll see that it was eventually stopped militarily, that the expansion of "radical" Islam was a military solution. Times have changed though, this is as political as military. Armies aren't fighting armies, and the Lepantos and Tours' are behind us. We're in a new cycle but with different rules and we need to feed, house, and clothe orphans even as we create them.

This will be a long and bloody fight, militarily, politically, and even socially. We have to kill the ones taking up arms against us and their supporters while stopping the generational recruitment of their replacements. Our grandchildren...let that sink in, our grandchildren might see the end of this fight.

If we're up to it.
At some point we need to accept we can't kill our way out of this, we can't disengage, and we can't throw money or "hugs" at the problem. I liken it to a patch of weeds. Even if you Roundup it to oblivion the weeds will grow back. Pull the weeds and they grow back. Throw grass seed down and that will go nowhere. We have to pull the weeds, sow the grass seed, water that seed, keep pulling weeds, and wait for the grass to grow and choke out the weeds.

In other words, done properly this will be a long and bloody affair. If we haven't figured that out after 14 years of an active war and 30+ years of this shit on the fringes then we deserve another Paris or 9/11. Yes, deserve because we aren't "getting it" and history will repeat itself.

Go back through the last 1400 or whatever years and you'll see this is cyclical. You'll see that it was eventually stopped militarily, that the expansion of "radical" Islam was a military solution. Times have changed though, this is as political as military. Armies aren't fighting armies, and the Lepantos and Tours' are behind us. We're in a new cycle but with different rules and we need to feed, house, and clothe orphans even as we create them.

This will be a long and bloody fight, militarily, politically, and even socially. We have to kill the ones taking up arms against us and their supporters while stopping the generational recruitment of their replacements. Our grandchildren...let that sink in, our grandchildren might see the end of this fight.

If we're up to it.

It's an ideological war, and a disturbingly low percentage of the West is willing to acknowledge that such a war exists.
That's because our people (The Western populations) are saturated with this obsession to be politically correct. How are we going to fight an ideology we're afraid to openly talk about as the cancer that it is? It's "workplace violence", or a "crime", rather than an act of war (thank God the French President called it what it is- an act of war; American politicians could learn from him). Every successful campaign ever waged had a clear "us" and a clear "them", not politically correct intellectualizing. Since our political leaders lack the balls to say who "them" are, we can't focus on the ideological fight.

The ideology and the recruiting need to be specifically targeted at the root, and the next generation of youth needs to be reached with messages that can counter the recruitment. Until those two efforts are undertaken on the same level as Kennedy's moon landing vision, the cycle will continue.


Anything else is guaranteeing a hundred years of this.
At some point we need to accept we can't kill our way out of this, we can't disengage, and we can't throw money or "hugs" at the problem. I liken it to a patch of weeds. Even if you Roundup it to oblivion the weeds will grow back. Pull the weeds and they grow back. Throw grass seed down and that will go nowhere. We have to pull the weeds, sow the grass seed, water that seed, keep pulling weeds, and wait for the grass to grow and choke out the weeds.

In other words, done properly this will be a long and bloody affair. If we haven't figured that out after 14 years of an active war and 30+ years of this shit on the fringes then we deserve another Paris or 9/11. Yes, deserve because we aren't "getting it" and history will repeat itself.

Go back through the last 1400 or whatever years and you'll see this is cyclical. You'll see that it was eventually stopped militarily, that the expansion of "radical" Islam was a military solution. Times have changed though, this is as political as military. Armies aren't fighting armies, and the Lepantos and Tours' are behind us. We're in a new cycle but with different rules and we need to feed, house, and clothe orphans even as we create them.

This will be a long and bloody fight, militarily, politically, and even socially. We have to kill the ones taking up arms against us and their supporters while stopping the generational recruitment of their replacements. Our grandchildren...let that sink in, our grandchildren might see the end of this fight.

If we're up to it.

I like the grass vs weeds analogy! I strongly disagree with anyone deserving another attack.

The type of grass we're dealing with is a hearty variety however, it doesn't grow well in high temperatures and has very little tolerance for drought. The grass is VERY sensitive to any changes: soil PH, temp, water, etc. This grass wants to grow but can and tries to live with the weeds.

The weed, on the on the other hand, thrives in heat, cold, drought, floods, etc and even welcomes death for THAT is when it releases it seed to spread throughout the grass. The weed doesn't care: it just wants to kill the grass so it can spread.

I had a weed and fire ant problem in my lawn. I had enough so I went to Lowes and researched to find the BEST specialized weed killer that would not harm the grass but directly attack the specific weed growing. I put the weed killer on the ENTIRE lawn, not just a few spots were the weeds were, but where the weeds COULD grow. I didn't put limits on the weed killer, didn't dilute it, and damn sure didn't exam each and every granule of killer. I selected the appropriate killer for the job and let it go...because the GRASS is more important than the weeds.

My lawn looks great HOWEVER I do monitor it and at the first signs of weed, I crush it with the weed killer.

The US has very powerful weed killer. We should unleash it without "micromanagement" and let it do what it do. Interesting note: I have never seen lawns in other countries like we have in the US.:thumbsup:
I like the grass vs weeds analogy! I strongly disagree with anyone deserving another attack.

We deserve it because we've earned it through our inaction or half-assed response(s). We lack the stomach, the West lacks the stomach, for the cost of this fight. At this rate the outcome is inevitable and if we're to have any trace of peace we have to change our methods. We're not going to kill our way out of this.