Multiple shootings + explosions in Paris

Been reading a lot of articles and analysis on Paris today. Just reading a NYT article and saw this, bold emphasis is mine: Pausing from her morning run near the Musée d’Orsay, Marie-Caroline de Richemont, 32, said she was still trying to process the events, but without succumbing to fear. “This is not Iraq or Afghanistan,” she said. “We are not at war here. We need to stay confident and hopeful.”

Link to the full article:

This is the exact mindset that will destroy countries like France if too many people buy into it. We are absolutely at war. Confidence and hope will accomplish nothing but more death.

Couldn't agree with you more. I guess she never heard of Edmund Burke much less his quote of evil triumphing.

@Red Flag 1
The media is garbage.
If I was a member of a country leaders personal security service....I would be really worried about the G20 summit in TURKEY next week.

No matter the security......such a ripe target for ISIL and so close.
The war is going to be lost. In the short term anyway. Only when we'll have really screwed up will we start to fight back.

Even with all this shit going on, the top trending theme on social media is stuff along the lines of 'terrorism has no religion' and other bullshit. People will gleefully lap up any bullshit like that because they're still too addicted to being "progressive", even in the face of catastrophes. In fact, the greater the catastrophe, the more progressive they can appear. For young people who have no career, no morals, nothing to strive for, their self-worth comes from crap like this. It's all they've got.
Damn straight. These Lib Tards believe if you appease them the threat will go away. They can't wrap their single digit I.Q's around the fact the problem these shit eating fuck heads have with us is the fact that we exist.
I think western society through it's false blanket of security has lost the ability to fight a true war with these fucks. It will take a brutality that is equal, if not beyond what ISIS has shown. I hear/read comments all over, that we can't be like them, if we drop to their level that we are no better. Bullshit!

We should be rounding up every single Muslim and locking them in camps. We should go on the offensive and attack without mercy, killing and destroying everything associated with ISIS and any other "extremists Islam fucks" (read all Muslims). Our society can no longer abide a ruthless group of murders who fail to conform to our ways and who want nothing but our destruction. We can no longer afford to say "these guys are okay" while they plan, attack and kill our people.

Bottom line, we have to take these fuckers out before they grow to a point where everyone is tapping their head on the floor five times a day, or being shot in the back of the head b/c you failed to conform to their beliefs. It's great to think we're are a modern civil society and we have been, but its time to put that aside and let slip the dogs of war.

Regardless if you disagree, it worked on the native American people, it worked with the Japanese and German people, its worked countless times throughout our history. No more games, no more rhetoric of being better, no more false security, lets just get this shit over with, so our kids don't have to be tortured with this bullshit in the future.

My $.02
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Those ISIS douchebags want to return the world to pre-enlightenment barbarism, and you're just going to go ahead and do that for them. Can we go one week without advocating genocide? Can we do that?
Those ISIS douchebags want to return the world to pre-enlightenment barbarism, and you're just going to go ahead and do that for them. Can we go one week without advocating genocide? Can we do that?

No, and I think its time we stop pretending that we can...

ETA: and they don't want to take us back to some barbaric pre enlightenment state. They want to kill us or convert us, that is their mission. They started this, not us, and the idea of crushing everything about them is not genocide, its human progress.
I get what you're saying.

It seems like you're trying to address the "Islamic question", i.e. "How do we deal with militant Islam?"
Now, this solution that you've proposed, it sounds like there's a good deal of finality to it. Would it be accurate to say that it's your final solution? Or, to put it more succinctly, the final solution to the Islamic question?
I get what you're saying.

It seems like you're trying to address the "Islamic question", i.e. "How do we deal with militant Islam?"
Now, this solution that you've proposed, it sounds like there's a good deal of finality to it. Would it be accurate to say that it's your final solution? Or, to put it more succinctly, the final solution to the Islamic question?

What question? You have a Islamic faith based war being raged on anyone who doesn't belief or conform to their specific brand of Islam. There is no question, you cannot reason with the unreasonable.

Here something to think about. We have tried to pacify the "militant Muslim" for hundreds of years, specifically Islamic terrorism for the last 15 years straight. It doesn't work, it has never worked, and it won't ever work. It's time to try something different, my vote is in the kill every last one of then, lock the rest up until they can play nice. If that day never comes, oh fucking well, at least the rest of the humanity can move forward.

And no I'm not a Nazi, no I don't think it is comparable. Big difference between attempting to wipe out a race b/c you just don't like them vs wiping out a multi racial Islamic based people, who are currently attacking your own people, and who are standing good on a promise to wipe out all none believers/conformers.
I am for going into Syria and Iraq to wipe out ISIS. I'm for an aggressive campaign across multiple theaters to combat ISIS and anyone who associates with them. I will never be for interning millions of mostly decent people, especially American citizens and the citizens of our allies. It didn't work for the Germans or the Japanese- and it was downright genocide in the case of our own Native people. Those are some of the worst things we have done as a country and I never want to see it done again. I don't want ROEs when dealing with the bad guys, but for everyone else just doing their thing, getting lumped in with the bad eggs, i want to see people being treated with the decency we expect to be treated with.

With all that said, we do need to stop the soft talk and kill this delusion that we can contain ISIS through a few bombs being dropped... I do not have a lot of faith in our administration to do that.
I get the "I'm for this but not for that" but really, how are you going to decide who is good and who is bad? When the guy shooting at you yesterday, is now not armed, not engaged in combat against you, and is claiming to be a refugee.

In a perfect world, bad guys would raise their hands and we could shoot them all in the face and give each other high fives. Reality, is we don't know how many ISIS fighters are even in our own country, how many supporter's and or sympathizers are here.

How can you be for civil rights for a people, who you cannot tell if they want to kill you or not? How can you tell the families of innocent murdered people "sorry but we have to treat these people with special privileges b/c a few of them may possibly be good ones"?

I know what I am calling for sounds awful, I know it's unacceptable in today's modern society, but so is one of my kids, family members or friends being killed b/c we want to pussyfoot around a religion of murders, rapist and enslavers'.

I don't understand why the MSM has ID'd one of the attackers as "a mass murderer". Doesn't that imply that this is now a legal matter?

Mostefai was a terrorist who belonged to a terrorist organization and used violence to incite fear among the civilian population for political gain. <--- That is terrorism!
Meanwhile, back in Europe...

International arrest warrant issued for this piece of filth.