Multiple shootings + explosions in Paris

You advocate placing American citizens in camps because of their religion?

No, I was more specifically thinking about refugees, illegal immigrants, and individuals citizens who are calling for the death of American's/non-Muslims.

However, if it took locking every Muslim up in a camp for a few years, to gain some kind of control on this extremism bullshit. I think it would be justified, given the history of the past 15 years. Pretty shitty thing to think, but damn, sitting around hoping we catch these fuckers slipping just hasn't been working out the best.
You advocate placing American citizens in camps because of their religion?
I don't want to advocate that line of thinking, but I think people who say things such as, "Put all Muslims in prison!!!" or whatever; is because Islam is now beginning to be seen as a detriment to society by the general public. We lock people away for being crazy in psych wards don't we? I guess if you could make the case that Islam is an ideology that threatens society, It wouldn't seem so weird to govern that group of people. I myself don't care how bad it gets, I want to be able to freely think what I think and only get in trouble if I physically break the law.
No, I was more specifically thinking about refugees, illegal immigrants, and individuals citizens who are calling for the death of American's/non-Muslims.

However, if it took locking every Muslim up in a camp for a few years, to gain some kind of control on this extremism bullshit. I think it would be justified, given the history of the past 15 years. Pretty shitty thing to think, but damn, sitting around hoping we catch these fuckers slipping just hasn't been working out the best.

May want to research the Palestinian refugee camps. That plan didn't work out so well.
And there you arrest warrant.

This is where we (western countries) are weak in this fight.....

EDIT: I don't mean to give up any rights of due process, but maybe Terrorism Acts on behalf of a DTO on U.S. soil should have a different status.
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Those ISIS douchebags want to return the world to pre-enlightenment barbarism, and you're just going to go ahead and do that for them. Can we go one week without advocating genocide? Can we do that?

Well, they SAY that but when did Muhammad drive a nice BMW and live in nice digs? Make no mistake: the Islamic State wants its enemies to live in crap conditions but they want the best money can buy for themselves. Regarding genocide, IS fighters WANT to go to jannah! They covet that more than life itself.

search youtube for jannah and watch the vid by Isla mic guida nce. That's EXACTLY what those fuckers want. Let's help him on their path.
No, I was more specifically thinking about refugees, illegal immigrants, and individuals citizens who are calling for the death of American's/non-Muslims.

However, if it took locking every Muslim up in a camp for a few years, to gain some kind of control on this extremism bullshit. I think it would be justified, given the history of the past 15 years. Pretty shitty thing to think, but damn, sitting around hoping we catch these fuckers slipping just hasn't been working out the best.

I don't want to advocate that line of thinking, but I think people who say things such as, "Put all Muslims in prison!!!" or whatever; is because Islam is now beginning to be seen as a detriment to society by the general public. We lock people away for being crazy in psych wards don't we? I guess if you could make the case that Islam is an ideology that threatens society, It wouldn't seem so weird to govern that group of people. I myself don't care how bad it gets, I want to be able to freely think what I think and only get in trouble if I physically break the law.

When gun owners are declared to be a threat to society and locked up, that's okay? All of the gun-related deaths in America, just lock up anyone who possesses a gun. Problem solved.

Tbone, you talk about a threatening ideology and then say "I want to be able to freely think what I think"....your position doesn't make any sense.

Break, break:

Look, if I woke up tomorrow and realized that all 1.whatever billion Muslims were dead my only concern would be "I'm out of a job. Can I collect unemployment in the States." I genuinely don't care if every single one vaporized, but my "focused dislike" doesn't mean we should discard the Constitution which is exactly what you're advocating. We've surrendered enough with the Patriot Act and associated data collections, so now we'll decree Group A to be a threat and lock them up without a trial? That's the America you want to live in?
Freefalling, I understand and it is not lost upon me how hypocritical I am being with regards to the position I am taking and my own constitutional belief's.

However, would you agree that in special circumstances (I.e. A state of war, emergency, etc) that the constitution can (as in legally) be and in some cases should be suspended?

I don't want to see any good American's mistreated or having their rights restricted/removed. However, we have a serious problem that needs to be addressed, and waiting for terrorists to make their move, isn't a strategy im happy with or one I specifically think is working.

That all said, I fully agree with you, it's bullshit to want to strip people of their rights and lock them away, specifically based on their religious beliefs. It's also equally bullshit that people have used a religion as a justification to kill innocent people.
However, would you agree that in special circumstances (I.e. A state of war, emergency, etc) that the constitution can (as in legally) be and in some cases should be suspended?

Nope! The document, in Art1 Section 9, (in part) "The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it."

The rest of the document would have full force of those who have sworn to support and defend it.
What EXACTLY did you give up?:hmm:

That's a fair point and one I'll take a hit for because I can't give a specific, not without doing some digging. I can say that thanks to the likes of Snowden and others I don't trust our gov't where its reassurances are concerned. I guess I should trust the gov't on this, it isn't like it has lied to us before....
Nope! The document, in Art1 Section 9, (in part) "The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it."

The rest of the document would have full force of those who have sworn to support and defend it.

So ISIS fighters using a false refugee status to invade our country, or Americans who are Islamic extremists and attacking innocent Americans (such as the Navy/USMC recruiting station and Naval center), couldn't be considered to meet your above post for suspension of rights?
Freefalling, I understand and it is not lost upon me how hypocritical I am being with regards to the position I am taking and my own constitutional belief's.

However, would you agree that in special circumstances (I.e. A state of war, emergency, etc) that the constitution can (as in legally) be and in some cases should be suspended?

I don't want to see any good American's mistreated or having their rights restricted/removed. However, we have a serious problem that needs to be addressed, and waiting for terrorists to make their move, isn't a strategy im happy with or one I specifically think is working.

That all said, I fully agree with you, it's bullshit to want to strip people of their rights and lock them away, specifically based on their religious beliefs. It's also equally bullshit that people have used a religion as a justification to kill innocent people.

I disagree with Clause 2, but it is the law. When our nation begins to pick and choose which portions of the Constitution to uphold or which to suspend we might as well form a new government because the old is null and void. Oh, here's a "threat." Here's a "rebellion" so let's strip away xxxxxxx. Your guns, your religion, the press, search and seizure....where does it end?

When we turn inward and begin devouring ourselves, the very idea of what it means to be an American, what did we accomplish? We saved the nation but destroyed her principles?
I think in very specific situations it has its place. Specifically the current threat we're under. But anyway, I get what you are saying and agree to a point. I also think we need to actually do something about this war we as a nation are pretending doesn't exist. When we have murderess bastards trying to kill innocent American's, using every law against us and all while we politically tie our own hands behind our backs. It just seems like we need to take another approach. At this point, my vote is for all out war, take every advantage away from them, and keep the sole focus on destroying all Islamic extremists, locking those up who are questionable and denying any advantage to our enemies.

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So ISIS fighters using a false refugee status to invade our country, or Americans who are Islamic extremists and attacking innocent Americans (such as the Navy/USMC recruiting station and Naval center), couldn't be considered to meet your above post for suspension of rights?

Well, SCOTUS didn't agree with Bush when he tried to suspend it for GITMO detainees. I personally don't think America would stand for a suspension of the writ like when Lincoln and Grant did back in the mid-1800's.
I'd have to agree with @Freefalling on the whole "lock-up the Muslims" deal. Although I believe that the very tenets of Islam are incompatible with Western civilization and the world would be better off without it, we simply can't imprison people because of their religion. Just my completely unqualified opinion.