Multiple shootings + explosions in Paris

Putin is another part of the equation and he can't be ignored in all this. If we don't step up and he does, who holds greater influence after the dust settles? Right now, Putin is making all the right moves because he's looking around the corner.
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I come here daily, mainly to read the thoughts of men and women who have seen it first hand. I wanted to share this video which I thought was insightful. She makes some solid points from an Arab worldview and I believe we need more people like her to speak up. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts.

*if the video doesn't fit here delete my post. I realize I am a guest here.
She makes some good points ( and she has nice tits)
A shield used by police entering the Bataclan.

A shield used by police entering the Bataclan.


But, But, But...... France is one of the weapons free EU nations :-o.... so those can't be bullet holes:wall:... Oh, wait, law abiding French can't own guns other than hunting style, non-mil calibers and shotguns...:ack:

I counted 22 holes in the shield... the perpetrators (how PC) must have been armed for bear, moose and squirrel....
Bataclan: un commissaire et son chauffeur, premiers sur les lieux, ont abattu un jihadiste

Quick translation:

"A police commissioner of the anti-crime brigade (BAC 75) and his driver were the first to enter the Bataclan during the hostage crisis. The commissioner managed to shoot and kill one of the jihadists, stopping him from firing on more civilians. Unfortunately, they arrived armed only with their standard handguns and standard body armor. After the initial exchange, they had to pull back in the face of multiple AK-wielding jihadists."

Attentat à Paris: Comment les policiers de la BRI ont sauvé des otages au Bataclan

Another quick translation:

They entered the building at 22:15 and didn't see any terrorists. Total silence, and they thought that they had actually fled. It took them a long time to clear the main hall area and secure the survivors.

At 23:15 they finally found the terrorists in another corridor, separated by just a door. They tried negotiating, and this lasted 50 minutes. The terrorists were hiding behind 20 hostages.

Then the assault team saw an opportunity to attack, which they did. The final assault lasted 3 minutes. All 20 hostages were saved, which is absolutely crazy.

he photo of the shield above is from when they converged on the terrorists and saved the final 20 hostages.
But, But, But...... France is one of the weapons free EU nations :-o.... so those can't be bullet holes:wall:... Oh, wait, law abiding French can't own guns other than hunting style, non-mil calibers and shotguns...:ack:

Nope. You're definitely wrong on that. They just don't let every Tom, Dick and Harry have access to assault rifles, etc. There are a lot of stringent checks, but anyone with a clean record and who puts in the time and effort (from 1 month to 6 months) to complete the training, can own what McChrystal thinks shouldn't be in the hands of anyone but the military.

Hell, you can even buy an AR15 online.

Pack Carabine SCHMEISSER AR 15 M4 14.5 + 500 cartouches + 2 chargeurs Cal 223Rem Arme d'épaule

SIG Fusil 716 PATROL 308 WIN Arme d'épaule Cat B2

In that respect, France is not the UK.
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The answer to the burning question, "Who's doing the refugee vetting?"

According to Molenbeek's former mayor, until a few days ago Mohamed Abdeslam, one of the suspects in the Paris attacks, worked in the municipal immigration department.
The mother of a Paris suicide bomber says her son 'did not mean to kill anyone' - and claims he may have blown himself up because of stress...
Ibrahim's mother suggested his suicide jacket may have gone off by accident and said he could have carried out the attack because he was 'stressed'.
The "Leader of the Free World" and his "Universal Values"
Nope. You're definitely wrong on that. They just don't let every Tom, Dick and Harry have access to assault rifles, etc. There are a lot of stringent checks, but anyone with a clean record and who puts in the time and effort (from 1 month to 6 months) to complete the training, can own what McChrystal thinks shouldn't be in the hands of anyone but the military.

Hell, you can even buy an AR15 online.

Pack Carabine SCHMEISSER AR 15 M4 14.5 + 500 cartouches + 2 chargeurs Cal 223Rem Arme d'épaule

SIG Fusil 716 PATROL 308 WIN Arme d'épaule Cat B2

In that respect, France is not the UK.

Well....... in that case, what I own would make McChrystal very unnerved...
Watching the BBC right now. They covered Charlie Sheen before doing a piece on the victims. Give it a week and this will be buried.
Putin has Russian Navy assisting France against ISIS now apparently. Curious to see how this will change U.S./French/Russian relations, mostly due to the relation between U.S. and Russia. Hollande is seeking more cooperation/relations between the three nations apparently.
Putin has Russian Navy assisting France against ISIS now apparently. Curious to see how this will change U.S./French/Russian relations, mostly due to the relation between U.S. and Russia. Hollande is seeking more cooperation/relations between the three nations apparently.
And in other news, John Kerry is France to extend our condolences and discuss how we can expand our cooperation. :rolleyes:

Russia, France pound ISIS targets in Syria

It's difficult to articulate my frustration with the inability/incompetence of our current administration. Whether it be the release of GITMO detainees a day after the attacks in France, announcing the acceptance of refugees in the days following, or announcing status quo on our approach to ISIS. The messages are incredibly poor (to say the least) and the timing of delivery is even worse (hard to believe that's possible). It's truly mindboggling. Hell, even Anonymous has this one figured out and thrown down. The administration's actions are tantamount to the house being on fire and they're out in the front yard arranging flowers.
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It will take a nuclear bombing here in the states, before our dead head population wakes the fuck up. I think its pretty clear Obama is coming full circle in being the worst president in our history.